Source code for moe.bandit.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Utilities for bandit."""

[docs]def get_winning_arm_names_from_payoff_arm_name_list(payoff_arm_name_list): r"""Compute the set of winning arm names based on the given ``payoff_arm_name_list``.. Throws an exception when payoff_arm_name_list is empty. :param payoff_arm_name_list: a list of (payoff, arm name) tuples :type payoff_arm_name_list: list of (float64, str) tuples :return: of set of names of the winning arms :rtype: frozenset(str) :raise: ValueError when ``payoff_arm_name_list`` are empty. """ if not payoff_arm_name_list: raise ValueError('payoff_arm_name_list is empty!') best_payoff, _ = max(payoff_arm_name_list) # Filter out arms that have payoff less than the best payoff winning_arm_payoff_name_list = filter(lambda payoff_arm_name: payoff_arm_name[0] == best_payoff, payoff_arm_name_list) # Extract a list of winning arm names from a list of (payoff, arm name) tuples. _, winning_arm_name_list = map(list, zip(*winning_arm_payoff_name_list)) winning_arm_names = frozenset(winning_arm_name_list) return winning_arm_names
[docs]def get_equal_arm_allocations(arms_sampled, winning_arm_names=None): r"""Split allocations equally among the given ``winning_arm_names``. If no ``winning_arm_names`` given, split allocations among ``arms_sampled``. Throws an exception when arms_sampled is empty. :param arms_sampled: a dictionary of arm name to :class:`moe.bandit.data_containers.SampleArm` :type arms_sampled: dictionary of (str, SampleArm()) pairs :param: winning_arm_names: a set of names of the winning arms :type: winning_arm_names: frozenset(str) :return: the dictionary of (arm, allocation) key-value pairs :rtype: a dictionary of (str, float64) pairs :raise: ValueError when ``arms_sampled`` are empty. """ if not arms_sampled: raise ValueError('arms_sampled is empty!') # If no ``winning_arm_names`` given, split allocations among ``arms_sampled``. if winning_arm_names is None: winning_arm_names = frozenset([arm_name for arm_name in arms_sampled.iterkeys()]) num_winning_arms = len(winning_arm_names) arms_to_allocations = {} winning_arm_allocation = 1.0 / num_winning_arms # Split allocation among winning arms, all other arms get allocation of 0. for arm_name in arms_sampled.iterkeys(): arms_to_allocations[arm_name] = winning_arm_allocation if arm_name in winning_arm_names else 0.0 return arms_to_allocations