
Heatmap Chart

This chart type displays the specified plot in a heatmap fashion. This format is similar to the Infrastructure Navigator, with squares representing each source for the selected metric, and the color of each square representing the value range of the metric.

Heatmap Chart

Example Usage

resource "signalform_heatmap_chart" "myheatmapchart0" {
    name = "CPU Total Idle - Heatmap"

    program_text = <<-EOF
        myfilters = filter("cluster_name", "prod") and filter("role", "search")
        data("cpu.total.idle", filter=myfilters).publish()

    description = "Very cool Heatmap"

    disable_sampling = true
    sort_by = "+host"
    group_by = ["hostname", "host"]
    hide_timestamp = true

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported in the resource block: