


    1. class FunctionValue
    2. class ObjectiveEstimationPolicyInterface
      1. ConstantLiarEstimationPolicy
      2. KrigingBelieverEstimationPolicy
    3. function ComputeHeuristicPointsToSample()


Readers should review the header docs for gpp_math.hpp first to understand Gaussian Processes and Expected Improvement; readers should additionally check gpp_math.cpp file docs for further details.

This file declares classes and functions supporting “heuristic” Expected Improvement optimization to solve the q,0-EI problem. In gpp_math.hpp, methods like ComputeOptimalPointsToSample() solve the q,p-EI problem using only intrinsic properties of a GaussianProcess. Here, we make additional assumptions about the underlying objective function’s behavior, trading accuracy for increased speed.

Together, the ConstantLiar and KrigingBeliever estimation policies with ComputeHeuristicPointsToSample() implement the heuristics discussed in Ginsbourger 2008. Now we’ll provide a brief overview of these components; see the class and function docs for more details.


Currently, we have:

2a FunctionValue

A simple container class for holding the pair (function_value, noise_variance), representing a measured or estimated objective function value and the associated noise variance.

2b ObjectiveEstimationPolicyInterface

A simple interface for computing objective function estimates. This supports a single function, ComputeEstimate(), that estimates the objective function evaluated at a point. It additionally has access to the GaussianProcess and an iteration counter.

2b, i ConstantLiarEstimationPolicy

The simplest estimation policy, “Constant Liar” always returns the same objective function estimate, no matter what.

2b, ii KrigingBelieverEstimationPolicy

Kriging Believer uses some information from the GaussianProcess to produce its estimates. In the basic form (as used in Ginsbourger 2008), Kriging returns the GP Mean at the evaluation point. We also allow shifting by some scaling of the GP std deviation.

2c Finally, we discuss performing heuristic EI optimization via ComputeHeuristicPointsToSample()

As with the EI optimizers in gpp_math, this function is templated on domain. This function is responsible for actually performing the heuristic optimization. It uses ComputeOptimalPointsToSampleWithRandomStarts() (from gpp_math.hpp) to do this. This function estimates the solution to q-EI using a sequence of q solves of the 1-EI problem–cheaper, but potentially/probably inaccurate.

Lastly, note that this template function is explicitly instantiated. There are limited domain choices, and this lets us hide all the implementation details in the .cpp file (e.g., see the long list of forward declarations).

namespace optimal_learning

Macro to allow restrict as a keyword for C++ compilation and CUDA/nvcc compilation. See related entry in gpp_common.hpp for more details.


EstimationPolicyTypes enum

Enumerating estimation policies for convenience. Useful for dispatching tests.


class ConstantLiarEstimationPolicy

The “Constant Liar” objective function estimation policy is the simplest: it always returns the same value (Ginsbourger 2008). We call this the “lie”. This object also allows users to associate a noise variance to the lie value.

In Ginsbourger’s work, the most common lie values have been the min and max of all previously observed objective function values; i.e., min, max of GP.points_sampled_value. The mean has also been considered.

He also points out that larger lie values (e.g., max of prior measurements) will lead methods like ComputeEstimatedSetOfPointsToSample() to be more explorative and vice versa.


These comments were copied into constant_liar_expected_improvement_optimization() in cpp_wrappers/

Public Functions

ConstantLiarEstimationPolicy(double lie_value)

Constructs a ConstantLiarEstimationPolicy object with the specified lie_value and 0 noise.

lie_value:the “constant lie” that this estimator should return

ConstantLiarEstimationPolicy(double lie_value, double lie_noise_variance)

Constructs a ConstantLiarEstimationPolicy object with the specified lie_value and lie_noise_variance.

lie_value:the “constant lie” that this estimator should return
 the noise_variance to associate to the lie_value (MUST be >= 0.0)

FunctionValue ComputeEstimate(const GaussianProcess & OL_UNUSED, double const *restrict OL_UNUSED, int OL_UNUSED)


Private Members

double lie_value_

the constant function value estimate this object should return

double lie_noise_variance_

the noise variance to associate to the lie_value

class FunctionValue

Container (POD) to represent the notion of a measured function value with some [Gaussian] uncertainty. That is, N(\mu, \sigma), where \mu = function_value and \sigma = \sqrt{noise_variance}.

Public Functions


Explicitly defaulted default constructor. Defining a custom ctor (below) disables the default ctor, so we explicitly default it. This is needed to maintain POD-ness.

FunctionValue(double function_value_in)

Constructs a FunctionValue object with the specified function_value and 0 noise.

 the function_value to hold

FunctionValue(double function_value_in, double noise_variance_in)

Constructs a FunctionValue object with the specified function_value noise_variance.

 the function_value to hold
 the noise_variance to hold

Public Members

double function_value

the measured function value being represented

double noise_variance

the uncertainty (variance) in the measurement of the function value

class KrigingBelieverEstimationPolicy

The “Kriging Believer” objective function estimation policy uses the Gaussian Process (i.e., the prior) to produce objective function estimates. The simplest method is to trust the GP completely: estimate = GP.mean(point) This follows the usage in Ginsbourger 2008. Users may also want the estimate to depend on the GP variance at the evaluation point, so that the estimate reflects how confident the GP is in the prediction. Users may also specify std_devation_ceof: estimate = GP.mean(point) + std_deviation_coef * GP.variance(point) Note that the coefficient is signed, and analogously to ConstantLiar, larger positive values are more explorative and larger negative values are more exploitive.

This object also allows users to associate a noise variance to the lie value.


These comments were copied into kriging_believer_expected_improvement_optimization() in cpp_wrappers/

Public Functions


Constructs a KrigingBelieverEstimationPolicy object whose estimates will only depend on the mean with 0 noise.

KrigingBelieverEstimationPolicy(double std_deviation_coef)

Constructs a KrigingBelieverEstimationPolicy object with the specified std_deviation_coef and 0 noise.

 the relative amount of bias (in units of GP std deviation) to introduce into the GP mean

KrigingBelieverEstimationPolicy(double std_deviation_coef, double kriging_noise_variance)

Constructs a KrigingBelieverEstimationPolicy object with the specified std_deviation_coef and 0 noise.

 the relative amount of bias (in units of GP std deviation) to introduce into the GP mean
 the noise_variance to associate to each function value estimate (MUST be >= 0.0)

FunctionValue ComputeEstimate(const GaussianProcess & gaussian_process, double const *restrict point, int OL_UNUSED)


Depending on the use-case, performance could improve if the GaussianProcess were stored as a class member alongside a matching PointsToSampleState. That said, doing so introduces new issues in maintaining consistency. It is not a performance concern right now (this function is called infrequently).

Private Members

double std_deviation_coef_

the relative amount of bias (in units of GP std deviation) to introduce into the GP mean

double kriging_noise_variance_

the noise variance to associate to each KrigingBeliever estimate

class ObjectiveEstimationPolicyInterface

At the moment, ComputeEstimatedSetOfPointsToSample() is the sole consumer of this class. Some of the documentation here will discuss ObjectiveEstimationPolicyInterface specifically in that light.

He also points out that larger lie values will lead methods like ComputeEstimatedSetOfPointsToSample() to be more explorative and vice versa.

Public Functions


FunctionValue ComputeEstimate(const GaussianProcess & gaussian_process, double const *restrict point, int iteration)

The estimate is often computed repeatedly (e.g., see ComputeEstimatedSetOfPointsToSample()); we include the number of previous calls in the input “iteration.” This may be useful if users want to implement an analogue of “Constant Liar” using a fixed distribution of lies, make random draws, etc.

Let dim = gaussian_process.dim()

 GaussianProcess object (holds points_sampled, values, noise_variance, derived quantities) that describes the underlying GP
point[dim]:the point at which to compute the estimate
iteration:the number of previous calls to ComputeEstimate()


This file contains defintions of expensive ObjectiveEstimationPolicyInterface::ComputeEstimate() functions as well as the function ComputeHeuristicPointsToSample() which uses these policies to heuristically optimize the q-EI problem. The idea behind the latter is to make explicit guesses about the behavior of the underlying objective function (that the GaussianProcess is modeling), which is cheap, instead of using the GP’s more powerful notion of the distribution of possible objective function behaviors. That is, instead of taking expectations on the distribution of objective function behaviors, we simply pick one (through the EstimationPolicy).

Readers should review the header docs for gpp_math.hpp/cpp first to understand Gaussian Processes and Expected Improvement.

namespace optimal_learning

Macro to allow restrict as a keyword for C++ compilation and CUDA/nvcc compilation. See related entry in gpp_common.hpp for more details.


template < typename DomainType >
void ComputeHeuristicPointsToSample(const GaussianProcess & gaussian_process, const GradientDescentParameters & optimizer_parameters, const DomainType & domain, const ObjectiveEstimationPolicyInterface & estimation_policy, const ThreadSchedule & thread_schedule, double best_so_far, bool lhc_search_only, int num_lhc_samples, int num_to_sample, bool *restrict found_flag, UniformRandomGenerator * uniform_generator, double *restrict best_points_to_sample)

This implements a generic tool for heuristically solving the q-EI problem using methods like “Constant Liar” or “Kriging Believer” described in Ginsbourger 2008. In a loop, we solve 1-EI (with resulting optima “point”), then ask a heuristic EstimationPolicy to guess the objective function value at “point” (in lieu of sampling the real objective by say, running an [expensive] experiment).

As such, this method is really a fairly loose wrapper around ComputeOptimalPointsToSampleWithRandomStarts() configured to optimize 1-EI.

Solving q-EI optimally is expensive since this requires monte-carlo evaluation of EI and its gradient. This method is much cheaper: 1-EI allows analytic computation of EI and its gradient and is fairly easily optimized. So this heuristic optimizer is cheaper but potentially highly inaccurate, providing no guarantees on the quality of the best_points_to_sample output.

This function computes a heuristic approximation to the result of ComputeOptimalPointsToSample() with 0 ongoing experiments (points_being_sampled). Consider this as an alternative when ComputeOptimalPointsToSample() is too expensive.

It heuristically solves the q,0-EI optimization problem. As a reminder, that problem is finding the set of q points that maximizes the Expected Improvement (saved in the output, best_points_to_sample). Solving for q points simultaneously usually requires monte-carlo iteration and is expensive. The heuristic here solves q-EI as a sequence of 1-EI problems. We solve 1-EI, and then we ASSUME an objective function value at the resulting optima. This process is repeated q times. It is perhaps more clear in pseudocode:

points_being_sampled = {}  // This stays empty! We are only working with 1,0-EI solves
for i = 0:num_to_sample-1 {
  // First, solve the 1,0-EI problem\*
  new_point = ComputeOptimalPointsToSampleWithRandomStarts(gaussian_process, points_being_sampled, other_parameters)
  // *Estimate* the objective function value at new_point
  new_function_value = ESTIMATED_OBJECTIVE_FUNCTION_VALUE(new_point, other_args)
  new_function_value_noise = ESTIMATED_NOISE_VARIANCE(new_point, other_args)
  // Write the estimated objective values to the GP as *truth*
  gaussian_process.AddPoint(new_point, new_function_value, new_function_value_noise)

*Recall: each call to ComputeOptimalPointsToSampleWithRandomStarts() (gpp_math.hpp) kicks off a round of MGD optimization of 1-EI.

Note that ideally the estimated objective function value (and noise) would be measured from the real-world (e.g., by running an experiment). Then this algorithm would be optimal. However, the estimate probably is not accurately representating of the true objective.

The estimation is handled through the “estimation_policy” input. Passing a ConstantLiarEstimationPolicy or KrigingBelieverEstimationPolicy object to this function will produce the “Constant Liar” and “Kriging Believer” heuristics described in Ginsbourger 2008. The interface for estimation_policy is generic so users may specify other estimators as well.

Contrast this approach with ComputeOptimalPointsToSample() (gpp_math.hpp) which solves all outputs of the q,0-EI problem simultaneously instead of one point at a time. That method is more accurate (b/c it does not attempt to estimate the behavior of the underlying objective function) but much more expensive (because it requires monte-carlo iteration).

If num_to_sample = 1, this is exactly the same as ComputeOptimalPointsToSample(); i.e., both methods solve the 1-EI optimization problem the same way.

Currently, during optimization, we recommend that the coordinates of the initial guesses not differ from the coordinates of the optima by more than about 1 order of magnitude. This is a very (VERY!) rough guideline for sizing the domain and num_multistarts; i.e., be wary of sets of initial guesses that cover the space too sparsely.

Solution is guaranteed to lie within the region specified by “domain”; note that this may not be a local optima (i.e., the gradient may be substantially nonzero).

WARNING: this function fails if any step fails to find improvement! In that case, the best_points output should not be
read and found_flag will be false.


These comments were copied into _heuristic_expected_improvement_optimization() in cpp_wrappers/

 GaussianProcess object (holds points_sampled, values, noise_variance, derived quantities) that describes the underlying GP
 GradientDescentParameters object that describes the parameters controlling 1-EI optimization (e.g., number of iterations, tolerances, learning rate) in each “outer” iteration
domain:object specifying the domain to optimize over (see gpp_domain.hpp)
 the policy to use to produce (heuristic) objective function estimates during q,0-EI optimization
 struct instructing OpenMP on how to schedule threads; i.e., (suggestions in parens) max_num_threads (num cpu cores), schedule type (omp_sched_dynamic), chunk_size (0).
best_so_far:value of the best sample so far (must be min(points_sampled_value))
 whether to ONLY use latin hypercube search (and skip gradient descent EI opt)
 number of samples to draw if/when doing latin hypercube search
num_to_sample:how many simultaneous experiments you would like to run (i.e., the q in q,0-EI)
 a UniformRandomGenerator object providing the random engine for uniform random numbers
found_flag[1]:true if best_points_to_sample corresponds to a nonzero EI if sampled simultaneously

:uniform_generator[1]:UniformRandomGenerator object will have its state changed due to random draws :best_points_to_sample[num_to_sample*dim]: point yielding the best EI according to constant liar

template void ComputeHeuristicPointsToSample(const GaussianProcess & gaussian_process, const GradientDescentParameters & optimizer_parameters, const TensorProductDomain & domain, const ObjectiveEstimationPolicyInterface & estimation_policy, const ThreadSchedule & thread_schedule, double best_so_far, bool lhc_search_only, int num_lhc_samples, int num_to_sample, bool *restrict found_flag, UniformRandomGenerator * uniform_generator, double *restrict best_points_to_sample)

template void ComputeHeuristicPointsToSample(const GaussianProcess & gaussian_process, const GradientDescentParameters & optimizer_parameters, const SimplexIntersectTensorProductDomain & domain, const ObjectiveEstimationPolicyInterface & estimation_policy, const ThreadSchedule & thread_schedule, double best_so_far, bool lhc_search_only, int num_lhc_samples, int num_to_sample, bool *restrict found_flag, UniformRandomGenerator * uniform_generator, double *restrict best_points_to_sample)