Source code for moe.easy_interface.simple_endpoint

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Simple functions for hitting the REST endpoints of a MOE service."""
import contextlib
import urllib2

import simplejson as json

from moe.optimal_learning.python.data_containers import SamplePoint, HistoricalData
from moe.views.schemas.gp_next_points_pretty_view import GpNextPointsResponse
from import GpHyperOptResponse
from import GpMeanVarResponse


[docs]def call_endpoint_with_payload(rest_host, rest_port, endpoint, json_payload, testapp=None): """Send a POST request to a ``url`` with a given ``json_payload``, return the response as a dict.""" if testapp is None: url = "http://{0}:{1:d}{2}".format(rest_host, rest_port, endpoint) request = urllib2.Request(url, json_payload, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) with contextlib.closing(urllib2.urlopen(request)) as f: response = else: response =, json_payload).body return json.loads(response)
[docs]def gp_next_points( moe_experiment, method_route_name=GP_NEXT_POINTS_EPI_ROUTE_NAME, rest_host=DEFAULT_HOST, rest_port=DEFAULT_PORT, testapp=None, **kwargs ): """Hit the rest endpoint for finding next point of highest EI at rest_host:rest_port corresponding to the method with the given experiment.""" endpoint = ALL_REST_ROUTES_ROUTE_NAME_TO_ENDPOINT[method_route_name] raw_payload = kwargs.copy() # Any options can be set via the kwargs ('covariance_info' etc.) experiment_payload = moe_experiment.build_json_payload() if 'gp_historical_info' not in raw_payload: raw_payload['gp_historical_info'] = experiment_payload.get('gp_historical_info') if 'domain_info' not in raw_payload: raw_payload['domain_info'] = experiment_payload.get('domain_info') json_payload = json.dumps(raw_payload) json_response = call_endpoint_with_payload(rest_host, rest_port, endpoint, json_payload, testapp) output = GpNextPointsResponse().deserialize(json_response) return output["points_to_sample"]
[docs]def gp_hyper_opt( points_sampled, rest_host=DEFAULT_HOST, rest_port=DEFAULT_PORT, testapp=None, **kwargs ): """Hit the rest endpoint for optimizing the hyperparameters of a gaussian process, given points already sampled.""" endpoint = ALL_REST_ROUTES_ROUTE_NAME_TO_ENDPOINT[GP_HYPER_OPT_ROUTE_NAME] # This will fail if len(points_sampled) == 0; but then again this endpoint doesn't make sense with 0 historical data gp_dim = len(points_sampled[0][0]) raw_payload = kwargs.copy() # Sanitize input points points_sampled_clean = [SamplePoint._make(point) for point in points_sampled] historical_data = HistoricalData( gp_dim, sample_points=points_sampled_clean, ) if 'domain_info' not in raw_payload: raw_payload['domain_info'] = {'dim': gp_dim} if 'gp_historical_info' not in raw_payload: raw_payload['gp_historical_info'] = historical_data.json_payload() if 'hyperparameter_domain_info' not in raw_payload: hyper_dim = gp_dim + 1 # default covariance has this many parameters raw_payload['hyperparameter_domain_info'] = { 'dim': hyper_dim, 'domain_bounds': [{'min': 0.1, 'max': 2.0}] * hyper_dim, } json_payload = json.dumps(raw_payload) json_response = call_endpoint_with_payload(rest_host, rest_port, endpoint, json_payload, testapp) output = GpHyperOptResponse().deserialize(json_response) return output['covariance_info']
[docs]def gp_mean_var( points_sampled, points_to_evaluate, rest_host=DEFAULT_HOST, rest_port=DEFAULT_PORT, testapp=None, **kwargs ): """Hit the rest endpoint for calculating the posterior mean and variance of a gaussian process, given points already sampled.""" endpoint = ALL_REST_ROUTES_ROUTE_NAME_TO_ENDPOINT[GP_MEAN_VAR_ROUTE_NAME] raw_payload = kwargs.copy() # Any options can be set via the kwargs ('covariance_info' etc.) raw_payload['points_to_evaluate'] = points_to_evaluate # Sanitize input points points_sampled_clean = [SamplePoint._make(point) for point in points_sampled] historical_data = HistoricalData( len(points_to_evaluate[0]), # The dim of the space sample_points=points_sampled_clean, ) if 'gp_historical_info' not in raw_payload: raw_payload['gp_historical_info'] = historical_data.json_payload() if 'domain_info' not in raw_payload: raw_payload['domain_info'] = {'dim': len(points_to_evaluate[0])} json_payload = json.dumps(raw_payload) json_response = call_endpoint_with_payload(rest_host, rest_port, endpoint, json_payload, testapp) output = GpMeanVarResponse().deserialize(json_response) return output.get('mean'), output.get('var')