


All GPU related functions are declared here, and any other C++ functions who wish to call GPU functions should only call functions here.



Macro that checks error message (CudaError object) returned by CUDA functions, and throws OptimalLearningCudaException if there is error.

namespace optimal_learning

Macro to allow restrict as a keyword for C++ compilation and CUDA/nvcc compilation. See related entry in gpp_common.hpp for more details.


OL_NONNULL_POINTERS void SetupExpectedImprovementState(const CudaExpectedImprovementEvaluator & ei_evaluator, double const *restrict points_to_sample, double const *restrict points_being_sampled, int num_to_sample, int num_being_sampled, int max_num_threads, bool configure_for_gradients, UniformRandomGenerator * uniform_rng, std::vector< typename CudaExpectedImprovementEvaluator::StateType > * state_vector)

Set up vector of CudaExpectedImprovementEvaluator::StateType.

This is a utility function just for reducing code duplication.

Throws InvalidValueException if max_num_threads != 1. Multiple threads (=> multiple GPUs) is not yet supported. TODO(GH-398): remove this requirement/comments when we support computation on multiple GPUs

ei_evaluator:evaluator object associated w/the state objects being constructed
 initial points to load into state (must be a valid point for the problem); i.e., points at which to evaluate EI and/or its gradient
 points that are being sampled in concurrently experiments
num_to_sample:number of potential future samples; gradients are evaluated wrt these points (i.e., the “q” in q,p-EI)
 number of points being sampled concurrently (i.e., the p in q,p-EI)
 maximum number of threads for use by OpenMP (generally should be <= # cores)
 true if these state objects will be used to compute gradients, false otherwise
 vector of state objects, arbitrary size (usually 0)
uniform_rng[1]:UniformRandomGenerator object used to seed the GPU PRNG(s)
uniform_rng[1]:UniformRandomGenerator object will have its state changed due to random draws
 vector of states containing max_num_threads properly initialized state objects

template < typename DomainType >
OL_NONNULL_POINTERS void CudaComputeOptimalPointsToSampleViaMultistartGradientDescent(const GaussianProcess & gaussian_process, const GradientDescentParameters & optimizer_parameters, const DomainType & domain, const ThreadSchedule & thread_schedule, double const *restrict start_point_set, double const *restrict points_being_sampled, int num_multistarts, int num_to_sample, int num_being_sampled, double best_so_far, int max_int_steps, int which_gpu, UniformRandomGenerator * uniform_rng, bool *restrict found_flag, double *restrict best_next_point)

This function is the same as ComputeOptimalPointsToSampleViaMultistartGradientDescent in gpp_math.hpp except that it is specifically used for GPU EI evaluators. Refer to gpp_math.hpp for detailed documentation.

 GaussianProcess object (holds points_sampled, values, noise_variance, derived quantities) that describes the underlying GP
 GradientDescentParameters object that describes the parameters controlling EI optimization (e.g., number of iterations, tolerances, learning rate)
domain:object specifying the domain to optimize over (see gpp_domain.hpp)
 struct instructing OpenMP on how to schedule threads; i.e., (suggestions in parens) max_num_threads (num cpu cores), schedule type (omp_sched_dynamic), chunk_size (0).
 set of initial guesses for MGD (one block of num_to_sample points per multistart)
 points that are being sampled in concurrent experiments
 number of points in set of initial guesses
num_to_sample:number of potential future samples; gradients are evaluated wrt these points (i.e., the “q” in q,p-EI)
 number of points being sampled concurrently (i.e., the “p” in q,p-EI)
best_so_far:value of the best sample so far (must be min(points_sampled_value))
max_int_steps:maximum number of MC iterations
which_gpu:the device ID of GPU used for computation
uniform_rng[1]:UniformRandomGenerator object used to seed the GPU PRNG(s)
uniform_rng[1]:UniformRandomGenerator object will have its state changed due to random draws
found_flag[1]:true if best_next_point corresponds to a nonzero EI
 points yielding the best EI according to MGD

template < typename DomainType >
void CudaComputeOptimalPointsToSampleWithRandomStarts(const GaussianProcess & gaussian_process, const GradientDescentParameters & optimizer_parameters, const DomainType & domain, const ThreadSchedule & thread_schedule, double const *restrict points_being_sampled, int num_to_sample, int num_being_sampled, double best_so_far, int max_int_steps, int which_gpu, bool *restrict found_flag, UniformRandomGenerator * uniform_generator, double *restrict best_next_point)

This function is the same as ComputeOptimalPointsToSampleWithRandomStarts in gpp_math.hpp except that it is specifically used for GPU EI evaluators. Refer to gpp_math.hpp for detailed documentation.

 GaussianProcess object (holds points_sampled, values, noise_variance, derived quantities) that describes the underlying GP
 GradientDescentParameters object that describes the parameters controlling EI optimization (e.g., number of iterations, tolerances, learning rate)
domain:object specifying the domain to optimize over (see gpp_domain.hpp)
 struct instructing OpenMP on how to schedule threads; i.e., (suggestions in parens) max_num_threads (num cpu cores), schedule type (omp_sched_dynamic), chunk_size (0).
 points that are being sampled in concurrent experiments
num_to_sample:number of potential future samples; gradients are evaluated wrt these points (i.e., the “q” in q,p-EI)
 number of points being sampled concurrently (i.e., the “p” in q,p-EI)
best_so_far:value of the best sample so far (must be min(points_sampled_value))
max_int_steps:maximum number of MC iterations
which_gpu:the device ID of GPU used for computation
 UniformRandomGenerator object used to seed the GPU PRNG(s)
found_flag[1]:true if best_next_point corresponds to a nonzero EI
 UniformRandomGenerator object will have its state changed due to random draws
 points yielding the best EI according to MGD

template < typename DomainType >
void CudaComputeOptimalPointsToSampleViaLatinHypercubeSearch(const GaussianProcess & gaussian_process, const DomainType & domain, const ThreadSchedule & thread_schedule, double const *restrict points_being_sampled, int num_multistarts, int num_to_sample, int num_being_sampled, double best_so_far, int max_int_steps, int which_gpu, bool *restrict found_flag, UniformRandomGenerator * uniform_generator, double *restrict best_next_point)

This function is the same as ComputeOptimalPointsToSampleViaLatinHypercubeSearch in gpp_math.hpp except that it is specifically used for GPU EI evaluators. Refer to gpp_math.hpp for detailed documentation.

 GaussianProcess object (holds points_sampled, values, noise_variance, derived quantities) that describes the underlying GP
domain:object specifying the domain to optimize over (see gpp_domain.hpp)
 struct instructing OpenMP on how to schedule threads; i.e., (suggestions in parens) max_num_threads (num cpu cores), schedule type (omp_sched_static), chunk_size (0).
 points that are being sampled in concurrent experiments
 number of random points to check
num_to_sample:number of potential future samples; gradients are evaluated wrt these points (i.e., the “q” in q,p-EI)
 number of points being sampled concurrently (i.e., the “p” in q,p-EI)
best_so_far:value of the best sample so far (must be min(points_sampled_value))
max_int_steps:maximum number of MC iterations
which_gpu:device ID of the GPU used for computation
 a UniformRandomGenerator object providing the random engine for uniform random numbers
found_flag[1]: true if best_next_point corresponds to a nonzero EI :uniform_generator[1]: UniformRandomGenerator object will have its state changed due to random draws :best_next_point[dim][num_to_sample]: points yielding the best EI according to dumb search

class CudaDeleter

A deleter for std::unique_ptr that are created with memory returned by cudaMalloc(); e.g., the member of CudaDevicePointer.

For a description of deleters, see:

The STL-provided default deleter:

Public Functions

void operator()(void * device_ptr)

Free the memory pointed to by device_ptr. Called as part of the dtor for std::unique_ptr and MUST NOT throw exceptions. Wraps cudaFree().

device_ptr:device pointer to memory previously allocated by cudaMalloc().

class CudaDevicePointer

This struct is a smart pointer that wraps std::unique_ptr. It provides a simple interface for device memory (i.e., on a GPU) ownership. It automatically handles cudaMalloc() and cudaFree() calls and error checks; the result is stored in a std::unique_ptr.

Public Functions

CudaDevicePointer(int num_values_in)

Construct a CudaDevicePointer (via cudaMalloc()) that owns a block of num_values * sizeof(ValueType) bytes on the GPU device.

If allocation fails, device_ptr is nullptr and num_values is 0.

num_values:number of values allocated at the device memory address held in this object

CudaDevicePointer(CudaDevicePointer && other)

int num_values()

ValueType * device_ptr()


Private Members

int num_values_

number of values to allocate on gpu, so the memory size is num_values * sizeof(ValueType)

std::unique_ptr< ValueType, CudaDeleter > device_ptr_

pointer to the memory location on gpu

class CudaExpectedImprovementEvaluator

This class has the same functionality as ExpectedImprovementEvaluator (see gpp_math.hpp), except that computations are performed on GPU.

Public Type

typedef CudaExpectedImprovementState StateType

Public Functions

CudaExpectedImprovementEvaluator(const GaussianProcess & gaussian_process_in, int num_mc_in, double best_so_far, int devID_in)

Constructor that also specify which gpu you want to use (for multi-gpu system)


int dim()

int num_mc()

const GaussianProcess * gaussian_process()

double ComputeObjectiveFunction(StateType * ei_state)

Wrapper for ComputeExpectedImprovement(); see that function for details.

void ComputeGradObjectiveFunction(StateType * ei_state, double *restrict grad_ei)

Wrapper for ComputeGradExpectedImprovement(); see that function for details.

double ComputeExpectedImprovement(StateType * ei_state)

This function has the same functionality as ComputeExpectedImprovement (see gpp_math.hpp) in class ExpectedImprovementEvaluator.

ei_state[1]:properly configured state object
ei_state[1]:state with temporary storage modified; uniform_rng modified
the expected improvement from sampling points_to_sample with points_being_sampled concurrent experiments

void ComputeGradExpectedImprovement(StateType * ei_state, double *restrict grad_ei)

This function has the same functionality as ComputeGradExpectedImprovement (see gpp_math.hpp) in class ExpectedImprovementEvaluator.

ei_state[1]:properly configured state object
ei_state[1]:state with temporary storage modified; uniform_rng modified
 gradient of EI

void SetupGPU(int devID)

Call CUDA API function to activate a GPU. Refer to:

devID:device ID of the GPU need to be activated


Private Members

const int dim_

spatial dimension (e.g., entries per point of points_sampled)

int num_mc_

number of mc iterations

double best_so_far_

best (minimum) objective function value (in points_sampled_value)

const GaussianProcess * gaussian_process_

pointer to gaussian process used in EI computations

class CudaExpectedImprovementState

This has the same functionality as ExpectedImprovementState (see gpp_math.hpp) except that it is for GPU computing

Public Type

typedef CudaExpectedImprovementEvaluator EvaluatorType

Public Functions

CudaExpectedImprovementState(const EvaluatorType & ei_evaluator, double const *restrict points_to_sample, double const *restrict points_being_sampled, int num_to_sample_in, int num_being_sampled_in, bool configure_for_gradients, UniformRandomGenerator * uniform_rng_in)

This struct has same functionality as ExpectedImprovementState in gpp_math.hpp, except that it is specifically for GPU EI evaluator. Refer to gpp_math.hpp for detailed documentation.

ei_evaluator:expected improvement evaluator object that specifies the parameters & GP for EI evaluation
 points at which to evaluate EI and/or its gradient to check their value in future experiments (i.e., test points for GP predictions)
 points being sampled in concurrent experiments
num_to_sample:number of potential future samples; gradients are evaluated wrt these points (i.e., the “q” in q,p-EI)
 number of points being sampled in concurrent experiments (i.e., the “p” in q,p-EI)
 true if this object will be used to compute gradients, false otherwise
uniform_rng[1]:pointer to a properly initialized* UniformRandomGenerator object


* The UniformRandomGenerator object must already be seeded. If multithreaded computation is used for EI, then every state object must have a different UniformRandomGenerator (different seeds, not just different objects).

CudaExpectedImprovementState(const EvaluatorType & ei_evaluator, double const *restrict points_to_sample, double const *restrict points_being_sampled, int num_to_sample_in, int num_being_sampled_in, bool configure_for_gradients, UniformRandomGenerator * uniform_rng_in, bool configure_for_test)

CudaExpectedImprovementState(CudaExpectedImprovementState && other)

int GetProblemSize()

void GetCurrentPoint(double *restrict points_to_sample)

Get the points_to_sample: potential future samples whose EI (and/or gradients) are being evaluated

 potential future samples whose EI (and/or gradients) are being evaluated

void SetCurrentPoint(const EvaluatorType & ei_evaluator, double const *restrict points_to_sample)

Change the potential samples whose EI (and/or gradient) are being evaluated. Update the state’s derived quantities to be consistent with the new points.

ei_evaluator:expected improvement evaluator object that specifies the parameters & GP for EI evaluation
 potential future samples whose EI (and/or gradients) are being evaluated

void SetupState(const EvaluatorType & ei_evaluator, double const *restrict points_to_sample)

Configures this state object with new points_to_sample, the location of the potential samples whose EI is to be evaluated. Ensures all state variables & temporaries are properly sized. Properly sets all dependent state variables (e.g., GaussianProcess’s state) for EI evaluation.


This object’s state is INVALIDATED if the ei_evaluator (including the GaussianProcess it depends on) used in SetupState is mutated! SetupState() should be called again in such a situation.

ei_evaluator:expected improvement evaluator object that specifies the parameters & GP for EI evaluation
 potential future samples whose EI (and/or gradients) are being evaluated


Public Members

const int dim

spatial dimension (e.g., entries per point of points_sampled)

const int num_to_sample

number of potential future samples; gradients are evaluated wrt these points (i.e., the “q” in q,p-EI)

const int num_being_sampled

number of points being sampled concurrently (i.e., the “p” in q,p-EI)

const int num_derivatives

number of derivative terms desired (usually 0 for no derivatives or num_to_sample)

const int num_union

number of points in union_of_points: num_to_sample + num_being_sampled

std::vector< double > union_of_points

points currently being sampled; this is the union of the points represented by “q” and “p” in q,p-EI points_to_sample is stored first in memory, immediately followed by points_being_sampled

GaussianProcess::StateType points_to_sample_state

gaussian process state

UniformRandomGenerator * uniform_rng

random number generator

std::vector< double > to_sample_mean

the mean of the GP evaluated at union_of_points

std::vector< double > grad_mu

the gradient of the GP mean evaluated at union_of_points, wrt union_of_points[0:num_to_sample]

std::vector< double > cholesky_to_sample_var

the cholesky (LL^T) factorization of the GP variance evaluated at union_of_points

std::vector< double > grad_chol_decomp

the gradient of the cholesky (LL^T) factorization of the GP variance evaluated at union_of_points wrt union_of_points[0:num_to_sample]

bool configure_for_test

CudaDevicePointer < double > gpu_mu

structs wrapping GPU device pointers used to store GP quantities temp device space for input data for GPU computations; GPU should not modify these

CudaDevicePointer < double > gpu_grad_mu

CudaDevicePointer < double > gpu_chol_var

CudaDevicePointer < double > gpu_grad_chol_var

CudaDevicePointer < double > gpu_ei_storage

temp device space for intermediate results returned by GPU computations

CudaDevicePointer < double > gpu_grad_ei_storage

CudaDevicePointer < double > gpu_random_number_ei

device storage for random numbers used by the GPU computing of ei & grad_ei only used for testing

CudaDevicePointer < double > gpu_random_number_grad_ei

std::vector< double > random_number_ei

host storage for random numbers used by the GPU in computing ei & grad_ei only used for testing

std::vector< double > random_number_grad_ei

Public Static Functions

std::vector< double > BuildUnionOfPoints(double const *restrict points_to_sample, double const *restrict points_being_sampled, int num_to_sample, int num_being_sampled, int dim)

Create a vector with the union of points_to_sample and points_being_sampled (the latter is appended to the former).

Note the l-value return. Assigning the return to a std::vector<double> or passing it as an argument to the ctor will result in copy-elision or move semantics; no copying/performance loss.

 points at which to evaluate EI and/or its gradient to check their value in future experiments (i.e., test points for GP predictions)
 points being sampled in concurrent experiments
num_to_sample:number of potential future samples; gradients are evaluated wrt these points (i.e., the “q” in q,p-EI)
 number of points being sampled in concurrent experiments (i.e., the “p” in q,p-EI)
dim:the number of spatial dimensions of each point array
std::vector<double> with the union of the input arrays: points_being_sampled is appended to points_to_sample

int GetVectorSize(int num_mc_itr, int num_threads, int num_blocks, int num_points)

A simple utility function to calculate how many random numbers will be generated by GPU computation of EI/gradEI given number of MC simulations. (user set num_mc_itr is not necessarily equal to the actual num_mc_itr used in GPU computation, because actual num_mc_itr has to be multiple of (num_threads * num_blocks)

num_mc_itr:number of MC simulations
num_threads:number of threads per block in GPU computation
num_blocks:number of blocks in GPU computation
num_points:number of points interested (aka q+p)
int: number of random numbers generated in GPU computation

class OptimalLearningCudaException

Exception to handle runtime errors returned by CUDA API functions. This class subclasses OptimalLearningException in gpp_exception.hpp/cpp, and basically has the same functionality as its superclass, except the constructor is different.

Public Functions

OptimalLearningCudaException(const CudaError & error)

Constructs a OptimalLearningCudaException with struct CudaError.

error:C struct that contains error message returned by CUDA API functions


Public Static Attributes

constexpr char const * kName

String name of this exception ofr logging.


This file contains implementations of GPU related functions. They are actually C++ wrappers for CUDA C functions defined in gpu/

namespace optimal_learning

Macro to allow restrict as a keyword for C++ compilation and CUDA/nvcc compilation. See related entry in gpp_common.hpp for more details.


void CudaEvaluateEIAtPointList(const GaussianProcess & gaussian_process, const ThreadSchedule & thread_schedule, double const *restrict initial_guesses, double const *restrict points_being_sampled, int num_multistarts, int num_to_sample, int num_being_sampled, double best_so_far, int max_int_steps, int which_gpu, bool *restrict found_flag, UniformRandomGenerator * uniform_rng, double *restrict function_values, double *restrict best_next_point)

This function is same as EvaluateEIAtPointList in gpp_math.cpp, except that it is specifically used for GPU functions. Refer to gpp_math.cpp for detailed documentation.

This function is the same as EvaluateEIAtPointList in gpp_math.hpp except that it is specifically used for GPU EI evaluators. Refer to gpp_math.hpp for detailed documentation.

 GaussianProcess object (holds points_sampled, values, noise_variance, derived quantities) that describes the underlying GP
 struct instructing OpenMP on how to schedule threads; i.e., (suggestions in parens) max_num_threads (num cpu cores), schedule type (omp_sched_static), chunk_size (0).
 list of points at which to compute EI
 points that are being sampled in concurrent experiments
 number of points to check
num_to_sample:number of potential future samples; gradients are evaluated wrt these points (i.e., the “q” in q,p-EI)
 number of points being sampled concurrently (i.e., the “p” in q,p-EI)
best_so_far:value of the best sample so far (must be min(points_sampled_value))
max_int_steps:maximum number of MC iterations
which_gpu:the device ID of GPU used for computation
uniform_rng[1]:UniformRandomGenerator object used to seed the GPU PRNG(s)
found_flag[1]:true if best_next_point corresponds to a nonzero EI
uniform_rng[1]:UniformRandomGenerator object will have its state changed due to random draws
 EI evaluated at each point of initial_guesses, in the same order as initial_guesses; never dereferenced if nullptr
 points yielding the best EI according to dumb search

template < typename DomainType >
void CudaComputeOptimalPointsToSample(const GaussianProcess & gaussian_process, const GradientDescentParameters & optimizer_parameters, const DomainType & domain, const ThreadSchedule & thread_schedule, double const *restrict points_being_sampled, int num_to_sample, int num_being_sampled, double best_so_far, int max_int_steps, bool lhc_search_only, int num_lhc_samples, int which_gpu, bool *restrict found_flag, UniformRandomGenerator * uniform_generator, double *restrict best_points_to_sample)

This function is same as ComputeOptimalPointsToSample in gpp_math.cpp, except that it is specifically used for GPU functions. Refer to gpp_math.cpp for detailed documentation.

This function is the same as ComputeOptimalPointsToSample in gpp_math.hpp except that it is specifically used for GPU EI evaluators. Refer to gpp_math.hpp for detailed documentation.

 GaussianProcess object (holds points_sampled, values, noise_variance, derived quantities) that describes the underlying GP
 GradientDescentParameters object that describes the parameters controlling EI optimization (e.g., number of iterations, tolerances, learning rate)
domain:object specifying the domain to optimize over (see gpp_domain.hpp)
 struct instructing OpenMP on how to schedule threads; i.e., (suggestions in parens) max_num_threads (num cpu cores), schedule type (omp_sched_dynamic), chunk_size (0).
 points that are being sampled in concurrent experiments
num_to_sample:how many simultaneous experiments you would like to run (i.e., the q in q,p-EI)
 number of points being sampled concurrently (i.e., the p in q,p-EI)
best_so_far:value of the best sample so far (must be min(points_sampled_value))
max_int_steps:maximum number of MC iterations
 whether to ONLY use latin hypercube search (and skip gradient descent EI opt)
 number of samples to draw if/when doing latin hypercube search
which_gpu:device ID of GPU used for computation
 UniformRandomGenerator object used to seed the GPU PRNG(s)
found_flag[1]:true if best_points_to_sample corresponds to a nonzero EI if sampled simultaneously
 UniformRandomGenerator object will have its state changed due to random draws
 point yielding the best EI according to MGD

template void CudaComputeOptimalPointsToSample(const GaussianProcess & gaussian_process, const GradientDescentParameters & optimizer_parameters, const TensorProductDomain & domain, const ThreadSchedule & thread_schedule, double const *restrict points_being_sampled, int num_to_sample, int num_being_sampled, double best_so_far, int max_int_steps, bool lhc_search_only, int num_lhc_samples, int which_gpu, bool *restrict found_flag, UniformRandomGenerator * uniform_generator, double *restrict best_points_to_sample)

template void CudaComputeOptimalPointsToSample(const GaussianProcess & gaussian_process, const GradientDescentParameters & optimizer_parameters, const SimplexIntersectTensorProductDomain & domain, const ThreadSchedule & thread_schedule, double const *restrict points_being_sampled, int num_to_sample, int num_being_sampled, double best_so_far, int max_int_steps, bool lhc_search_only, int num_lhc_samples, int which_gpu, bool *restrict found_flag, UniformRandomGenerator * uniform_generator, double *restrict best_points_to_sample)