


This file contains the “call” to BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE; think of that as the main() function for the interface. It includes the full docstring for the Python module. That call wraps Export.*() functions from gpp_python_.* helper files, which contain the pieces of C++ functionality that we are exporting to Python (e.g., debugging tools like GP mean, variance, and gradients as well as EI optimizers and model selection tools).

This file also includes the logic for translating C++ exceptions to Python exceptions.


PyObject *const default_exception_type_object_

PyObject * optimal_learning_exception_type_object_

PyObject * bounds_exception_type_object_

PyObject * invalid_value_exception_type_object_

PyObject * singular_matrix_exception_type_object_

boost::python::scope * scope_

bool initialized_

namespace optimal_learning

Macro to allow restrict as a keyword for C++ compilation and CUDA/nvcc compilation. See related entry in gpp_common.hpp for more details.