


Classes and utilities that are useful throughout the gpp_python_* interface code.

This file includes three main groups of things:

  1. Tools for translating between C++ and Python data sources
    1. PythonInterfaceInputContainer: captures the most common set of inputs used in gpp_python
    2. utilities for copying between std::vector and boost::python::list
  2. A RandomnessSourceContainer for moving consistent RNG state between C++, Python
  3. Export*() functions for giving Python access to various C++ calls via boost::python.
    1. enum classes
    2. optimizer parameter structs
    3. RandomnessSourceContainer from item 2)

Functions callable from Python generally have the following form:

  1. Copy vector inputs from references of Python structures to C++ (e.g., boost::python::list to std::vector). Items 1a) and 1b) are helpful for this.
  2. Construct any temporary objects needed by C++ (e.g., Evaluator/State pairs).
  3. Compute the desired result with C++ calls.
  4. Copy/return the desired result from C++ container back into a boost::python::list (or return directly for primitive types) Some of the functions in item 1b) are useful for this.

See other gpp_python_*.cpp files for examples (e.g., gpp_python_expected_improvement.cpp or gpp_python_model_selection.cpp).

General notes about the Python interface:

  1. We use raw strings (C++11) to pass multiline string literals to boost to specify python docstrings. Our delimiter is: %%. The format is: R"%%(put anything here, no need to escape chars)%%". Unfortunately this confuses linters but it is much more human-readable than alternatives.
  2. ALL ARRAYS/LISTS MUST BE FLATTENED! What that means: Matrices will be described as A[dim1][dim2]...[dimN] To FLATTEN a matrix is to lay it out in memory C-style; i.e., rightmost index varies the most rapidly. For example: A[3][4] = [4  32  5  2 `` 53 12 8 1`` `` 81 2 93 0]`` would be FLATTENED into an array: A_flat[12] = [4 32 5 2 53 12 8 1 81 2 93 0]

namespace optimal_learning

Macro to allow restrict as a keyword for C++ compilation and CUDA/nvcc compilation. See related entry in gpp_common.hpp for more details.

class PythonInterfaceInputContainer

Container class for translating a standard set of python (list) inputs into std::vector.

Public Functions

PythonInterfaceInputContainer(const boost::python::list & points_to_sample_in, int dim_in, int num_to_sample_in)

Minimal constructor that sets up points_to_sample only; generally used when a GaussianProcess object is already available (e.g., in GaussianProcess member function wrappers).

 points at which to compute GP quantities
dim:number of spatial dimension (independent parameters)
num_to_sample:number of points being sampled from the GP

PythonInterfaceInputContainer(const boost::python::list & points_to_sample_in, const boost::python::list & points_being_sampled_in, int dim_in, int num_to_sample_in, int num_being_sampled_in)

Minimal constructor that sets up points_to_sample and points_being_sampled; generally used when a GaussianProcess object is already available (e.g., in Expected Improvement wrappers).

 points at which to evaluate EI and/or its gradient to check their value in future experiments (i.e., test points for GP predictions)
pylist points_being_sampled_in[num_being_sampled][dim]:
 points that are being sampled in concurrent experiments
dim:number of spatial dimension (independent parameters)
num_to_sample:number of potential future samples; gradients are evaluated wrt these points (i.e., the “q” in q,p-EI)
 number of points being sampled concurrently (i.e., the “p” in q,p-EI)

PythonInterfaceInputContainer(const boost::python::list & hyperparameters_in, const boost::python::list & points_sampled_in, const boost::python::list & points_sampled_value_in, const boost::python::list & noise_variance_in, const boost::python::list & points_to_sample_in, int dim_in, int num_sampled_in, int num_to_sample_in)

Constructor that sets up GP-related members held in this container; generally used when a GaussianProcess object is not available/relevant (or to construct a GP). Does not set points_being_sampled.

pylist hyperparameters_in[2]:
 [0]: alpha: the hyperparameter alpha, (e.g., signal variance, sigma_f^2) [1]: lengths[dim]: the hyperparameter length scales, one per spatial dimension
pylist points_sampled_in[num_sampled][dim]:
 points that have already been sampled
pylist points_sampled_value_in[num_sampled]:
 objective values of the already-sampled points
pylist noise_variance_in[num_sampled]:
 the sigma_n^2 (noise variance) associated w/observation, points_sampled_value
pylist points_to_sample_in[num_to_sample][dim]:
 points at which to compute GP quantities
dim:number of spatial dimension (independent parameters)
num_sampled:number of already-sampled points
num_to_sample:number of points being sampled from the GP

Public Members

int dim

int num_sampled

int num_to_sample

int num_being_sampled

double alpha

std::vector< double > lengths

std::vector< double > points_sampled

std::vector< double > points_sampled_value

std::vector< double > noise_variance

std::vector< double > points_to_sample

std::vector< double > points_being_sampled

class RandomnessSourceContainer

Container for randomness sources to be used with the python interface. Python should create a singleton of this object and then pass it back to any C++ function requiring randomness sources. Outside of testing, we only want a single version of this object floating around in order for all RNGs to remain consistent.

Python generally has minimal interaction with this class; it is meant to be constructed in Python and then passed back to C++ for use.

This class will track enough enough sources so that multithreaded computation is well-defined.

This class exposes its member functions directly to Python; these member functions are for setting and resetting seed values for the randomness sources.

Public Functions

RandomnessSourceContainer(int num_threads)

Creates the randomness container with enough random sources for at most num_threads simultaneous accesses.

Random sources are seeded to a repeatable combination of the default seed and the thread id.

int num_normal_rng()

Get the current number of threads being tracked. Can be less than normal_rng_vec.size()

void SetExplicitUniformGeneratorSeed(NormalRNG::EngineType::result_type seed)

Seeds uniform generator with the specified seed value

seed:base seed value to use

void SetRandomizedUniformGeneratorSeed(NormalRNG::EngineType::result_type seed)

Seeds uniform generator with current time information

seed:base seed value to use

void ResetUniformGeneratorState()

Resets uniform generator to its most recently used seed.

void SetExplicitNormalRNGSeed(NormalRNG::EngineType::result_type seed)

Seeds RNG of thread i to f_i(seed, thread_id_i) such that f_i != f_j for i != j. f_i is repeatable. so each thread gets a distinct seed that is easily repeatable for testing


every thread is GUARANTEED to have a different seed

seed:base seed value to use

void SetRandomizedNormalRNGSeed(NormalRNG::EngineType::result_type seed)

Seeds each thread with a combination of current time, thread_id, and (potentially) other factors. multiple calls to this should produce different seeds modulo aliasing issues

seed:base seed value to use

bool SetNormalRNGSeedPythonList(const boost::python::list & seed_list, const boost::python::list & seed_flag_list)

If seed_flag_list[i] is true, sets the normal rng seed of the i-th thread to the value of seed_list[i].

If sizes are invalid (i.e., number of seeds != number of generators), then no changes are made and an error code is returned.


Does not guarantee that all threads receive unique seeds! If that is desired, seed_list should be checked BEFORE calling this function.

true if successful, false otherwise (due to invalid sizes)

void ResetNormalRNGState()

Resets all threads’ RNGs to the seed values they were initialized with. Useful for testing.

void PrintState()


Public Members

UniformRandomGenerator uniform_generator

The uniform random generator that will be used by C++ to make uniform draws.

std::vector< NormalRNG > normal_rng_vec

The normal random generators (one per thread) that will be used by C++ to make N(0, 1)-distributed draws.

Private Members

int num_normal_rng_

length of normal_rng_vec

Private Static Attributes

constexpr NormalRNG::EngineType::result_type kNormalDefaultSeed

constexpr UniformRandomGenerator::EngineType::result_type kUniformDefaultSeed


This file contains definitions of infrequently-used or expensive functions declared in gpp_python_common.hpp.

Note: several internal functions of this source file are only called from Export*() functions, so their description, inputs, outputs, etc. comments have been moved. These comments exist in Export*() as Python docstrings, so we saw no need to repeat ourselves.

namespace optimal_learning

Macro to allow restrict as a keyword for C++ compilation and CUDA/nvcc compilation. See related entry in gpp_common.hpp for more details.


void CopyPylistToVector(const boost::python::list & input, int size, std::vector< double > & output)

Copies the first doubles elements of a python list (input) into a std::vector (output) Resizes output if needed.


undefined behavior if the python list contains anything except type double!

input:python list to copy from
size:number of elements to copy
output:std::vector with copies of the first size items of input

void CopyPylistToClosedIntervalVector(const boost::python::list & input, int size, std::vector< ClosedInterval > & output)

Copies the first size [min, max] pairs from input to output. Size of input MUST be 2*size.


undefined behavior if the python list contains anything except type double!

input:python list to copy from
size:number of pairs to copy
output:std::vector with copies of the first size items of input

boost::python::list VectorToPylist(const std::vector< double > & input)

Produces a PyList with the same size as the input vector and that is element-wise equal to the input vector.

input:std::vector to be copied
python list that is element-wise equivalent to input

void ExportEnumTypes()

Export C++’s enum classes to Python; e.g., DomainTypes, OptimizerTypes, etc. Includes docstrings.

void ExportOptimizerParameterStructs()

Export the parameter structs from gpp_optimizer_parameters.hpp to Python. Includes docstrings.

void ExportRandomnessContainer()

Export the class RandomnessSourceContainer and its member functions to Python. Includes docstrings.