
List Chart

This chart type displays current data values in a list format.

List Chart

The name of each value in the chart reflects the name of the plot and any associated dimensions. We recommend you click the Pencil icon and give the plot a meaningful name, as in plot B below. Otherwise, just the raw metric name will be displayed on the chart, as in plot A below.

Example Usage

resource "signalform_list_chart" "mylistchart0" {
    name = "CPU Total Idle - List"

    program_text = <<-EOF
    myfilters = filter("cluster_name", "prod") and filter("role", "search")
    data("cpu.total.idle", filter=myfilters).publish()

    description = "Very cool List Chart"

    color_by = "Metric"
    max_delay = 2
    disable_sampling = true
    refresh_interval = 1
    legend_fields_to_hide = ["collector", "host"]
    max_precision = 2
    sort_by = "-value"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported in the resource block: