Table of Contents:
comments in this header are copied in the module docstring in python/python_version/ and in the module docstring in python/cpp_wrappers/
Read the “OVERVIEW” sections for header-style comments that describe the file contents at a high level. Read the “IMPLEMENTATION” comments for cpp-style comments that talk more about the specifics. Both types are included together here since this file contains template class declarations and template function definitions. For further implementation details, see comment blocks before each individual class/function.
First, the functions in this file are all MAXIMIZERS. We also use the term “optima,” and unless we specifically state otherwise, “optima” and “optimization” refer to “maxima” and “maximization,” respectively. (Note that minimizing g(x) is equivalent to maximizing f(x) = -1 * g(x).)
This file contains templates for some common optimization techniques: gradient descent (GD) and Newton’s method. We provide constrained implementations (constraint via heuristics like restricting updates to 50% of the distance to the nearest wall) of these optimizers. For unconstrained, just set the domain to be huge: [-DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX].
We provide *Optimizer template classes (e.g., NewtonOptimizer) as main endpoints for doing local optimization (i.e., run the optimization method from a single initial guess). We also provide a MultistartOptimizer class for global optimization (i.e., start optimizers from each of a set of initial guesses). These are all discussed further below.
All of the optimizers in this file are templated. The template parameter is an Evaluator type which must have a type alias, Evaluator::StateType. So we work with (Evaluator, State) “tuples.” The Evaluator encompasses data and functions needed to evaluate the objective function, its gradient, and/or its hessian. The State covers the mutable state of the evaluation process. So an Evaluator for f(x) = x^T * A * x / ||x||_2 might contain the code for matrix-vector and vector-vector multiplication and the data for the matrix A. f’s State would contain just the vector x. Then f::ComputeObjectiveFunction(state) would have everything it needs to compute f(x).
In this way, we can make the local and global optimizers completely agonistic to the function they are optimizing.
This Evaluator/State “idiom” is decsribed more thoroughly in item 5) in the header comments for gpp_common.hpp. See section 3a) of this header (below) for details on precisely what functions/interface a (Evaluator, State) tuple are required to provide in order to be used with the optimizers in this file.
We use first derivative information to walk the path of steepest ascent, hopefully toward a (local) maxima of the chosen log likelihood measure. This is implemented in: GradientDescentOptimization(). This method ensures that the result lies within a specified domain.
We additionally restart gradient-descent in practice; i.e., we repeatedly take the output of a GD run and start a new GD run from that point. This lives in: GradientDescentOptimizer::Optimize().
Even with restarts, gradient descent (GD) cannot start “too far” from the solution and still successfully find it. Thus users should typically start it from multiple initial guesses and take the best one (see gpp_math and gpp_model_selection for examples). The MultistartOptimizer template class in this file provides generic multistart functionality.
Gradient descent is implemented in: GradientDescentOptimizer::Optimize() (which calls GradientDescentOptimization())
GD’s update is: \theta_{i+1} = \theta_i + \gamma * \nabla f(\theta_i) where \gamma controls the step-size and is chosen heuristically, often varying by problem.
The previous update leads to unconstrained optimization. To ensure that our results always stay within the specified domain, we additionally limit updates if they would move us outside the domain. For example, we could imagine only moving half the distance to the nearest boundary.
With gradient descent (GD), it is hard to know what step sizes to take. Unfortunately, far enough away from an optima, the objective could increase (but very slowly). If gradient descent takes too large of a step in a bad direction, it can easily “get lost.” At the same time, taking very small steps leads to slow performance. To help, we take the standard approach of scaling down step size with iteration number. We also allow the user to specify a maximum relative change to limit the aggressiveness of GD steps. Finally, we wrap GD in a restart loop, where we fire off another GD run from the current location unless convergence was reached.
Newton’s Method (for optimization) uses second derivative information in addition to the first derivatives used by gradient descent (GD). In higher dimensions, first derivatives => gradients and second derivatives => Hessian matrix. At each iteration, gradient descent computes the derivative and blindly takes a step (of some heuristically determined size) in that direction. Care must be taken in the step size choice to balance robustness and speed while ensuring that convergence is possible. By using second derivative (the Hessian matrix in higher dimensions), which is interpretable as information about local curvature, Newton makes better* choices about step size and direction to ensure rapid** convergence.
*, ** See “IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS” comments section for details.
Recall that Newton indiscriminately finds solutions where f'(x) = 0; the eigenvalues of the Hessian classify these x as optima, saddle points, or indeterminate. We multistart Newton (e.g., gpp_model_selection) but just take the best objective value without classifying solutions. The MultistartOptimizer template class in this file provides generic multistart functionality.
Newton is implemented here: NewtonOptimizer::Optimize() (which calls NewtonOptimization())
Let’s address the footnotes from the previous section (Section 2b, i paragraph 1):
* Within its region of attraction, Newton’s steps are optimal (when we have only second derivative information). Outside of this region, Newton can make very poor decisions and diverge. In general, Newton is more sensitive to its initial conditions than gradient descent, but it has the potential to be much, much faster.
** By quadratic convergence, we mean that once Newton is near enough to the solution, the log of the error will roughly halve each iteration. Numerically, we would see the “number of digits” double each iteration. Again, this only happens once Newton is “close enough.”
Newton’s Method is a root-finding technique at its base. To find a root of g(x), Newton requires an initial guess, x_0, and the ability to compute g(x) and g'(x). Then the idea is that you compute root of the line tangent to g(x_0); call this x_1. And repeat. But the core idea is to make repeated linear approximations to g(x) and proceed in a fixed-point like fashion.
As an optimization method, we are looking for roots of the gradient, f'(x_{opt}) = 0. So we require an initial guess x_0 and the ability to evaluate f'(x) and f''(x) (in higher dimensions, the gradient and Hessian of f). Thus Newton makes repeated linear approximations to f'(x) or equivalently, it locally approximates f(x) with a quadratic function, continuing iteration from the optima of that quadratic. In particular, Newton would solve the optimization problem of a quadratic program in one iteration.
Mathematically, the update formulas for gradient descent (GD) and Newton are: GD: \theta_{i+1} = \theta_i + \gamma * \nabla f(\theta_i) Newton: \theta_{i+1} = \theta_i - H_f^-1(\theta_i) * \nabla f(\theta_i) Note: the sign of the udpate is flipped because H is negative definite near a maxima. These update schemes are similar. In GD, \gamma is chosen heuristically. There are many ways to proceed but only so much that can be done with just gradient information; moreover the standard algorithm always proceeds in the direction of the gradient. Newton takes a much more general appraoch. Instead of a scalar \gamma, the Newton update applies H^-1 to the gradient, changing both the direction and magnitude of the step.
Unfortunately, Newton indiscriminately finds solutions where f'(x) = 0. This is not necesarily an optima! In one dimension, we can have f'(x) = 0 and f''(x) = 0, in which case the solution need not be an optima (e.g., y = x^3 at x = 0). In higher dimensions, a saddle point can also result (e.g., z = x^2 - y^2 at x,y = 0). More generally, we have an optima if the Hessian is strictly negative or positive definite; a saddle if the Hessian has both positive and negative eigenvalues, and an indeterminate case if the Hessian is singular.
Above, we mentioned that gradient descent (GD), Newton, etc. have a difficult time converging if they are started “too far” from an optima. Even if convergence occurs, it will typically be very slow unless the problem is simple. Worse, in a problem with multiple optima, the methods may converge to the wrong one!
Multistarting the optimizers is one way of mitigating* this issue. Multistart involves starting a run of the specified optimizer (e.g., Newton) from each of a set of initial guesses. Then the best result is reported as the result of the whole procedure. By trying a large number of initial guesses, we potentially reduce the need for good guesses; i.e., hopefully at least one guess will be “near enough” to the global optimum. This functionality is provided in MultistartOptimizer::MultistartOptimize(...).
* As noted below in the MultistartOptimizer::MultistartOptimize() function docs, mitigate is intentional here. Multistarting is NOT GUARANTEED to find global optima. But it can increase the chances of success.
Currently we let the user specify the initial guesses. In practice, this typically means a random sampling of points. We do not (yet) make any effort to say sample more heavily from regions where “more stuff is happening” or any other heuristics.
TODO(GH-165): Improve multistart heuristics.
Finally, MultistartOptimizer::MultistartOptimize() is also used to provide ‘dumb’ search functionality (optimization by just evaluating the objective at numerous points). For sufficiently complex problems, gradient descent, Newton, etc. can have exceptionally poor convergence characteristics or run too slowly. In cases where these more advanced techniques fail, we commonly fall back to ‘dumb’ search.
As mentioned in the overview, the functions and classes in this file are all templated on (Evaluator, State) tuples. They also template on Domain types. In particular, the optimization functions and classes have the following form: template <typename ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator, typename Domain> optimization_function(...); template <typename ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator, typename Domain> OptimizationClass { ... }; State (as indicated in gpp_common.hpp) is obtained through: typename ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator::State.
Domain objects are explained in gpp_domain.hpp; see there for examples as well. This file directly requires a Domain object to supply: void LimitUpdate(double max_relative_change, double const * restrict current_point, double * restrict update_vector); and with debugging on, bool CheckPointInside(double const * restrict point);
Now let’s talk about (Evaluate, State) template parameters and the optimzation classes in this file. In ADDITION to the requirements/guidelines laid out in gpp_common.hpp, an (Evaluate, State) tuple MUST provide the following interface to be used with the optimizers in this file:
// these functions all evaluate f() and its derivatives at state.GetCurrentPoint()
// derivatives are computed against the space whose dimension is state.GetProblemSize()
double ComputeObjectiveFunction(State * state); // compute f(current_point)
void ComputeGradObjectiveFunction(State * state, double * grad_objective); // compute f'(current_point)
void ComputeHessianObjectiveFunction(State * state, double * hessian_objective); // compute f''(current_point)
int GetProblemSize(); // how many dimensions to optimize
void GetCurrentPoint(double * point); // get current point at which Evalutor is computing results
void SetCurrentPoint(double const * point); // set current point at which Evalutor is computing results
gpp_math.hpp and gpp_model_selection.hpp have (Evaluator, State) examples that implement the above interface:
- gpp_math.hpp:
- (ExpectedImprovement, ExpectedImprovementState)
- (OnePotentialSampleExpectedImprovement, OnePotentialSampleExpectedImprovementState)
- gpp_model_selection.hpp:
- (LogMarginalLikelihoodEvaluator, LogMarginalLikelihoodState)
- (LeaveOneOutLogLikelihoodEvaluator, LeaveOneOutLogLikelihoodState)
gpp_mock_optimization_objective_functions.hpp lays out a pure abstract Evaluator class (with State) that is optimizable; examine tests that #include that file for more examples.
not all (Evaluator, State) tuples (e.g., GaussianProcess) make sense for optimization; these classes do not provide the above interface.
First, we will describe the interface for Optimizer classes. Then we will go over individual classes. Finally we will touch on the MultistartOptimizer template class.
As mentioned above, this file provides various Optimizer classes, e.g., NewtonOptimizer. Here we’ll go over high level details and then go through each specific example.
TODO(GH-174): Include objective, param struct, domain, etc. as Optimizer class members (copies or references).
In general, the Optimizer classes are the primary endpoint for local optimization; i.e., you have a good initial guess and you are confident that the optima is nearby. In current use cases, this is uncommon. But when it is true, multistart will waste a lot of compute time to arrive at the same result. For global optimization problems, use the MultistartOptimizer::MultistartOptimize() method in conjunction with an Optimizer object. This will probably remain the more common use case.
But these notes discuss both to provide context for future extensions of both the local and global optimization techniques.
In both cases, it is recommended to wrap Optimizer::Optimize() calls and/or MultistartOptimizer::MultistartOptimize() calls with code that sets up state, initial guesses, etc. for your specific problem. See usage in gpp_math and gpp_model_selection.
At present, the an Optimizer class promises:
template <typename ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator, typename DomainType>
class Optimizer final {
using ParameterStruct = OptimizerParameters; // e.g., NewtonParameters
Optimizer() = default; // no state so default ctor ok
int Optimize(const ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator& objective_evaluator, const ParameterStruct& parameters, const DomainType& domain, typename ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator::StateType * objective_state) const noexcept OL_NONNULL_POINTERS;
The Optimize() member function performs the desired optimization of the objective function specified through the (Evaluator, State) pair. Most importantly, the initial guess will be read through objective_state::GetCurrentPoint(). Upon return, objective_state::GetCurrentPoint() will provide the final result, the x for \argmax_x f(x), as determined by the optimization process. Note that since this is generally constrained optimization, in general f'(x) != 0 (if the optima lies on a boundary). See specific Optimizer class docs (and ::Optimize() function docs) for details.
Now, we outline specific optimization classes provided in thils file and the multistarting function that uses them:
class NullOptimizer<ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator, Domain>: NullOptimizer<...>::Optimize(...) (do nothing)
- This optimizer does nothing; it provides an “identity” optimizer where Output := Input.
- Its purpose is to allow MultistartOptimizer<...> to be used for ‘dumb’ searches.
class GradientDescentOptimizer<ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator, Domain>: GradientDescentOptimizer<...>::Optimize(...) (restarted part of gradient descent)
- Iteratively restarts GD from its previous ending point, unless convergence conditions are met
- This calls: GradientDescentOptimization<ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator, Domain>() (gradient descent)
- Performs gradient descent to optimize specified objective function
- Ensures (heuristically by modifying steps) that solutions remain in the specified domain
- Calls out to ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator::ComputeObjectiveFunction() and ComputeGradObjectiveFunction()
class NewtonOptimizer<ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator, Domain>: NewtonOptimizer<...>::Optimize() (Newton’s method with refinement step)
- First calls NewtonOptimization() to optimize. Robustness heuristics are active to help make convergence easier.
- Then calls NewtonOptimization() again with robustness heuristics off (heuristics should have converged fully or gotten us close) to ensure that convergence occurred. (Sometimes the heuristics converge to nonsense; this second step will catch that.)
- This function calls the following twice: NewtonOptimization<ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator, Domain>() (Newton’s method for optimization)
- Performs Newton iteration to optimize the templated objective function
- Ensures (heuristically by modifying steps) that solutions remain in the specified domain
- Calls out to ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator::ComputeObjectiveFunction(), ComputeGradObjectiveFunction(), and ComputeHessianObjectiveFunction()
- Inner loop also calls ComputePLUFactorization() and PLUMatrixVectorSolve() from gpp_linear_algebra
3b, iii. MULTISTART OPTIMIZATION class MultistartOptimizer<Optimizer<ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator, Domain> >: MultistartOptimizer<...>::MultistartOptimize() (multistarts any Optimizer from section 3b, ii.)
- Calls Optimizer::Optimize() once for each point in the provided list of initial guesses
- Multithreaded using OpenMP for performance
- Reports the best result overall (and optionally each individual result)
- Proxy for finding the global maximum since it is difficult/impossible to guarantee an optimum is global in general. See function comments (below) and header comments (above, 2c) for details.
uses OptimizationIOContainer class (see declaration below for details) for inputting/outputting information about currently best-known objective values/points and the optimization result.
namespace optimal_learning
Macro to allow restrict as a keyword for C++ compilation and CUDA/nvcc compilation. See related entry in gpp_common.hpp for more details.
Functionstemplate < typename ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator, typename DomainType >OL_NONNULL_POINTERS void GradientDescentOptimization(const ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator & objective_evaluator, const GradientDescentParameters & gd_parameters, const DomainType & domain, typename ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator::StateType * objective_state)TODO(GH-390): Implement Polyak-Ruppert Averaging for Gradient Descent
Implements gradient-descrent to to find a locally optimal (maximal here) value of the specified objective function. Additional high-level discussion is provided in section 2a) in the header docs of this file.
Basic gradient descent (GD) to optimize objective function f(x):
input: initial_guess next_point = initial_guess i = 0; while (not converged) { direction = derivative of f(x) at next_point step_scale = compute step_size scaling: pre_mult * (i+1)^(-gamma) next_point += step_scale * direction ++i }So it marches along the direction of largest gradient (so the steepest descent) for some distance. The distance is a combination of the size of the gradient and the step_scale factor. Here, we use an exponentially decreasing scale to request progressively smaller step sizes: (i+1)^(-gamma), where i is the iteration number
We do not allow the step to take next_point out of the domain; if this happens, the update is limited. Thus the solution is guaranteed to lie within the region specified by “domain”; note that this may not be a true optima (i.e., the gradient may be substantially nonzero).
We may also limit very large updates (controlled via max_relative_change). Decreasing this value makes gradient descent (GD) more stable but also slower. For very sensitive problems like hyperparameter optimization, max_relative_change = 0.02 is suggested; for less sensitive problems (e.g., EI, especially analytic), you can use 1.0 (or near).
The constraint implementation (no stepping outside the domain) and the large update limiting are not “pure” gradient descent approaches. They are all heuristics meant to improve Newton’s robustness. The constraint implementation in particular may lead to non-convergence and it also may not find constrained optima that lie exactly on a boundary. This would require a more general handling where we search in an d-1 dimensional subspace (i.e., only on the boundary).
Note that we are using an absolute tolerance here, based on the size of the most recent step. The suggested value is 1.0e-7, although this may need to be loosened for problems with ‘difficult’ optima (e.g., the shape is not locally very peaked). Setting too high of a tolerance can cause wrong answers–e.g., we stop at a point that is not an optima but simply an region with small gradient. Setting the tolerance too low may make convergence impossible; GD could get stuck (bouncing between the same few points) or numerical effects could make it impossible to satisfy tolerance.
Finally, GD terminates if updates are very small.
in general, you should not call/instantiate this function directly. Instead, create a GradientDescentOptimizer object and call its ::Optimize() function.
problem_size refers to objective_state->GetProblemSize(), the number of dimensions in a “point” aka the number of variables being optimized. (This might be the spatial dimension for EI or the number of hyperparameters for log likelihood.)
these comments are are copied to GradientDescentOptimizer.optimize() in python/python_version/
- Parameters:
objective_evaluator: reference to object that can compute the objective function and its gradient gd_parameters: GradientDescentParameters object that describes the parameters controlling gradient descent optimization (e.g., number of iterations, tolerances, learning rate) domain: object specifying the domain to optimize over (see gpp_domain.hpp) objective_state[1]: a properly configured state object for the ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator template parameter objective_state.GetCurrentPoint() will be used to obtain the initial guess - Outputs:
objective_state[1]: a state object whose temporary data members may have been modified objective_state.GetCurrentPoint() will return the point yielding the best objective function value according to gradient descent template < typename ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator, typename DomainType >OL_NONNULL_POINTERS OL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int NewtonOptimization(const ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator & objective_evaluator, const NewtonParameters & newton_parameters, const DomainType & domain, typename ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator::StateType * objective_state)Uses Newton’s Method to optimize the value of an objective function, f (e.g., log marginal likelihood). Newton’s method is a root-finding technique, so for optimization, we are searching for points where gradient = 0. has some basic details. Additional high-level discussion is provided in section 2b) in the header docs of this file.
Each newton step is given by: \theta_{n+1} = \theta_n - \bar{H}_f^-1(\theta_n) * \nabla f(\theta_n), where \bar{H} = H_f(\theta_n) - 1/time_factor * I, and \nabla f and H are the gradient and Hessian of the objective function, respectively, time_factor = time_factor_0 * gamma^n, and I is the identity matrix.
This method terminates early if a possible solution is found–||\nabla f|| is sufficiently small.
Choosing a small gamma (e.g., 1.0 < gamma <= 1.01) and time_factor (e.g., 0 < time_factor <= 1.0e-3) leads to more consistent/stable convergence at the cost of slower performance (and in fact for gamma or time_factor too small, gradient descent is preferred). Conversely, choosing more aggressive values may lead to very fast convergence at the cost of more cases failing to converge.
gamma = 1.01, time_factor = 1.0e-3 should lead to good robustness at reasonable speed. This should be a fairly safe default. gamma = 1.05, time_factor = 1.0e-1 will be several times faster but not as robust.
Notice that we modify the Hessian in an attempt to improve the region of “attraction” for Newton. To do this, we add diagonal dominance to the Hessian: \bar{H} = H - 1/time_factor * I. In the classic/standard version of Newton’s Method, time_factor = \infty so \bar{H} is just the Hessian. Note: we subtract because we are maximizing the objective and H is strictly negative definite at a maxima.
When \theta_i is far away from \theta_{opt}, having a very small time_factor causes the Newton update to behave like the Gradient Descent update. This is because H - LARGE_VALUE * I makes H “look like” a scaled identity matrix (with a relatively tiny amount of noise added). Thus using very large time_factor for many iterations is inefficient: the udpates are gradient-descent-like, but the cost is 5-7x more (in this case, not in general). But hoping that gradient descent-like steps guide us toward into a convergence region for Newton, time_factor is increased (by a constant factor) each iteration. As time_Factor -> \infinity, \bar{H} -> H; hence we recover Newton’s fast convergence properties.
Currently, during optimization, we recommend that the coordinates of the initial guesses not differ from the coordinates of the optima by more than about 1 order of magnitude. This means a grid will probably be necessary to give a good enough initial guess.
Guaranteed execute AT MOST max_num_restarts newton steps.
We also allow an under/over-relaxation factor, allowing the update to be scaled up/down.
Thus the basic structure for optimizing f(theta) is:
\theta_i = initial guess for i = 0:max_iterations { compute gradient of f: \nabla f(\theta_i) if (||gradient f|| < tolerance) exit compute hessian of f: H(\theta_i) time_factor = initial * growth_factor^i modify hessian: \bar{H} = H - 1/time_factor * I (I is identity matrix) compute update: update = \bar{H}^-1 * \nabla f (performed without forming inverse) relax update: update *= relaxation_factor apply update: \theta_i = \theta_i - update }We do not allow the step to take next_point out of the domain; if this happens, the update is limited. For now this limiting is done in a naive way; for example we may restrict the step size to 50% of the distance to the nearest boundary.
We may also limit very large updates (controlled via max_relative_change). For very sensitive problems like hyperparameter optimization, max_relative_change = 0.02 is suggested; for less sensitive problems (e.g., EI, especially analytic), you can use 1.0.
The constraint implementation (no stepping outside the domain), the large update limiting, and the hessian modification are not “pure” Newton approaches. They are all heuristics meant to improve Newton’s robustness. The constraint implementation in particular may lead to non-convergence and it also may not find constrained optima that lie exactly on a boundary. This would require a more general handling where we search in an d-1 dimensional subspace (i.e., only on the boundary).
Finally, note that we are using an absolute tolerance here, based on magnitude of the gradient, not step distance! (Contrast this with tolerance in gradient descent.) The suggested value is 1.0e-13, although this may need to be loosened for ill-conditioned problems. Setting too high of a tolerance can cause wrong answers–e.g., we stop at a point that is not an optima but simply an region with small gradient. Setting the tolerance too low will make convergence impossible due to loss of accuracy through numerical effects.
TODO(GH-161): Investigate/add stagnation detection to newton, so it stops when going too many steps without improving the result.
TODO(GH-133): (GH-134) Improve Newton’s performance/robustness.
this method does not check the eigenvalues of H at this solution to verify that it is an optima and not a saddle or an indeterminate result. TODO(GH-121): Add optima classification to Newton.
Solution is guaranteed to lie within the region specified by “domain”; note that this may not be a true optima (i.e., the gradient may be substantially nonzero).
in general, you should not call/instantiate this function directly. Instead, create a NewtonOptimizer object and call its ::Optimize() function.
problem_size refers to objective_state->GetProblemSize(), the number of dimensions in a “point” aka the number of variables being optimized. (This might be the spatial dimension for EI or the number of hyperparameters for log likelihood.)
- Parameters:
objective_evaluator: reference to object that can compute the objective function and its gradient newton_parameters: NewtonParameters object that describes the parameters newton optimization (e.g., number of iterations, tolerances, additional diagonal dominance) domain: object specifying the domain to optimize over (see gpp_domain.hpp) objective_state[1]: a properly configured state object for the ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator template parameter objective_state.GetCurrentPoint() will be used to obtain the initial guess - Outputs:
objective_state[1]: a state object whose temporary data members may have been modified objective_state.GetCurrentPoint() will return the point yielding the best objective function value according to newton - Returns:
- number of errors
class GradientDescentOptimizer
Gradient descent (GD) optimization. This class optimizes using restarted GD (see comments on the Optimize()) function.
Public TypePublic Functionstypedef ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator_ ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator
typedef DomainType_ DomainType
typedef GradientDescentParameters ParameterStruct
GradientDescentOptimizer()int Optimize(const ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator & objective_evaluator, const ParameterStruct & gd_parameters, const DomainType & domain, typename ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator::StateType * objective_state)Optimize a given objective function (represented by ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator; see file comments for what this must provide) using restarted gradient descent (GD).
See section 2a) and 3b, i) in the header docs and the docs for GradientDescentOptimization() for more details.
Guaranteed to call GradientDescentOptimization() AT MOST max_num_restarts times. GradientDescentOptimization() implements gradient descent; see function comments above for details. This method calls gradient descent, then restarts (by calling GD again) from the GD’s result point. This is done until max_num_restarts is reached or the result point stops changing (compared to tolerance).
Note that we are using an absolute tolerance, based on the size of the most recent step*. Here, ‘step’ is the distance covered by the last restart, not the last GD iteration (as in GradientDescentOptimization()). The suggested value is 1.0e-7, although this may need to be loosened for problems with ‘difficult’ optima (e.g., the shape is not locally very peaked). Setting too high of a tolerance can cause wrong answers–e.g., we stop at a point that is not an optima but simply an region with small gradient. Setting the tolerance too low may make convergence impossible; GD could get stuck (bouncing between the same few points) or numerical effects could make it impossible to satisfy tolerance.
* As opposed to say based on changes in the objective function.
Solution is guaranteed to lie within the region specified by “domain”; note that this may not be a true optima (i.e., the gradient may be substantially nonzero).
problem_size refers to objective_state->GetProblemSize(), the number of dimensions in a “point” aka the number of variables being optimized. (This might be the spatial dimension for EI or the number of hyperparameters for log likelihood.)
- Parameters:
objective_evaluator: reference to object that can compute the objective function and its gradient gd_parameters: GradientDescentParameters object that describes the parameters controlling gradient descent optimization (e.g., number of iterations, tolerances, learning rate) domain: object specifying the domain to optimize over (see gpp_domain.hpp) objective_state[1]: a properly configured state object for the ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator template parameter objective_state.GetCurrentPoint() will be used to obtain the initial guess - Outputs:
objective_state[1]: a state object whose temporary data members may have been modified objective_state.GetCurrentPoint() will return the point yielding the best objective function value according to gradient descent - Returns:
- number of errors, always 0
OL_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(GradientDescentOptimizer)class MultistartOptimizer
This is a general, template class for multistart optimization. It is designed to be used with the various Optimizer classes in this file (e.g., NullOptimizer, GradientDescentOptimizer, NewtonOptimizer). The multistart process is multithreaded using OpenMP so that we can start from multiple initial guesses across multiple threads simultaneously. See section 2c) and 3b, iii) in the header docs at the top of the file for more details.
The use with GradientDescentOptimizer, NewtonOptimizer, etc. are standard practice in nonlinear optimization. In particular, without special properties like convexity, single-start optimizers can converge to local optima. In general, a nonlinear function can have many local optima, so the only way to improve* your chances of finding the global optimum is to start from many different locations. This will be the typical use case for MultistartOptimizer<...>::MultistartOptimize().
* Improve is intentional here. In the general case, you are not guaranteed (in finite time) to find the global optimum.
Use with NullOptimizer requires special mention here as it might seem silly. This case reduces to evaluating the objective function at every point of initial_guesses. Through function_values, you can get the objective value at each of point of initial_guesses too (e.g., for plotting). So use MultistartOptimize with NullOptimzer to perform a ‘dumb’ search (e.g., initial_guesses can be obtained from a grid, random sampling, etc.). NullOptimizer allows ‘dumb’ search to use the same code as multistart optimization. ‘Dumb’ search is inaccurate but it never fails, so we often use it as a fall-back when more advanced (e.g., gradient descent) techniques fail.
This class provides just one method (for now), MultistartOptimize(); see below.
Public TypeNote
comments copied to MultistartOptimizer in python_version/
Public Functionstypedef Optimizer_ Optimizer
typedef typename Optimizer::ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator
typedef typename Optimizer::DomainType DomainType
typedef typename Optimizer::ParameterStruct ParameterStruct
MultistartOptimizer()void MultistartOptimize(const Optimizer & optimizer, const ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator & objective_evaluator, const ParameterStruct & optimizer_parameters, const DomainType & domain, const ThreadSchedule & thread_schedule, double const *restrict initial_guesses, int num_multistarts, typename ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator::StateType * objective_state_vector, double *restrict function_values, OptimizationIOContainer *restrict io_container)Performs multistart optimization with the specified Optimizer (class template parameter) to optimize the specified ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator over the specified DomainType. Optimizer behavior is controlled by the specified ParameterStruct. See class docs and header docs of this file, section 2c and 3b, iii), for more information.
The method allows you to specify what the current best is, so that if optimization cannot beat it, no improvement will be reported. It will otherwise report the overall best improvement (through io_container) as well as the result of every individual multistart run if desired (through function_values).
comments copied to MultistartOptimizer.optimize() in python_version/
Generally, you will not call this function directly. Instead, it is intended to be used in wrappers that set up state, thread_schedule, etc. for the specific optimization problem at hand. For examples with Expected Improvement (EI), see gpp_math:
- EvaluateEIAtPointList()
- ComputeOptimalPointsToSampleViaMultistartGradientDescent()
or gpp_model_selection:
- EvaluateLogLikelihoodAtPointList()
- MultistartGradientDescentHyperparameterOptimization()
- MultistartNewtonHyperparameterOptimization()
problem_size refers to objective_state->GetProblemSize(), the number of dimensions in a “point” aka the number of variables being optimized. (This might be the spatial dimension for EI or the number of hyperparameters for log likelihood.)
- Parameters:
optimizer: object with the desired Optimize() functionality (e.g., do nothing for ‘dumb’ search, gradient descent, etc.) objective_evaluator: reference to object that can compute the objective function, its gradient, and/or its hessian, depending on the needs of optimizer optimizer_parameters: Optimizer::ParameterStruct object that describes the parameters for optimization (e.g., number of iterations, tolerances, scale factors, etc.) domain: object specifying the domain to optimize over (see gpp_domain.hpp) thread_schedule: struct instructing OpenMP on how to schedule threads; i.e., max_num_threads, schedule type, chunk_size initial_guesses[problem_size][num_multistarts]: list of points at which to start optimization runs; all points must lie INSIDE the specified domain num_multistarts: number of random points to use from initial guesses objective_state_vector[thread_schedule.max_num_threads]: properly constructed/configured ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator::State objects, at least one per thread objective_state.GetCurrentPoint() will be used to obtain the initial guess io_container[1]: object with best_objective_value_so_far and corresponding best_point properly initialized. See struct docs in gpp_optimization.hpp for details. - Outputs:
objective_state_vector[thread_schedule.max_num_threads]: internal states of state objects may be modified function_values[num_multistarts]: objective fcn value at the end of each optimization run, in the same order as initial_guesses. Can be used to check what each optimization run converged to. More commonly used only with NullOptimizer to get a list of objective values at each point of initial_guesses. Never dereferenced if nullptr. io_container[1]: object container new best_objective_value_so_far and corresponding best_point IF found_flag is true. Unchanged from input otherwise. See struct docs in gpp_optimization.hpp for details. - raise
- if any of objective_state_vector->SetCurrentPoint(), optimizer.Optimize(), or objective_evaluator.ComputeObjectiveFunction() throws, the exception (or one of the exceptions in the event of multiple throws due to threading, usually the first temporally) will be saved and rethrown by this function. io_container will be in a valid state; function_values may not.
OL_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MultistartOptimizer)class NewtonOptimizer
Newton optimization. This class optimizes using Newton’s method with a refinement step (see comments on the Optimize()) function.
Public TypePublic Functionstypedef ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator_ ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator
typedef DomainType_ DomainType
typedef NewtonParameters ParameterStruct
NewtonOptimizer()int Optimize(const ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator & objective_evaluator, const ParameterStruct & newton_parameters, const DomainType & domain, typename ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator::StateType * objective_state)Uses Newton’s Method to optimize the value of an objective function, f (e.g., log marginal likelihood).
this function wraps NewtonOptimization(), see above. It first calls that function directly, then calls it again with a modified newton_parameters struct: the param struct is modified to run newton with a small number of iterations at a huge time_factor (to remove the diagonal dominance adjustment entirely). We do this to ensure that Newton has converged.
See section 2b) and 3b, ii) in the header docs and the docs for NewtonOptimization() for more details.
Solution is guaranteed to lie within the region specified by “domain”; note that this may not be a true optima (i.e., the gradient may be substantially nonzero).
problem_size refers to objective_state->GetProblemSize(), the number of dimensions in a “point” aka the number of variables being optimized. (This might be the spatial dimension for EI or the number of hyperparameters for log likelihood.)
- Parameters:
objective_evaluator: reference to object that can compute the objective function and its gradient newton_parameters: NewtonParameters object that describes the parameters newton optimization (e.g., number of iterations, tolerances, additional diagonal dominance) domain: object specifying the domain to optimize over (see gpp_domain.hpp) objective_state[1]: a properly configured state object for the ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator template parameter objective_state.GetCurrentPoint() will be used to obtain the initial guess - Outputs:
objective_state[1]: a state object whose temporary data members may have been modified objective_state.GetCurrentPoint() will return the point yielding the best objective function value according to newton - Returns:
- number of errors
OL_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(NewtonOptimizer)class NullOptimizer
The “null” or identity optimizer: it does nothing, giving the same output its inputs This is useful to allow the multistart optimizer template to be reused for ‘dumb’ searches and nontrivial optimization. In the former, we just need to evaluate the objective at each initial guess, so there is no optimization to be done at each point (hence null optimizer). In the latter, we kick off an optimization run (e.g., gradient descent, newton) at each initial guess.
Public TypePublic Functionstypedef ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator_ ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator
typedef DomainType_ DomainType
typedef NullParameters ParameterStruct
NullOptimizer()int Optimize(const ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator & OL_UNUSED, const ParameterStruct & OL_UNUSED, const DomainType & OL_UNUSED, typename ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator::StateType * OL_UNUSED)Perform a null optimization: this does nothing.
- Parameters:
objective_state[1]: a properly configured state object for the ObjectiveFunctionEvaluator template parameter objective_state.GetCurrentPoint() will be used to obtain the initial guess - Outputs:
objective_state[1]: a state object whose temporary data members may have been modified objective_state.GetCurrentPoint() will return the point as the intial guess - Returns:
- number of errors, always 0
OL_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(NullOptimizer)class OptimizationIOContainer
This object holds the input/output fields for optimizers (maximization). On input, this can be used to specify the current best known point (i.e., the optimizer will indicate no new optima found if it cannot beat this value). Upon completion, this struct should be read to determine the result of optimization.
Since this object is used to communicate some inputs/outputs to the various optimization functions, any function using this object MUST obey its contract.
The contract: On input, the optimizer will read best_objective_value_so_far. IF optimization results in a LARGER objective value, then:
- best_objective_value_so_far will be set to that new larger value
- best_point will be set to the point producing this new larger objective value
- found_flag will be SET to true
- best_objective_value_so_far will be unmodified
- best_point will be unmodified
- found_flag will be SET to false
The idea is for the user to be able to indicate what an improvement is. For example, to optimize log likelihood as a function of hyperparameters, we could do: best_point = argmax_{x \in initial_guesses} f(x) best_objective_value = f(best_point) And then call multistart gradient descent (MGD). Now, MGD will only change the best point/value if it converges to a better solution. If convergence fails or MGD settles on a worse local maxima, found_flag will be SET to false, and the other fields of IOContainer will be unmodified. If it finds a better solution, then found_flag will be SET to true and the other fields will report the new solution.
Public FunctionsPublic MembersOptimizationIOContainer(int problem_size_in)Build an empty OptimizationIOContainer. best_objective_value and best_point are initialized to zero; THIS MAY BE AN INVALID STATE. See class docs for details.
- Parameters:
problem_size: number of dimensions in the optimization problem (e.g., size of best_point) OptimizationIOContainer(int problem_size_in, double best_objective_value, double const *restrict best_point_in)Build and fully initialize a OptimizationIOContainer. See class docs for details.
- Parameters:
problem_size: number of dimensions in the optimization problem (e.g., size of best_point) best_objective_value: the best objective function value seen so far best_point: the point to associate with best_objective_value OptimizationIOContainer(OptimizationIOContainer && OL_UNUSED)OL_DISALLOW_DEFAULT_AND_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(OptimizationIOContainer)const int problem_size
spatial dimension (e.g., dimensions of a point in points_sampled, num_hyperparameters)
double best_objective_value_so_far
the best objective function value seen
std::vector< double > best_point
the point producing best_objective_value_so_far after successful optimizzation (found_flag = true); otherwise it contains the original, unmodified values from when the function was called
bool found_flag
true if the optimizer found improvement
class ThreadSchedule
When we ask openmp to parallelize a for loop, we can give it additional information on how to distribute the work. In particular, the overall work (N iterations) needs to be divided up amongst the threads. We have two major ways to affect how openmp structures the loop: schedule and chunk_size.
chunk_size changes meaning depending on schedule. Here we list out the options for schedule as name (ENV_NAME, enum_name) where ENV_NAME is the corresponding value of OMP_SCHEDULE (not used by optimal_learning) and enum_name is the corresponding type from opm_sched_t in omp.h. Below, “work” refers to loop iterations (N total).
Schedule Types
static (“static”, omp_sched_static):
Work is divided into N/chunk_size contiguous chunks (of chunk_size iterations) and distributed amongst the threads statically in a round-robin fashion. Use when you are confident all chunks will take the same amount of time.
Low control overhead but high waste if one iteration is very slow (since the other threads will sit idle).
Default chunk_size: N / number_of_threads.
This schedule type is repeatable: repeated runs/calls (with the same work) will produce the same mapping of loop iterations to threads every time.
dynamic (“dynamic”, omp_sched_dynamic):
Work is divided into N/chunk_size contiguous chunks (of chunk_size iterations) and distributed to threads as they complete their work, first-come first-serve. If there is a chunk that is very slow, the other threads can finish all remaining work instead of sitting idle.
High control overhead, use when you have no idea how long each chunk will take.
Default chunk_size: 1.
This schedule type does not produce repeatable mappings of iterations to threads.
guided (“guided”, omp_sched_guided):
Work is divided into progressively smaller chunks; chunk_size sets the minimum value. As with dynamic, chunks are assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. Less overhead than dynamic (b/c chunk_size scale down).
Useful when iteration times are similar but not identical. Less overhead than dynamic while guaranteeing the waste case of static doesn’t arise.
Default chunk_size: approximately N / number_of_threads.
This schedule type does not produce repeatable mappings of iterations to threads.
auto (“auto”, omp_sched_auto):
The compiler decides how to map iterations to threads; this mapping is not required to be one of the previous choices.
chunk_size has no meaning when the schedule is auto. See:
This schedule type is not guaranteed to be repeatable.
Further documentation:
Public FunctionsPublic MembersThreadSchedule(int max_num_threads_in, omp_sched_t schedule_in, int chunk_size_in)Construct a ThreadSchedule using the specified number of threads, schedule type, and chunk_size.
- Parameters:
max_num_threads: maximum number of threads for use by OpenMP (generally should be <= # cores) schedule: static, dynamic, guided, or auto. See class comments for more details. chunk_size: how to distribute work to threads; the precise meaning depends on schedule. Zero or negative chunk_size ask OpenMP to use its default behavior. See class comments for details. ThreadSchedule(int max_num_threads_in, omp_sched_t schedule_in)Construct a ThreadSchedule using the specified number of threads and schedule type with default chunk_size.
- Parameters:
max_num_threads: maximum number of threads for use by OpenMP (generally should be <= # cores) schedule: static, dynamic, guided, or auto. See class comments for more details. ThreadSchedule(int max_num_threads_in)Construct a ThreadSchedule using the specified number of threads with default schedule type and chunk_size.
- Parameters:
max_num_threads: maximum number of threads for use by OpenMP (generally should be <= # cores) ThreadSchedule()Construct a ThreadSchedule using the default number of threads, schedule type, and chunk_size.
int max_num_threads
The maximum number of threads for use by OpenMP (generally should be <= # cores). The (default) value of 0 results in omp_get_num_procs() threads; note that this is limited by omp_get_thread_limit() (set in OMP_THREAD_LIMIT).
omp_sched_t schedule
The thread schedule to use: static, dynamic, guided, or auto. See class comments for more details.
int chunk_size
Chunk size to use when distributing work to threads; the precise meaning depends on schedule. Zero or negative chunk_size ask OpenMP to use its default behavior. See class comments for details.