


This file specifies two classes for abstracting/handling psuedo-random number generation. Currently, we have:

  1. UniformRandomGenerator (container for a PRNG “engine”)
  2. NormalRNG (functor for N(0, 1)-distributed PRNs, uses UniformRandomGenerator)

It additionally contains two methods for randomly generating points in a tensor-product domain: [x_0_min, x_0_max] X [x_1_min, x_1_max] X ... X [x_d_min, x_d_max] This file supports a naive sampling and a latin hypercube sampling.

Lastly, this file contains a method for randomly generating points in a unit simplex domain.

These classes exist to ease the use of PRNGs–in particular, they remember the most recent seed so that “rollbacks” are easy; and they make it easy to generate unique seeds in multi-threaded environments. The seeding allows users to specify a seed or have the class generate one using a combination of time-of-day and thread id. They also provide a method to print the underlying PRNG’s current state.

UniformRandomGenerator is currently a wrapper for the boost::mt19937 engine (although any boost, C++11, etc. engine will work), which is the mersenne twister using a common set of parameters. (The same functionality is also available through C++11‘s <random>.) Unlike NormalRNG, this class is not a functor since the range and even type can change frequently in usage. Thus the actual distribution should be constructed as needed (e.g., see ComputeLatinHypercubePointsInDomain).

NormalRNG is a functor for generating mean = 0, variance = 1, normally distributed (pseudo) random numbers. In addition to UniformRandomGenerator, NormalRNG also implements operator() to draw from the aforementioned distribution. N(0, 1) is a common choice (and the only one used in gpp_* so far), so NormalRNG wraps the entire number generation process.

namespace optimal_learning

Macro to allow restrict as a keyword for C++ compilation and CUDA/nvcc compilation. See related entry in gpp_common.hpp for more details.


OL_NONNULL_POINTERS void ComputeRandomPointInDomain(ClosedInterval const *restrict domain, int dim, UniformRandomGenerator * uniform_generator, double *restrict random_point)

Computes a “random” point guaranteed to be within the specified domain boundaries (inclusive). No inputs may be nullptr.

“random”: This code simply draws a uniform random coordinate from this direction. Each coordinate is drawn independently and multiple calls to the function are independent. As indicated under “random sampling” here, the we have no guarantees on the actual distribution of the resulting point set since we make no effort to control it.

WARNING: this function is NOT THREAD-SAFE.

domain[dim]:array of ClosedInterval specifying the boundaries of a dim-dimensional tensor-product domain.
dim:the number of spatial dimensions
 a UniformRandomGenerator object providing the random engine for uniform random numbers
 UniformRandomGenerator object will have its state changed due to random draws
 array containing a random point inside the domain

class NormalRNG

Functor for computing normally distributed (N(0, 1)) random numbers. Uses/maintains an uniform RNG (currently UniformRandomGenerator) and transforms the output to be distributed ~ N(0, 1).


seed values take type EngineType::result_type. Do not pass in a wider integer type!


this class is NOT THREAD-SAFE. You must construct one object per thread (and ensure that the seeds are different for practical computations).

Public Type

typedef UniformRandomGenerator UniformGeneratorType

typedef UniformRandomGenerator::EngineType EngineType

Public Functions


Default-constructs a NormalRNG, seeding with kDefaultSeed.

NormalRNG(EngineType::result_type seed)

Construct a NormalRNG, seeding with the specified seed. See NormalRNG::SetExplicitSeed for details.

seed:new seed to set

NormalRNG(EngineType::result_type seed, int thread_id)

Construct a NormalRNG, seeding with an automatically selected seed based on time, thread_id, etc. See NormalRNG::SetRandomizedSeed for details.

base_seed:base value for the new seed
thread_id:id of the thread using this object

EngineType & GetEngine()

Get a reference to the RNG engine used by this class.

reference to the underlying RNG engine

double operator()()

Generate a random number from standard normal distribution.

a random number from a standard (N(0, 1)) normal distribution

EngineType::result_type last_seed()

void ResetGenerator()

Clears state of normal_distribution_ so that future uses do not depend on any previous actions. This is important: the underlying normal distribution likely generates numbers emph{two} at a time. So re-seeding the engine WITHOUT resetting can lead to surprising behavior.

void SetExplicitSeed(EngineType::result_type seed)

Seed the random number generator with the input value. See UniformRandomGenerator::SetExplicitSeed() for more information.

seed:new seed to set

void SetRandomizedSeed(EngineType::result_type seed, int thread_id)

Set a new seed for the random number generator. A “random” seed is selected based on the input seed value, the current time, and the thread_id. See UniformRandomGenerator::SetExplicitSeed() for more information.

seed:base value for the new seed
thread_id:id of the thread using this object

void ResetToMostRecentSeed()

Reseeds the generator with its most recently specified seed value. Useful for testing–e.g., can conduct multiple runs with the same initial conditions

void PrintState(std::ostream * out_stream)

Prints the state of the generator to specified ostream. For testing.

out_stream[1]:a std::ostream object ready for operator<< use
out_stream[1]:std::ostream with engine state <<’d to it

Public Members

UniformGeneratorType uniform_generator

The underlying generator providing uniform PRNGs for this object to transform to N(0, 1).

Public Static Attributes

constexpr EngineType::result_type kDefaultSeed

Default seed value to make reproducing test results simple.

Private Members

boost::normal_distribution< double > normal_distribution_

Object for ransforming from uniform to N(0, 1); may carry internal state (e.g., normal random numbers generated 2 at a time).

boost::variate_generator< EngineType &, boost::normal_distribution< double > > normal_random_variable_

Object (for convenience) providing operator() that returns a value distributed ~ N(0, 1).

class NormalRNGInterface

Abstract class for a functor for generating random numbers distributed ~ N(0, 1) (i.e., standard normal). This interface currently does not specify many facilities for seeding the underlying RNG as these (particularly variable width) can vary by implementation.

This class only has pure virtual functions.

Public Functions

double operator()()

Generate a random number from standard normal distribution.

a random number from a standard (N(0, 1)) normal distribution

void ResetToMostRecentSeed()

Reseeds the generator with its most recently specified seed value. Useful for testing–e.g., can conduct multiple runs with the same initial conditions


class NormalRNGSimulator

RNG that generates normally distributed (N(0,1)) random numbers simply by reading random numbers stored in its “random_number_table”, a data member in this class.


this class is used in unit test only, and you have to be careful to ensure the total number of random numbers generated from last reset must be smaller than size of “random_number_table”, otherwise exception will be thrown.


this class is NOT THREAD-SAFE. You must construct one object per thread.

Public Functions

NormalRNGSimulator(const std::vector< double > & random_number_table_in)

Construct a NormalRNGSimulator by providing table storing random numbers, and size of this random table.

 pointer to the table storing random numbers
 size of the random table

double operator()()

Generate a random number from standard normal distribution.

a random number from a standard (N(0, 1)) normal distribution

void ResetToMostRecentSeed()

Reseeds the generator with its most recently specified seed value. Useful for testing–e.g., can conduct multiple runs with the same initial conditions

int index()


Private Members

std::vector< double > random_number_table_

Table that stores all random numbers.

int index_

Index of the random number in the table to return when the generator is called.

class UniformRandomGenerator

Container for an uniform random generator (e.g., mersenne twister). Member functions are for easy manipulation of seeds and have signatures matching corresponding members of NormalRNG.


seed values take type EngineType::result_type. Do not pass in a wider integer type!


this class is NOT THREAD-SAFE. You must construct one object per thread (and

ensure that the seeds are different for practical computations).

Public Type

typedef boost::mt19937 EngineType

Public Functions


Default-constructs a UniformRandomGenerator, seeding with kDefaultSeed.

UniformRandomGenerator(EngineType::result_type seed)

Construct a UniformRandomGenerator, seeding with the specified seed. See UniformRandomGenerator::SetExplicitSeed for details.

seed:new seed to set

UniformRandomGenerator(EngineType::result_type seed, int thread_id)

Construct a UniformRandomGenerator, seeding with an automatically selected seed based on time, thread_id, etc. See UniformRandomGenerator::SetRandomizedSeed for details.

base_seed:base value for the new seed
thread_id:id of the thread using this object

EngineType & GetEngine()

Get a reference to the RNG engine used by this class.

Not necessary for this class since engine is public but we expose this to maintain a uniform interface with NormalRNG.

reference to the underlying RNG engine

EngineType::result_type last_seed()

void SetExplicitSeed(EngineType::result_type seed)

Seed the random number generator with the input value. The main purpose of this function is for testing–to allow seeding the RNG with a known value for repeatability.

seed:new seed to set

void SetRandomizedSeed(EngineType::result_type base_seed, int thread_id)

Set a new seed for the random number generator. A “random” seed is selected based on the input seed value, the current time, and the thread_id.

This function is meant to initialize unique UniformRandomGenerator objects for each computation thread:

std::vector<UniformRandomGenerator> uniform_generator_vector(num_threads);
for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) {
  uniform_generator_vector.SetRandomizedSeed(base_seed, i);

This function is meant to generate seeds so that:

  1. this function can be called multiple times successively (e.g., in the above loop) with different thread_ids to initialize RNGs for multiple threads
  2. multiple runs of this code are unlikely to generate the same seed values

Item 2. is important for minimizing the probability that we run EI computations (see gpp_math.hpp) with the “same” randomness.

base_seed:base value for the new seed
thread_id:id of the thread using this object

void ResetToMostRecentSeed()

Reseeds the generator with its most recently specified seed value. Useful for testing–e.g., can conduct multiple runs with the same initial conditions

void PrintState(std::ostream * out_stream)

Prints the state of the generator to specified ostream. For testing.

out_stream[1]:a std::ostream object ready for operator<<` use
out_stream[1]:std::ostream with the engine state “written” to its operator<<

bool operator==(const UniformRandomGenerator & other)

bool operator!=(const UniformRandomGenerator & other)

Public Members

EngineType engine

An (boost) PRNG engine that can be passed to a <boost/random> distribution, e.g., uniform_real<>.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr EngineType::result_type kDefaultSeed

Default seed value to make reproducing test results simple.

Private Members

EngineType::result_type last_seed_

The last seed value that was written to engine. Useful for testing.


This file contains definitions of infrequently-used and/or expensive functions declared in gpp_random.hpp. The main purpose was to hide details and get things like boost/functional/hash.hpp and <ostream> out of the gpp_random header.

namespace optimal_learning

Macro to allow restrict as a keyword for C++ compilation and CUDA/nvcc compilation. See related entry in gpp_common.hpp for more details.


void ComputeLatinHypercubePointsInDomain(ClosedInterval const *restrict domain, int dim, int num_samples, UniformRandomGenerator * uniform_generator, double *restrict random_points)

domain specifies a domain from which to draw points at uniformly at random; it is a bounding box specification in dim pairs of (domain_min, domain_max) values, defining edge-lengths of the hypercube domain.

Each edge is divied into num_samples equally sized portions. In 2D, this would be like dividing the domain into a (possibly scaled) chessboard.

Then we visit each dimension of the domain in sequence. The divisions of the current edge divide the domain into slices (e.g., rows/columns in 2D). Each division is chosen uniformly at random and a random point is placed inside.

In this way, each “row” and “column” have exactly 1 point in them. In 2D, if each point is a rook, then no rook attacks any other rook.

Computes a set of random points inside some domain that lie in a latin hypercube. In 2D, a latin hypercube is a latin square–a checkerboard–such that there is exactly one sample in each row and each column. This notion is generalized for higher dimensions where each dimensional “slice” has precisely one sample.

See wikipedia: for more details on the latin hypercube sampling process.

domain[dim]:array of ClosedInterval specifying the boundaries of a dim-dimensional tensor-product domain.
dim:the number of spatial dimensions
num_samples:number of random points desired
 a UniformRandomGenerator object providing the random engine for uniform random numbers
 UniformRandomGenerator object will have changed state due to random draws
 array containing random points inside the domain

void ComputeUniformPointsInUnitSimplex(int dim, int num_samples, UniformRandomGenerator * uniform_generator, double *restrict random_points)

We need to draw a set of points, x_i, (uniformly distributed by volume) such that x_i >= 0 \forall i and \sum_i x_i <= 1, also implying that x_i <= 1 \forall i. This is precisely the output of the Dirichlet Distribution. It already has the correct support (domain), and then sampling from the unit d-simplex is just a matter of selecting the right parameters for Dirichlet; this turns out to reduce it to sampling from an exponential distribution.

Computes a set of random points that lie inside a dim-dimensional simplex or d-simplex. The points are uniformly-distributed by volume.

dim:the number of spatial dimensions
num_samples:number of random points desired
 a UniformRandomGenerator object providing the random engine for uniform random numbers
 UniformRandomGenerator object will have changed state due to random draws
 array containing random points inside the domain