Pyleus v\ |version| =================== Pyleus is a Python 2.6+ layer built on top of `Apache Storm`_ for building Storm topologies in idiomatic Python. * Pyleus is available on PyPI: * The source is hosted on GitHub: .. warning:: Pyleus is **NOT** compatible with Python 3 (yet). Quick Install ------------- Install in a virtualenv: .. code-block:: none $ virtualenv my_venv $ source my_venv/bin/activate $ pip install pyleus Quick Start ----------- First, you will need to download and extract Storm 0.9.4 from .. note:: Pyleus 0.3.0 is not compatible with Storm 0.9.2 or older. Use Pyleus 0.2.4 for older versions of Storm. Then create a config file ``~/.pyleus.conf`` so Pyleus can find the ``storm`` command: .. code-block:: ini [storm] storm_cmd_path: /path/to/apache-storm-0.9.4/bin/storm Build an example topology: .. code-block:: none $ git clone $ pyleus build pyleus/examples/exclamation_topology/pyleus_topology.yaml And run it locally: .. code-block:: none $ pyleus local exclamation_topology.jar From another shell, you can run ``$ tail -F /tmp/exclamation_bolt.log`` to see the results in real-time. Press ``C-C`` to exit. You can submit it to a Storm cluster too: .. code-block:: none $ pyleus submit -n NIMBUS_HOST exclamation_topology.jar But since this example writes to ``/tmp``, you might not find it very interesting. Documentation ------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 tutorial reliability grouping options parallelism tick logging yaml install cli configuration contributing API Documentation ----------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 api Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. _Apache Storm: