


This file contains exception objects along with helper functions and macros for exceptions. This library never calls throw directly. Instead, it provides a wrapper in optimal_learning::ThrowException(). Thus we never do:

throw MyException(...);

instead preferring one of:

optimal_learning::ThrowException(MyException(...));  // uncommon
OL_THROW_EXCEPTION(MyException, ...);  // preferred

These are analogous to boost::throw_exception() and BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION.

ALL exception objects MUST inherit publicly from std::exception. No exceptions (ha ha).

This file defines the base OptimalLearningException (derived from std::exception) and derives several exceptions from it. Each exception type has docs describing the output of what() in the class comments.

Additionally, to use the OL_THROW_EXCEPTION macro (see its #define for details), the first two arguments in MyException’s ctor must be char *.

Users may define the macro OL_NO_EXCEPTIONS to disable exception handling in this library. Defining that macro means this library will never call throw. Doing so requires users to implement optimal_learning::ThrowException() (see comments below for #ifdef OL_NO_EXCEPTIONS).



Macro to stringify the expansion of a macro. For example, say we are on line 53:

  • #__LINE__ --> "__LINE__"

OL_STRINGIFY_EXPANSION_INNER is not meant to be used directly; but we need #x in a macro for this expansion to work.

This is a standard trick; see bottom of:



Macro to stringify and format the current file and line number. For example, if the macro is invoked from line 893 of file gpp_foo.cpp, this macro produces the compile-time string-constant: (gpp_foo.cpp: 893)

OL_THROW_EXCEPTION(ExceptionType, Args...)

Macro for throwing exceptions that adds file/line and function name information. It is just for convenience, saving callers from having to type OL_STRINGIFY_FILE_AND_LINE, and OL_CURRENT_FUNCTION_NAME repeatedly.

To use this macro, the argument list of ExceptionType’s ctor MUST start with two char const *, followed by the arguments in Args.... Additionally, ExceptionType must be a complete type.

For example, if you could write:

throw_exception(BoundsException<double>(OL_STRINGIFY_FILE_AND_LINE, OL_CURRENT_FUNCTION_NAME, "Invalid length scale.", value, min, max));

then you can instead write:

OL_THROW_EXCEPTION(BoundsException<double>, "Invalid length scale.", value, min, max);

namespace optimal_learning

Macro to allow restrict as a keyword for C++ compilation and CUDA/nvcc compilation. See related entry in gpp_common.hpp for more details.


template < typename ExceptionType >
OL_NORETURN void ThrowException(const ExceptionType & except)

Users may disable exceptions so that this library NEVER invokes throw directly. Doing so requires the user to define ThrowException().

This makes the most sense when paired with the compiler flag -fno-exceptions. Using -fno-exceptions will also require disabling Boost’s exceptions. Ensure the following are defined (preferably by #include) in all files:

And provide a definition for::
void throw_exception( std::exception const & e );

e.g., the same definition as ThrowException(). See:

throw may still be called indirectly through Boost, so disable that library’s exceptions too. (See below for details/link.)

Wrapper around the “throw” keyword, making it easy to disable exceptions. Checks that the argument inherits from std::exception and invokes throw.

exception:reference to exception object (publicly deriving from std::exception) to throw

class BoundsException


Exception to capture value < min_value OR value > max_value.

Stores value, min, and max for debugging/logging/reacting purposes.

Message Format

The what() message is formatted in the class ctor (capitals indicate variable information):

BoundsException: VALUE is not in range [MIN, MAX].

Public Functions

BoundsException(char const * line_info, char const * func_info, char const * custom_message, ValueType value_in, ValueType min_in, ValueType max_in)

Constructs a BoundsException object with extra fields to flesh out the what() message.

line_info[]:ptr to char array containing __FILE__ and __LINE__ info; e.g., from OL_STRINGIFY_FILE_AND_LINE
func_info[]:optional ptr to char array from OL_CURRENT_FUNCTION_NAME or similar
 optional ptr to char array with any additional text/info to print/log
value:the value that violates its min or max bound
min:the minimum bound for value
max:the maximum bound for value

ValueType value()

ValueType max()

ValueType min()


Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const * kName

String name of this exception for logging.

Protected Functions

BoundsException(char const * name_in, char const * line_info, char const * func_info, char const * custom_message, ValueType value_in, ValueType min_in, ValueType max_in)

Private Members

ValueType value_

The errorneous value_ and the [min_, max_] bounds that it should lie in.

ValueType min_

ValueType max_

class InvalidValueException


Exception to capture value != truth (+/- tolerance). The tolerance parameter is optional and only usable with floating point data types.

Stores value and truth (and tolerance as applicable) for debugging/logging/reacting purposes.

Message Format

The what() message is formatted in the class ctor (capitals indicate variable information):

InvalidValueException: VALUE != TRUTH (value != truth).


InvalidValueException: VALUE != TRUTH ± TOLERANCE (value != truth ± tolerance).

Depending on which ctor was used.

Public Functions

InvalidValueException(char const * line_info, char const * func_info, char const * custom_message, ValueType value_in, ValueType truth_in)

Constructs a InvalidValueException object with extra fields to flesh out the what() message.

line_info[]:ptr to char array containing __FILE__ and __LINE__ info; e.g., from OL_STRINGIFY_FILE_AND_LINE
func_info[]:optional ptr to char array from OL_CURRENT_FUNCTION_NAME or similar
 optional ptr to char array with any additional text/info to print/log
value:the invalid value
truth:what “value” is supposed to be

template < typename ValueTypeIn = ValueType, class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<ValueType>::value, ValueTypeIn>::type >
InvalidValueException(char const * line_info, char const * func_info, char const * custom_message, ValueType value_in, ValueType truth_in, ValueType tolerance_in)

Constructs a InvalidValueException object with extra fields to flesh out the what() message. This ctor additionally has an input for tolerance, and is only enabled for floating point types.

line_info[]:ptr to char array containing __FILE__ and __LINE__ info; e.g., from OL_STRINGIFY_FILE_AND_LINE
func_info[]:optional ptr to char array from OL_CURRENT_FUNCTION_NAME or similar
 optional ptr to char array with any additional text/info to print/log
value:the invalid value
truth:what “value” is supposed to be
tolerance:the maximum acceptable error in |value - truth|

ValueType value()

ValueType truth()

ValueType tolerance()


Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const * kName

String name of this exception for logging.

Private Members

ValueType value_

the erroneous value_ and the truth_ +/- tolerance_ range that it should lie in

ValueType truth_

ValueType tolerance_

class LowerBoundException

Exception to capture value < min_value. Simple subclass of BoundsException that sets the max argument to std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::max()

See BoundsException for what() message format.

Public Functions

LowerBoundException(char const * line_info, char const * func_info, char const * custom_message, ValueType value_in, ValueType min_in)

Constructs a LowerBoundException object with extra fields to flesh out the what() message.

line_info[]:ptr to char array containing __FILE__ and __LINE__ info; e.g., from OL_STRINGIFY_FILE_AND_LINE
func_info[]:optional ptr to char array from OL_CURRENT_FUNCTION_NAME or similar
 optional ptr to char array with any additional text/info to print/log
value:the value that violates its min or max bound
min:the minimum bound for value


Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const * kName

String name of this exception for logging.

class OptimalLearningException


Exception to handle general runtime errors (e.g., not fitting into other exception types). Subclasses std::exception. Serves as the superclass for all other custom exceptions in the optimal_learning library.

This class is essentially the same as std::runtime_error but it includes a ctor with some extra logic for formatting the error message.

Holds only a std::string containing the message produced by what().

Message Format

The what() message is formatted in the class ctor (capitals indicate variable information):


This format should be overriden by subclasses (at the minimum showing a different exception name).

Public Functions

OptimalLearningException(char const * line_info, char const * func_info, char const * custom_message)

Constructs a OptimalLearningException with the specified message.

line_info[]:ptr to char array containing __FILE__ and __LINE__ info; e.g., from OL_STRINGIFY_FILE_AND_LINE
func_info[]:optional ptr to char array from OL_CURRENT_FUNCTION_NAME or similar
 optional ptr to char array with any additional text/info to print/log

const char * what()

Provides a C-string containing information about the conditions of the exception. See:

C-style char string describing the exception.


Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const * kName

String name of this exception for logging.

Protected Functions

OptimalLearningException(char const * name)

Constructs a OptimalLearningException with the specified name. This is used by subclasses to override the class name in the message text.

name[]:the exception name to write into the message

void AppendCustomMessageAndDebugInfo(char const * line_info, char const * func_info, char const * custom_message)

Utility function to append some additional info (file/line number, function name, and/or a custom message) to a specified string. This is meant to be used for constructing what() messages for the exception classes in gpp_exception.hpp.

line_info[]:ptr to char array containing __FILE__ and __LINE__ info; e.g., from OL_STRINGIFY_FILE_AND_LINE
func_info[]:optional ptr to char array from OL_CURRENT_FUNCTION_NAME or similar
 optional ptr to char array with any additional text/info to print/log

Protected Attributes

std::string message_

a custom message describing this exception, produced by what().

class SingularMatrixException


Exception to capture when a square matrix A (\in R^{m x m}) is singular.

Stores the matrix (in a std::vector) and its dimensions along with the index of the leading minor that is non-SPD.


std::vector<double> ctor can throw and cause std::terminate().

Message Format

The what() message is formatted in the class ctor (capitals indicate variable information):

SingularMatrixException: M x M matrix is singular; i-th leading minor is not SPD.


this exception currently does not print the full matrix. Use a debugger and call PrintMatrix() (gpp_logging.hpp) or catch the exception and proecss the matrix.

Public Functions

SingularMatrixException(char const * line_info, char const * func_info, char const * custom_message, double const * matrix_in, int num_rows_in, int leading_minor_index_in)

Constructs a SingularMatrixException object with extra fields to flesh out the what() message.

line_info[]:ptr to char array containing __FILE__ and __LINE__ info; e.g., from OL_STRINGIFY_FILE_AND_LINE
func_info[]:optional ptr to char array from OL_CURRENT_FUNCTION_NAME or similar
 optional ptr to char array with any additional text/info to print/log
 the singular matrix
num_rows:number of rows (= number of columns) in the matrix
 index of the first non-positive definite (principal) leading minor

int num_rows()

int leading_minor_index()

const std::vector< double > & matrix()


Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const * kName

String name of this exception for logging.

Private Members

int num_rows_

the number of rows (= number of columns) in the singular matrix

int leading_minor_index_

index of the first non-positive definite (principal) leading minor

std::vector< double > matrix_

the data of the singular matrix, ordered column-major

class UpperBoundException

Exception to capture value > max_value. Simple subclass of BoundsException that sets the min argument to std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::lowest()

See BoundsException for what() message format.

Public Functions

UpperBoundException(char const * line_info, char const * func_info, char const * custom_message, ValueType value_in, ValueType max_in)

Constructs an UpperBoundException object with extra fields to flesh out the what() message.

line_info[]:ptr to char array containing __FILE__ and __LINE__ info; e.g., from OL_STRINGIFY_FILE_AND_LINE
func_info[]:optional ptr to char array from OL_CURRENT_FUNCTION_NAME or similar
 optional ptr to char array with any additional text/info to print/log
value:the value that violates its min or max bound
max:the maximum bound for value


Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const * kName

String name of this exception for logging.


This file contains definitions for the constructors of the various exception classes in gpp_exception.hpp. These ctors generally set the message_ member with some debugging information about what the error is and where it occurred.

In most cases, we use boost::lexical_cast<std::string> to convert from numbers to strings. std::to_string’s formatting for floating point types is absolutely terrible (but it works fine for integral types, which is where we use it).



namespace optimal_learning

Macro to allow restrict as a keyword for C++ compilation and CUDA/nvcc compilation. See related entry in gpp_common.hpp for more details.