Source code for moe.tests.bandit.bandit_interface_test

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Test bandit interface implementation."""
import pytest

import logging

from moe.bandit.bandit_interface import BanditInterface
from moe.tests.bandit.bandit_test_case import BanditTestCase

[docs]def disable_logging(request): """Disable logging (for the duration of this test case).""" logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL) def finalize(): """Re-enable logging (so other test cases are unaffected).""" logging.disable(logging.NOTSET) request.addfinalizer(finalize)
[docs]class TestBanditInterface(BanditTestCase): """Verify that different historical infos return correct results.""" @pytest.mark.usefixtures("disable_logging")
[docs] def test_empty_arm_invalid(self): """Test empty ``arms_to_allocations`` causes an ValueError.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError): BanditInterface.choose_arm({})
[docs] def test_one_arm(self): """Check that the one-arm case always returns the given arm as the winning arm.""" arms_to_allocations = {"arm1": 1.0} assert BanditInterface.choose_arm(arms_to_allocations) == "arm1"
[docs] def test_two_arms_one_winner(self): """Check that the two-arms case with one winner always returns the winning arm.""" arms_to_allocations = {"arm1": 1.0, "arm2": 0.0} assert BanditInterface.choose_arm(arms_to_allocations) == "arm1"
[docs] def test_three_arms_two_winners(self): """Check that the three-arms cases with two winners return one of the two winners.""" arms_to_allocations = {"arm1": 0.5, "arm2": 0.5, "arm3": 0.0} assert BanditInterface.choose_arm(arms_to_allocations) in frozenset(["arm1", "arm2"])