Command Line¶
Build a topology:
pyleus build /path/to/pyleus_topology.yaml [-o OUTPUT_JAR]
This command will generate a topology jar file ready to be executed by Storm.
The output jar will be named as the directory containing the YAML definition file passed as argument. Option --output allows to specify the output jar path.
If a requirements.txt file is present in the same directory of the YAML topology definition file, all dependencies listed in the file will be included in the jar.
See also
If you want to specify a different path for your requirements file, please see Topology definition YAML syntax. If you want to install some dependencies for all your topologies, see Configuration instead.
Run a topology locally:
pyleus local /path/to/topology.jar [--debug]
Hit C-C to stop local execution.
The debug option will print evry tuple flowing through the topology.
Submit a topology to a Storm cluster:
pyleus submit [-n NIMBUS_HOST] [-p NIMBUS_PORT] /path/to/pyleus_topology.yaml
List all topologies running on a Storm cluster:
pyleus list [-n NIMBUS_HOST] [-p NIMBUS_PORT]
Kill a topology running on a Storm cluster:
Option --wait-time overrides the duration in seconds Storm waits between deactivation and shutdown. Storm’s default is 30 seconds.
You can specify a configuration file any time using option:
pyleus -c path/to/config_file CMD
See also
Try pyleus -h for a list of all the available commands or pyleus CMD -h for any command-specific help.