


This file specifies CovarianceInterface, the interface for all covariance functions used by the optimal learning code base. It defines three main covariance functions subclassing this interface, Square Exponential, Matern with nu = 1.5 and Matern with nu = 2.5. There is also a special isotropic Square Exponential function (i.e., uses the same length scale in all dimensions). We denote a generic covariance function as: k(x,x')

Covariance functions have a few fundamental properties (see references at the bottom for full details). In short, they are SPSD (symmetric positive semi-definite): k(x,x') = k(x', x) for any x,x' and k(x,x) >= 0 for all x. As a consequence, covariance matrices are SPD as long as the input points are all distinct.

Additionally, the Square Exponential and Matern covariances (as well as other functions) are stationary. In essence, this means they can be written as k(r) = k(|x - x'|) = k(x, x') = k(x', x). So they operate on distances between points as opposed to the points themselves. The name stationary arises because the covariance is the same modulo linear shifts: k(x+a, x'+a) = k(x, x').

Covariance functions are a fundamental component of gaussian processes: as noted in the gpp_math.hpp header comments, gaussian processes are defined by a mean function and a covariance function. Covariance functions describe how two random variables change in relation to each other–more explicitly, in a GP they specify how similar two points are. The choice of covariance function is important because it encodes our assumptions about how the “world” behaves.

Currently, all covariance functions in this file require dim+1 hyperparameters: \alpha, L_1, ... L_d. \alpha is \sigma_f^2, the signal variance. L_1, ... , L_d are the length scales, one per spatial dimension. We do not currently support non-axis-aligned anisotropy.

Specifying hyperparameters is tricky because changing them fundamentally changes the behavior of the GP. gpp_model_selection.hpp provides some functions for optimizing hyperparameters based on the current training data.

For more details, see: Rasmussen & Williams Chapter 4

namespace optimal_learning

Macro to allow restrict as a keyword for C++ compilation and CUDA/nvcc compilation. See related entry in gpp_common.hpp for more details.

class CovarianceInterface

Abstract class to enable evaluation of covariance functions–supports the evaluation of the covariance between two points, as well as the gradient with respect to those coordinates and gradient/hessian with respect to the hyperparameters of the covariance function.

Covariance operaters, cov(x_1, x_2) are SPD. Due to the symmetry, there is no need to differentiate wrt x_1 and x_2; hence the gradient operation should only take gradients wrt dim variables, where dim = |x_1|

Hyperparameters (denoted \theta_j) are stored as class member data by subclasses.

This class has only pure virtual functions, making it abstract. Users cannot instantiate this class directly.

Public Functions


double Covariance(double const *restrict point_one, double const *restrict point_two)

Computes the covariance function of two points, cov(point_one, point_two). Points must be arrays with length dim.

The covariance function is guaranteed to be symmetric by definition: Covariance(x, y) = Covariance(y, x). This function is also positive definite by definition.

point_one[dim]:first spatial coordinate
point_two[dim]:second spatial coordinate
value of covariance between the input points

void GradCovariance(double const *restrict point_one, double const *restrict point_two, double *restrict grad_cov)

Computes the gradient of this.Covariance(point_one, point_two) with respect to the FIRST argument, point_one.

This distinction is important for maintaining the desired symmetry. Cov(x, y) = Cov(y, x). Additionally, \pderiv{Cov(x, y)}{x} = \pderiv{Cov(y, x)}{x}. However, in general, \pderiv{Cov(x, y)}{x} != \pderiv{Cov(y, x)}{y} (NOT equal! These may differ by a negative sign)

Hence to avoid separate implementations for differentiating against first vs second argument, this function only handles differentiation against the first argument. If you need \pderiv{Cov(y, x)}{x}, just swap points x and y.

point_one[dim]:first spatial coordinate
point_two[dim]:second spatial coordinate
grad_cov[dim]: i-th entry is \pderiv{cov(x_1, x_2)}{x_i}

int GetNumberOfHyperparameters()

Returns the number of hyperparameters. This base class only allows for a maximum of dim + 1 hyperparameters but subclasses may implement additional ones.

The number of hyperparameters. Return 0 to disable hyperparameter-related gradients, optimizations.

void HyperparameterGradCovariance(double const *restrict point_one, double const *restrict point_two, double *restrict grad_hyperparameter_cov)

Similar to GradCovariance(), except gradients are computed wrt the hyperparameters.

Unlike GradCovariance(), the order of point_one and point_two is irrelevant here (since we are not differentiating against either of them). Thus the matrix of grad covariances (wrt hyperparameters) is symmetric.

point_one[dim]:first spatial coordinate
point_two[dim]:second spatial coordinate
 i-th entry is \pderiv{cov(x_1, x_2)}{\theta_i}

void HyperparameterHessianCovariance(double const *restrict point_one, double const *restrict point_two, double *restrict hessian_hyperparameter_cov)

The Hessian matrix of the covariance evaluated at x_1, x_2 with respect to the hyperparameters. The Hessian is defined as:

[ \ppderiv{cov}{\theta_0^2}              \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_0}{\theta_1}    ... \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_0}{\theta_{n-1}} ]
[ \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_1}{\theta_0}    \ppderiv{cov}{\theta_1^2 }             ... \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_1}{\theta_{n-1}} ]
[      ...                                                                                     ...                          ]
[ \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_{n-1}{\theta_0} \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_{n-1}{\theta_1} ... \ppderiv{cov}{\theta_{n-1}^2}           ]

where “cov” abbreviates covariance(x_1, x_2) and “n” refers to the number of hyperparameters.

Unless noted otherwise in subclasses, the Hessian is symmetric (due to the equality of mixed derivatives when a function f is twice continuously differentiable).

Similarly to the gradients, the Hessian is independent of the order of x_1, x_2: H_{cov}(x_1, x_2) = H_{cov}(x_2, x_1)

For further details:

Let n_hyper = this.GetNumberOfHyperparameters()

point_one[dim]:first spatial coordinate
point_two[dim]:second spatial coordinate
 (i,j)-th entry is \mixpderiv{cov(x_1, x_2)}{\theta_i}{\theta_j}

void SetHyperparameters(double const *restrict hyperparameters)

Sets the hyperparameters. Hyperparameter ordering is defined implicitly by GetHyperparameters: [alpha=\sigma_f^2, length_0, ..., length_{n-1}]

 hyperparameters to set

void GetHyperparameters(double *restrict hyperparameters)

Gets the hyperparameters. Ordering is [alpha=\sigma_f^2, length_0, ..., length_{n-1}]

 values of current hyperparameters

For implementing the virtual (copy) constructor idiom.

:Pointer to a constructed object that is a subclass of CovarianceInterface

class MaternNu1p5

Implements a case of the Matern class of covariance functions: cov_{matern}(r) = \alpha [\frac{2^{1-\nu}}{\Gamma(\nu)}\left( \frac{\sqrt{2\nu}r}{l} \right)^{\nu} B_{\nu}\left( \frac{\sqrt{2\nu}r}{l} \right)] where nu is the “smoothness parameter”, l is the length-scale, r = x_1 - x_2, and B_{\nu} is a modified Bessel Function.

Note that for nonconstant (over dimensions) length scales, r_i = (x_1_i - x_2_i)/l_i. The quantity \frac{r}{l} will implicitly represent this component-wise division.

This class implements nu = 3/2, which simplifies the previous expression to: cov_{\nu=3/2}(r) = (1 + \sqrt{3}\frac{r}[l})\exp(-\sqrt{3}\frac{r}{l})

This covariance object has dim+1 hyperparameters: \alpha, lengths_i

See CovarianceInterface for descriptions of the virtual functions.

Public Functions

MaternNu1p5(int dim, double alpha, double length)

Constructs a MaternNu1p5 object with constant length-scale across all dimensions.

dim:the number of spatial dimensions
alpha:the hyperparameter \alpha (e.g., signal variance, \sigma_f^2)
length:the constant length scale to use for all hyperparameter length scales

MaternNu1p5(int dim, double alpha, double const *restrict lengths)

Constructs a MaternNu1p5 object with the specified hyperparameters.

dim:the number of spatial dimensions
alpha:the hyperparameter \alpha, (e.g., signal variance, \sigma_f^2)
lengths[dim]:the hyperparameter length scales, one per spatial dimension

MaternNu1p5(int dim, double alpha, std::vector< double > lengths)

Constructs a MaternNu1p5 object with the specified hyperparameters.

dim:the number of spatial dimensions
alpha:the hyperparameter \alpha, (e.g., signal variance, \sigma_f^2)
lengths:the hyperparameter length scales, one per spatial dimension

double Covariance(double const *restrict point_one, double const *restrict point_two)

Computes the covariance function of two points, cov(point_one, point_two). Points must be arrays with length dim.

The covariance function is guaranteed to be symmetric by definition: Covariance(x, y) = Covariance(y, x). This function is also positive definite by definition.

point_one[dim]:first spatial coordinate
point_two[dim]:second spatial coordinate
value of covariance between the input points

void GradCovariance(double const *restrict point_one, double const *restrict point_two, double *restrict grad_cov)

Computes the gradient of this.Covariance(point_one, point_two) with respect to the FIRST argument, point_one.

This distinction is important for maintaining the desired symmetry. Cov(x, y) = Cov(y, x). Additionally, \pderiv{Cov(x, y)}{x} = \pderiv{Cov(y, x)}{x}. However, in general, \pderiv{Cov(x, y)}{x} != \pderiv{Cov(y, x)}{y} (NOT equal! These may differ by a negative sign)

Hence to avoid separate implementations for differentiating against first vs second argument, this function only handles differentiation against the first argument. If you need \pderiv{Cov(y, x)}{x}, just swap points x and y.

point_one[dim]:first spatial coordinate
point_two[dim]:second spatial coordinate
grad_cov[dim]: i-th entry is \pderiv{cov(x_1, x_2)}{x_i}

int GetNumberOfHyperparameters()

Returns the number of hyperparameters. This base class only allows for a maximum of dim + 1 hyperparameters but subclasses may implement additional ones.

The number of hyperparameters. Return 0 to disable hyperparameter-related gradients, optimizations.

void HyperparameterGradCovariance(double const *restrict point_one, double const *restrict point_two, double *restrict grad_hyperparameter_cov)

Similar to GradCovariance(), except gradients are computed wrt the hyperparameters.

Unlike GradCovariance(), the order of point_one and point_two is irrelevant here (since we are not differentiating against either of them). Thus the matrix of grad covariances (wrt hyperparameters) is symmetric.

point_one[dim]:first spatial coordinate
point_two[dim]:second spatial coordinate
 i-th entry is \pderiv{cov(x_1, x_2)}{\theta_i}

void HyperparameterHessianCovariance(double const *restrict point_one, double const *restrict point_two, double *restrict hessian_hyperparameter_cov)

The Hessian matrix of the covariance evaluated at x_1, x_2 with respect to the hyperparameters. The Hessian is defined as:

[ \ppderiv{cov}{\theta_0^2}              \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_0}{\theta_1}    ... \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_0}{\theta_{n-1}} ]
[ \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_1}{\theta_0}    \ppderiv{cov}{\theta_1^2 }             ... \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_1}{\theta_{n-1}} ]
[      ...                                                                                     ...                          ]
[ \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_{n-1}{\theta_0} \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_{n-1}{\theta_1} ... \ppderiv{cov}{\theta_{n-1}^2}           ]

where “cov” abbreviates covariance(x_1, x_2) and “n” refers to the number of hyperparameters.

Unless noted otherwise in subclasses, the Hessian is symmetric (due to the equality of mixed derivatives when a function f is twice continuously differentiable).

Similarly to the gradients, the Hessian is independent of the order of x_1, x_2: H_{cov}(x_1, x_2) = H_{cov}(x_2, x_1)

For further details:

Let n_hyper = this.GetNumberOfHyperparameters()

point_one[dim]:first spatial coordinate
point_two[dim]:second spatial coordinate
 (i,j)-th entry is \mixpderiv{cov(x_1, x_2)}{\theta_i}{\theta_j}

void SetHyperparameters(double const *restrict hyperparameters)

Sets the hyperparameters. Hyperparameter ordering is defined implicitly by GetHyperparameters: [alpha=\sigma_f^2, length_0, ..., length_{n-1}]

 hyperparameters to set

void GetHyperparameters(double *restrict hyperparameters)

Gets the hyperparameters. Ordering is [alpha=\sigma_f^2, length_0, ..., length_{n-1}]

 values of current hyperparameters

For implementing the virtual (copy) constructor idiom.

:Pointer to a constructed object that is a subclass of CovarianceInterface


Private Functions

MaternNu1p5(const MaternNu1p5 & source)

void Initialize()

Validate and initialize class data members.

Private Members

int dim_

dimension of the problem

double alpha_

\sigma_f^2, signal variance

std::vector< double > lengths_

length scales, one per dimension

std::vector< double > lengths_sq_

square of the length scales, one per dimension

class MaternNu2p5

Implements a case of the Matern class of covariance functions with nu = 5/2 (smoothness parameter). See docs for MaternNu1p5 for more details on the Matern class of covariance fucntions.

cov_{\nu=5/2}(r) = (1 + \sqrt{5}\frac{r}[l} + \frac{5}{3}\frac{r^2}{l^2})\exp(-\sqrt{5}\frac{r}{l})

See CovarianceInterface for descriptions of the virtual functions.

Public Functions

MaternNu2p5(int dim, double alpha, double length)

Constructs a MaternNu2p5 object with constant length-scale across all dimensions.

dim:the number of spatial dimensions
alpha:the hyperparameter \alpha (e.g., signal variance, \sigma_f^2)
length:the constant length scale to use for all hyperparameter length scales

MaternNu2p5(int dim, double alpha, double const *restrict lengths)

Constructs a MaternNu2p5 object with the specified hyperparameters.

dim:the number of spatial dimensions
alpha:the hyperparameter \alpha, (e.g., signal variance, \sigma_f^2)
lengths[dim]:the hyperparameter length scales, one per spatial dimension

MaternNu2p5(int dim, double alpha, std::vector< double > lengths)

Constructs a MaternNu2p5 object with the specified hyperparameters.

dim:the number of spatial dimensions
alpha:the hyperparameter \alpha, (e.g., signal variance, \sigma_f^2)
lengths:the hyperparameter length scales, one per spatial dimension

double Covariance(double const *restrict point_one, double const *restrict point_two)

Computes the covariance function of two points, cov(point_one, point_two). Points must be arrays with length dim.

The covariance function is guaranteed to be symmetric by definition: Covariance(x, y) = Covariance(y, x). This function is also positive definite by definition.

point_one[dim]:first spatial coordinate
point_two[dim]:second spatial coordinate
value of covariance between the input points

void GradCovariance(double const *restrict point_one, double const *restrict point_two, double *restrict grad_cov)

Computes the gradient of this.Covariance(point_one, point_two) with respect to the FIRST argument, point_one.

This distinction is important for maintaining the desired symmetry. Cov(x, y) = Cov(y, x). Additionally, \pderiv{Cov(x, y)}{x} = \pderiv{Cov(y, x)}{x}. However, in general, \pderiv{Cov(x, y)}{x} != \pderiv{Cov(y, x)}{y} (NOT equal! These may differ by a negative sign)

Hence to avoid separate implementations for differentiating against first vs second argument, this function only handles differentiation against the first argument. If you need \pderiv{Cov(y, x)}{x}, just swap points x and y.

point_one[dim]:first spatial coordinate
point_two[dim]:second spatial coordinate
grad_cov[dim]: i-th entry is \pderiv{cov(x_1, x_2)}{x_i}

int GetNumberOfHyperparameters()

Returns the number of hyperparameters. This base class only allows for a maximum of dim + 1 hyperparameters but subclasses may implement additional ones.

The number of hyperparameters. Return 0 to disable hyperparameter-related gradients, optimizations.

void HyperparameterGradCovariance(double const *restrict point_one, double const *restrict point_two, double *restrict grad_hyperparameter_cov)

Similar to GradCovariance(), except gradients are computed wrt the hyperparameters.

Unlike GradCovariance(), the order of point_one and point_two is irrelevant here (since we are not differentiating against either of them). Thus the matrix of grad covariances (wrt hyperparameters) is symmetric.

point_one[dim]:first spatial coordinate
point_two[dim]:second spatial coordinate
 i-th entry is \pderiv{cov(x_1, x_2)}{\theta_i}

void HyperparameterHessianCovariance(double const *restrict point_one, double const *restrict point_two, double *restrict hessian_hyperparameter_cov)

The Hessian matrix of the covariance evaluated at x_1, x_2 with respect to the hyperparameters. The Hessian is defined as:

[ \ppderiv{cov}{\theta_0^2}              \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_0}{\theta_1}    ... \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_0}{\theta_{n-1}} ]
[ \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_1}{\theta_0}    \ppderiv{cov}{\theta_1^2 }             ... \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_1}{\theta_{n-1}} ]
[      ...                                                                                     ...                          ]
[ \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_{n-1}{\theta_0} \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_{n-1}{\theta_1} ... \ppderiv{cov}{\theta_{n-1}^2}           ]

where “cov” abbreviates covariance(x_1, x_2) and “n” refers to the number of hyperparameters.

Unless noted otherwise in subclasses, the Hessian is symmetric (due to the equality of mixed derivatives when a function f is twice continuously differentiable).

Similarly to the gradients, the Hessian is independent of the order of x_1, x_2: H_{cov}(x_1, x_2) = H_{cov}(x_2, x_1)

For further details:

Let n_hyper = this.GetNumberOfHyperparameters()

point_one[dim]:first spatial coordinate
point_two[dim]:second spatial coordinate
 (i,j)-th entry is \mixpderiv{cov(x_1, x_2)}{\theta_i}{\theta_j}

void SetHyperparameters(double const *restrict hyperparameters)

Sets the hyperparameters. Hyperparameter ordering is defined implicitly by GetHyperparameters: [alpha=\sigma_f^2, length_0, ..., length_{n-1}]

 hyperparameters to set

void GetHyperparameters(double *restrict hyperparameters)

Gets the hyperparameters. Ordering is [alpha=\sigma_f^2, length_0, ..., length_{n-1}]

 values of current hyperparameters

For implementing the virtual (copy) constructor idiom.

:Pointer to a constructed object that is a subclass of CovarianceInterface

Private Functions

MaternNu2p5(const MaternNu2p5 & source)

void Initialize()

Validate and initialize class data members.


Private Members

int dim_

dimension of the problem

double alpha_

\sigma_f^2, signal variance

std::vector< double > lengths_

length scales, one per dimension

std::vector< double > lengths_sq_

square of the length scales, one per dimension

class SquareExponential

Implements the square exponential covariance function: cov(x_1, x_2) = \alpha * \exp(-1/2 * ((x_1 - x_2)^T * L * (x_1 - x_2)) ) where L is the diagonal matrix with i-th diagonal entry 1/lengths[i]/lengths[i]

This covariance object has dim+1 hyperparameters: \alpha, lengths_i

See CovarianceInterface for descriptions of the virtual functions.

Public Functions

SquareExponential(int dim, double alpha, double length)

Constructs a SquareExponential object with constant length-scale across all dimensions.

dim:the number of spatial dimensions
alpha:the hyperparameter \alpha (e.g., signal variance, \sigma_f^2)
length:the constant length scale to use for all hyperparameter length scales

SquareExponential(int dim, double alpha, double const *restrict lengths)

Constructs a SquareExponential object with the specified hyperparameters.

dim:the number of spatial dimensions
alpha:the hyperparameter \alpha, (e.g., signal variance, \sigma_f^2)
lengths[dim]:the hyperparameter length scales, one per spatial dimension

SquareExponential(int dim, double alpha, std::vector< double > lengths)

Constructs a SquareExponential object with the specified hyperparameters.

dim:the number of spatial dimensions
alpha:the hyperparameter \alpha, (e.g., signal variance, \sigma_f^2)
lengths:the hyperparameter length scales, one per spatial dimension

double Covariance(double const *restrict point_one, double const *restrict point_two)

Computes the covariance function of two points, cov(point_one, point_two). Points must be arrays with length dim.

The covariance function is guaranteed to be symmetric by definition: Covariance(x, y) = Covariance(y, x). This function is also positive definite by definition.

point_one[dim]:first spatial coordinate
point_two[dim]:second spatial coordinate
value of covariance between the input points

void GradCovariance(double const *restrict point_one, double const *restrict point_two, double *restrict grad_cov)

Computes the gradient of this.Covariance(point_one, point_two) with respect to the FIRST argument, point_one.

This distinction is important for maintaining the desired symmetry. Cov(x, y) = Cov(y, x). Additionally, \pderiv{Cov(x, y)}{x} = \pderiv{Cov(y, x)}{x}. However, in general, \pderiv{Cov(x, y)}{x} != \pderiv{Cov(y, x)}{y} (NOT equal! These may differ by a negative sign)

Hence to avoid separate implementations for differentiating against first vs second argument, this function only handles differentiation against the first argument. If you need \pderiv{Cov(y, x)}{x}, just swap points x and y.

point_one[dim]:first spatial coordinate
point_two[dim]:second spatial coordinate
grad_cov[dim]: i-th entry is \pderiv{cov(x_1, x_2)}{x_i}

int GetNumberOfHyperparameters()

Returns the number of hyperparameters. This base class only allows for a maximum of dim + 1 hyperparameters but subclasses may implement additional ones.

The number of hyperparameters. Return 0 to disable hyperparameter-related gradients, optimizations.

void HyperparameterGradCovariance(double const *restrict point_one, double const *restrict point_two, double *restrict grad_hyperparameter_cov)

Similar to GradCovariance(), except gradients are computed wrt the hyperparameters.

Unlike GradCovariance(), the order of point_one and point_two is irrelevant here (since we are not differentiating against either of them). Thus the matrix of grad covariances (wrt hyperparameters) is symmetric.

point_one[dim]:first spatial coordinate
point_two[dim]:second spatial coordinate
 i-th entry is \pderiv{cov(x_1, x_2)}{\theta_i}

void HyperparameterHessianCovariance(double const *restrict point_one, double const *restrict point_two, double *restrict hessian_hyperparameter_cov)

The Hessian matrix of the covariance evaluated at x_1, x_2 with respect to the hyperparameters. The Hessian is defined as:

[ \ppderiv{cov}{\theta_0^2}              \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_0}{\theta_1}    ... \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_0}{\theta_{n-1}} ]
[ \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_1}{\theta_0}    \ppderiv{cov}{\theta_1^2 }             ... \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_1}{\theta_{n-1}} ]
[      ...                                                                                     ...                          ]
[ \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_{n-1}{\theta_0} \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_{n-1}{\theta_1} ... \ppderiv{cov}{\theta_{n-1}^2}           ]

where “cov” abbreviates covariance(x_1, x_2) and “n” refers to the number of hyperparameters.

Unless noted otherwise in subclasses, the Hessian is symmetric (due to the equality of mixed derivatives when a function f is twice continuously differentiable).

Similarly to the gradients, the Hessian is independent of the order of x_1, x_2: H_{cov}(x_1, x_2) = H_{cov}(x_2, x_1)

For further details:

Let n_hyper = this.GetNumberOfHyperparameters()

point_one[dim]:first spatial coordinate
point_two[dim]:second spatial coordinate
 (i,j)-th entry is \mixpderiv{cov(x_1, x_2)}{\theta_i}{\theta_j}

void SetHyperparameters(double const *restrict hyperparameters)

Sets the hyperparameters. Hyperparameter ordering is defined implicitly by GetHyperparameters: [alpha=\sigma_f^2, length_0, ..., length_{n-1}]

 hyperparameters to set

void GetHyperparameters(double *restrict hyperparameters)

Gets the hyperparameters. Ordering is [alpha=\sigma_f^2, length_0, ..., length_{n-1}]

 values of current hyperparameters

For implementing the virtual (copy) constructor idiom.

:Pointer to a constructed object that is a subclass of CovarianceInterface


Private Functions

SquareExponential(const SquareExponential & source)

void Initialize()

Validate and initialize class data members.

Private Members

int dim_

dimension of the problem

double alpha_

\sigma_f^2, signal variance

std::vector< double > lengths_

length scales, one per dimension

std::vector< double > lengths_sq_

square of the length scales, one per dimension

class SquareExponentialSingleLength

Special case of the square exponential covariance function where all entries of L must be the same; i.e., all length scales are equal.

This exists only for testing hyperparameter optimization (since two is an easy number of parameters to work with); in general this class should not be used.

This covariance object has 2 hyperparameters: \alpha, length

See CovarianceInterface for descriptions of the virtual functions.

Public Functions

SquareExponentialSingleLength(int dim, double alpha, double length)

Constructs a SquareExponentialSingleLength object. We provide three constructors with signatures matching other covariance classes for convenience.

dim:the number of spatial dimensions
alpha:the hyperparameter \alpha (e.g., signal variance, \sigma_f^2)
length:the constant length scale to use for all hyperparameter length scales

Note: for pointer or vector length, length[0] must be a valid expression.

SquareExponentialSingleLength(int dim, double alpha, double const *restrict length)

SquareExponentialSingleLength(int dim, double alpha, std::vector< double > length)

double Covariance(double const *restrict point_one, double const *restrict point_two)

Computes the covariance function of two points, cov(point_one, point_two). Points must be arrays with length dim.

The covariance function is guaranteed to be symmetric by definition: Covariance(x, y) = Covariance(y, x). This function is also positive definite by definition.

point_one[dim]:first spatial coordinate
point_two[dim]:second spatial coordinate
value of covariance between the input points

void GradCovariance(double const *restrict point_one, double const *restrict point_two, double *restrict grad_cov)

Computes the gradient of this.Covariance(point_one, point_two) with respect to the FIRST argument, point_one.

This distinction is important for maintaining the desired symmetry. Cov(x, y) = Cov(y, x). Additionally, \pderiv{Cov(x, y)}{x} = \pderiv{Cov(y, x)}{x}. However, in general, \pderiv{Cov(x, y)}{x} != \pderiv{Cov(y, x)}{y} (NOT equal! These may differ by a negative sign)

Hence to avoid separate implementations for differentiating against first vs second argument, this function only handles differentiation against the first argument. If you need \pderiv{Cov(y, x)}{x}, just swap points x and y.

point_one[dim]:first spatial coordinate
point_two[dim]:second spatial coordinate
grad_cov[dim]: i-th entry is \pderiv{cov(x_1, x_2)}{x_i}

int GetNumberOfHyperparameters()

Returns the number of hyperparameters. This base class only allows for a maximum of dim + 1 hyperparameters but subclasses may implement additional ones.

The number of hyperparameters. Return 0 to disable hyperparameter-related gradients, optimizations.

void HyperparameterGradCovariance(double const *restrict point_one, double const *restrict point_two, double *restrict grad_hyperparameter_cov)

Similar to GradCovariance(), except gradients are computed wrt the hyperparameters.

Unlike GradCovariance(), the order of point_one and point_two is irrelevant here (since we are not differentiating against either of them). Thus the matrix of grad covariances (wrt hyperparameters) is symmetric.

point_one[dim]:first spatial coordinate
point_two[dim]:second spatial coordinate
 i-th entry is \pderiv{cov(x_1, x_2)}{\theta_i}

void HyperparameterHessianCovariance(double const *restrict point_one, double const *restrict point_two, double *restrict hessian_hyperparameter_cov)

The Hessian matrix of the covariance evaluated at x_1, x_2 with respect to the hyperparameters. The Hessian is defined as:

[ \ppderiv{cov}{\theta_0^2}              \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_0}{\theta_1}    ... \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_0}{\theta_{n-1}} ]
[ \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_1}{\theta_0}    \ppderiv{cov}{\theta_1^2 }             ... \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_1}{\theta_{n-1}} ]
[      ...                                                                                     ...                          ]
[ \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_{n-1}{\theta_0} \mixpderiv{cov}{\theta_{n-1}{\theta_1} ... \ppderiv{cov}{\theta_{n-1}^2}           ]

where “cov” abbreviates covariance(x_1, x_2) and “n” refers to the number of hyperparameters.

Unless noted otherwise in subclasses, the Hessian is symmetric (due to the equality of mixed derivatives when a function f is twice continuously differentiable).

Similarly to the gradients, the Hessian is independent of the order of x_1, x_2: H_{cov}(x_1, x_2) = H_{cov}(x_2, x_1)

For further details:

Let n_hyper = this.GetNumberOfHyperparameters()

point_one[dim]:first spatial coordinate
point_two[dim]:second spatial coordinate
 (i,j)-th entry is \mixpderiv{cov(x_1, x_2)}{\theta_i}{\theta_j}

void SetHyperparameters(double const *restrict hyperparameters)

Sets the hyperparameters. Hyperparameter ordering is defined implicitly by GetHyperparameters: [alpha=\sigma_f^2, length_0, ..., length_{n-1}]

 hyperparameters to set

void GetHyperparameters(double *restrict hyperparameters)

Gets the hyperparameters. Ordering is [alpha=\sigma_f^2, length_0, ..., length_{n-1}]

 values of current hyperparameters

For implementing the virtual (copy) constructor idiom.

:Pointer to a constructed object that is a subclass of CovarianceInterface


Private Functions

SquareExponentialSingleLength(const SquareExponentialSingleLength & source)

Private Members

int dim_

dimension of the problem

double alpha_

\sigma_f^2, signal variance

double length_

length scale, one for all dimensions

double length_sq_

square of the length scale


This file contains function definitions for the Covariance, GradCovariance, and HyperparameterGradCovariance member functions of CovarianceInterface subclasses. It also contains a few utilities for computing common mathematical quantities and initialization.

Gradient (spatial and hyperparameter) functions return all derivatives at once because there is substantial shared computation. The shared results are by far the most expensive part of gradient computations; they typically involve exponentiation and are further at least partially shared with the base covariance computation.

TODO(GH-132): compute fcn, gradient, and hessian simultaneously for covariance (optionally skipping some terms).

TODO(GH-129): Check expression simplification of gradients/hessians (esp the latter) for the various covariance functions. Current math was done by hand and maybe I missed something.

namespace optimal_learning

Macro to allow restrict as a keyword for C++ compilation and CUDA/nvcc compilation. See related entry in gpp_common.hpp for more details.