# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Geometry utilities. e.g., ClosedInterval, point-plane geometry, random point generation."""
import collections
import numpy
[docs]def generate_latin_hypercube_points(num_points, domain_bounds):
"""Compute a set of random points inside some domain that lie in a latin hypercube.
In 2D, a latin hypercube is a latin square--a checkerboard--such that there is exactly one sample in
each row and each column. This notion is generalized for higher dimensions where each dimensional
'slice' has precisely one sample.
See wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin_hypercube_sampling
for more details on the latin hypercube sampling process.
:param num_points: number of random points to generate
:type num_points: int > 0
:param domain_bounds: [min, max] boundaries of the hypercube in each dimension
:type domain_bounds: list of dim ClosedInterval
:return: uniformly distributed random points inside the specified hypercube
:rtype: array of float64 with shape (num_points, dim)
# TODO(GH-56): Allow users to pass in a random source.
if num_points == 0:
return numpy.array([])
points = numpy.zeros((num_points, len(domain_bounds)), dtype=numpy.float64)
for i, interval in enumerate(domain_bounds):
# Cut the range into num_points slices
subcube_edge_length = interval.length / float(num_points)
# Create random ordering for slices
ordering = numpy.arange(num_points)
for j in xrange(num_points):
point_base = interval.min + subcube_edge_length * ordering[j]
points[j, i] = point_base + numpy.random.uniform(0.0, subcube_edge_length)
return points
[docs]def generate_grid_points(points_per_dimension, domain_bounds):
r"""Generate a uniform grid of points on a tensor product region; exponential runtime.
This can be useful for producing a reasonable set of initial samples when bootstrapping optimal_learning.
Grid sampling (as opposed to a random sampling, e.g., latin hypercube) is not random. It also guarantees
sampling of the domain corners.
.. Note:: This operation is like an outer-product, so 4 points per dimension in 10 dimensions produces
4^{10} points. This could be built as an iterator instead, but the typical use
case involves function evaluations at every point, so generating the points is
not the limiting factor.
:param points_per_dimension: (n_1, n_2, ... n_{dim}) number of stencil points per spatial dimension.
If len(points_per_dimension) == 1, then n_i = len(points_per_dimension)
:type points_per_dimension: tuple or scalar
:param domain_bounds: the boundaries of a dim-dimensional tensor-product domain
:type domain_bounds: iterable of dim ClosedInterval
:return: stencil point coordinates
:rtype: array of float64 with shape (\Pi_i n_i, dim)
points_per_dimension = numpy.asarray(points_per_dimension)
# Empty input OR at least 1 dimension has 0 points
if points_per_dimension.size == 0 or not points_per_dimension.all():
return numpy.array([])
if points_per_dimension.size == 1:
# resize fills new entries with copies of the original
points_per_dimension = numpy.resize(points_per_dimension, len(domain_bounds))
# List of 1D grids w/the specified number of points per dimension
per_axis_grid = [numpy.linspace(bounds.min, bounds.max, points_per_dimension[i])
for i, bounds in enumerate(domain_bounds)]
# meshgrid produces a list of ndarray that is used to evaluate functions on a grid.
# The i-th output array has the coordinate of *every* grid point in the i-th dimension.
mesh_grid = numpy.meshgrid(*per_axis_grid)
# ravel flattens the input (same as numpy.flatten but it tries to avoid copying)
# vstack stacks inputs vertically: so for our 1D arrays, the i-th input becomes
# the i-th row in a matrix. And since each mesh_grid output has *every* coordinate
# of the grid in that dimension, the *columns* of the stack contain every grid point.
return numpy.vstack(map(numpy.ravel, mesh_grid)).T
# See ClosedInterval (below) for docstring.
_BaseClosedInterval = collections.namedtuple('ClosedInterval', ['min', 'max'])
[docs]class ClosedInterval(_BaseClosedInterval):
r"""Container to represent the mathematical notion of a closed interval, commonly written \ms [a,b]\me.
The closed interval \ms [a,b]\me is the set of all numbers \ms x \in \mathbb{R}\me such that \ms a \leq x \leq b\me.
Note that "closed" here indicates the interval *includes* both endpoints.
An interval with \ms a > b\me is considered empty.
:ivar min: (*float64*) the "left" bound of the domain, ``a``
:ivar max: (*float64*) the "right" bound of the domain, ``b``
__slots__ = ()
[docs] def build_closed_intervals_from_list(bounds_list):
"""Construct a list of dim ClosedInterval from an iterable structure of dim iterables with len = 2.
For example, [[1, 2], [3, 4]] becomes [ClosedInterval(min=1, max=2), ClosedInterval(min=3, max=4)].
:param bounds_list: bounds to convert
:type bounds_list: iterable of iterables, where the second dimension has len = 2
:return: bounds_list converted to list of ClosedInterval
:rtype: list of ClosedInterval
return [ClosedInterval(min, max) for (min, max) in bounds_list]
[docs] def length(self):
"""Compute the length of this ClosedInterval."""
return self.max - self.min
[docs] def is_inside(self, value):
"""Check if a value is inside this ClosedInterval."""
return self.min <= value <= self.max
[docs] def is_empty(self):
"""Check whether this ClosedInterval is the emptyset: max < min."""
return self.max < self.min