
Time Chart

Time charts display datpoints over a period of time.

Time Chart

The first four icons in the chart’s title bar represent four visualization options for time charts: line chart, area chart, column chart, and histogram chart (user the plot_type to choose your favorite chart type).

Time Chart Types

Example Usage

resource "signalform_time_chart" "mychart0" {
    name = "CPU Total Idle"

    program_text = <<-EOF
        myfilters = filter("shc_name", "prod") and filter("role", "splunk_searchhead")
        data("cpu.total.idle", filter=myfilters).publish(label="CPU Idle")

    time_range = "-15m"

    plot_type = "LineChart"
    show_data_markers = true

    legend_fields_to_hide = ["collector", "prefix", "hostname"]
    viz_options {
        label = "CPU Idle"
        axis = "left"
        color = "orange"

    axis_left {
        label = "CPU Total Idle"
        low_watermark = 1000

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported in the resource block: