Source code for moe.views.exceptions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Views for handling Python exceptions.

Includes special views that catch the following:
    1. colander.Invalid

import logging
import pprint

import colander

from pyramid.response import Response
from pyramid.view import view_config

[docs]def pyramid_error_view(exception, request): """Register a pyramid view to handle exceptions; i.e., log them and generate a Response. :param exception: exception to be handled :type exception: Exception (Python base exception type) (i.e., type of ``context``) :param request: the pyramid request that lead to the exception being raised. :type request: pyramid.request.Request :return: the pyramid response to be rendered :rtype: pyramid.response.Response """ if "log" not in general_error.__dict__: general_error.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Log exception with traceback general_error.log.error(request) general_error.log.exception(exception) # Specialized handlers for certain exception types if issubclass(type(exception), colander.Invalid): return failed_colander_validation(exception, request) return general_error(exception, request)
[docs]def general_error(exception, request): """Catch any Python ``Exception``. :param exception: exception to be handled :type exception: Exception :param request: the pyramid request that lead to the exception being raised. :type request: pyramid.request.Request :return: the pyramid response to be rendered :rtype: pyramid.response.Response """ status_int = 500 body = '{0:d}: {1:s}\n{2:s}'.format(status_int, request.referrer, exception) response = Response(body=body, status_int=status_int) return response
[docs]def failed_colander_validation(exception, request): """Catch ``colander.Invalid`` and give an informative 500 response. :param exception: exception to be handled :type exception: colander.Invalid :param request: the pyramid request that lead to the exception being raised. :type request: pyramid.request.Request :return: the pyramid response to be rendered :rtype: pyramid.response.Response """ status_int = 500 body = '{0:d}: {1:s}\nFailed validation:\n{2:s}'.format(status_int, request.referrer, pprint.pformat(exception.asdict())) response = Response(body=body, status_int=status_int) return response