
Single Value Chart

This chart type displays a single number in a large font, representing the current value of a single metric on a plot line.

If the time period is in the past, the number represents the value of the metric near the end of the time period.

Single Value Chart

Example Usage

resource "signalform_single_value_chart" "mysvchart0" {
    name = "CPU Total Idle - Single Value"

    program_text = <<-EOF
        myfilters = filter("cluster_name", "prod") and filter("role", "search")
        data("cpu.total.idle", filter=myfilters).publish()

    description = "Very cool Single Value Chart"

    color_by = "Dimension"

    max_delay = 2
    refresh_interval = 1
    max_precision = 2
    is_timestamp_hidden = true
    show_spark_line = true

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported in the resource block: