Source code for moe.views.schemas.gp_next_points_pretty_view

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Base request/response schemas for ``gp_next_points_*`` endpoints; e.g., :class:``."""
import colander

from moe.views.schemas import base_schemas

[docs]class GpNextPointsRequest(base_schemas.StrictMappingSchema): """A request colander schema for the various subclasses of :class:`moe.views.gp_next_points_pretty_view.GpNextPointsPrettyView`; e.g., :class:``. .. Warning:: Requesting ``num_to_sample`` > ``num_sampled`` can lead to singular GP-variance matrices and other conditioning issues (e.g., the resulting points may be tightly clustered). We suggest bootstrapping with a few grid points, random search, etc. See additional notes in :class:`moe.views.schemas.base_schemas.CovarianceInfo`, :class:`moe.views.schemas.base_schemas.BoundedDomainInfo`, :class:`moe.views.schemas.base_schemas.GpHistoricalInfo`. **Required fields** :ivar gp_historical_info: (:class:`moe.views.schemas.base_schemas.GpHistoricalInfo`) dict of historical data :ivar domain_info: (:class:`moe.views.schemas.base_schemas.BoundedDomainInfo`) dict of domain information **Optional fields** :ivar num_to_sample: (*int*) number of next points to generate (default: 1) :ivar mc_iterations: (*int*) number of Monte Carlo (MC) iterations to perform in numerical integration to calculate EI :ivar max_num_threads: (*int*) maximum number of threads to use in computation :ivar covariance_info: (:class:`moe.views.schemas.base_schemas.CovarianceInfo`) dict of covariance information :ivar optimizer_info: (:class:`moe.views.schemas.base_schemas.OptimizerInfo`) dict of optimizer information :ivar points_being_sampled: (*list of float64*) points in domain being sampled in concurrent experiments (default: []) **General Timing Results** Here are some "broad-strokes" timing results for EI optimization. These tests are not complete nor comprehensive; they're just a starting point. The tests were run on a Ivy Bridge 2.3 GHz quad-core CPU (i7-3615QM). Data was generated from a Gaussian Process prior. The optimization parameters were the default values (see :mod:`moe.optimal_learning.python.constant`) as of sha ``c19257049f16036e5e2823df87fbe0812720e291``. Below, ``N = num_sampled``, ``MC = num_mc_iterations``, and ``q = num_to_sample`` .. Note:: constant liar, kriging, and EPI (with ``num_to_sample = 1``) all fall under the ``analytic EI`` name. .. Note:: EI optimization times can vary widely as some randomly generated test cases are very "easy." Thus we give rough ranges. ============= ======================= Analytic EI -------------------------------------- dim, N Gradient Descent ============= ======================= 3, 20 0.3 - 0.6s 3, 40 0.5 - 1.4s 3, 120 0.8 - 2.9s 6, 20 0.4 - 0.9s 6, 40 1.25 - 1.8s 6, 120 2.9 - 5.0s ============= ======================= We expect this to scale as ``~ O(dim)`` and ``~ O(N^3)``. The ``O(N^3)`` only happens once per multistart. Per iteration there's an ``O(N^2)`` dependence but as you can see, the dependence on ``dim`` is stronger. ============= ======================= MC EI (``N = 20``, ``dim = 3``) -------------------------------------- q, MC Gradient Descent ============= ======================= 2, 10k 50 - 80s 4, 10k 120 - 180s 8, 10k 400 - 580s 2, 40k 230 - 480s 4, 40k 600 - 700s ============= ======================= We expect this to scale as ``~ O(q^2)`` and ``~ O(MC)``. Scaling with ``dim`` and ``N`` should be similar to the analytic case. **Example Minimal Request** .. sourcecode:: http Content-Type: text/javascript { "num_to_sample": 1, "gp_historical_info": { "points_sampled": [ {"value_var": 0.01, "value": 0.1, "point": [0.0]}, {"value_var": 0.01, "value": 0.2, "point": [1.0]} ], }, "domain_info": { "dim": 1, "domain_bounds": [ {"min": 0.0, "max": 1.0}, ], }, } **Example Full Request** .. sourcecode:: http Content-Type: text/javascript { "num_to_sample": 1, "points_being_sampled": [[0.2], [0.7]], "mc_iterations": 10000, "max_num_threads": 1, "gp_historical_info": { "points_sampled": [ {"value_var": 0.01, "value": 0.1, "point": [0.0]}, {"value_var": 0.01, "value": 0.2, "point": [1.0]} ], }, "domain_info": { "domain_type": "tensor_product" "dim": 1, "domain_bounds": [ {"min": 0.0, "max": 1.0}, ], }, "covariance_info": { "covariance_type": "square_exponential", "hyperparameters": [1.0, 1.0], }, "optimizer_info": { "optimizer_type": "gradient_descent_optimizer", "num_multistarts": 200, "num_random_samples": 4000, "optimizer_parameters": { "gamma": 0.5, ... }, }, } """ num_to_sample = colander.SchemaNode( colander.Int(), missing=1, validator=colander.Range(min=1), ) mc_iterations = colander.SchemaNode( colander.Int(), validator=colander.Range(min=1), missing=DEFAULT_EXPECTED_IMPROVEMENT_MC_ITERATIONS, ) max_num_threads = colander.SchemaNode( colander.Int(), validator=colander.Range(min=1, max=MAX_ALLOWED_NUM_THREADS), missing=DEFAULT_MAX_NUM_THREADS, ) gp_historical_info = base_schemas.GpHistoricalInfo() domain_info = base_schemas.BoundedDomainInfo() covariance_info = base_schemas.CovarianceInfo( missing=base_schemas.CovarianceInfo().deserialize({}), ) optimizer_info = base_schemas.OptimizerInfo( missing=base_schemas.OptimizerInfo().deserialize({}), ) points_being_sampled = base_schemas.ListOfPointsInDomain( missing=[], ) mvndst_parameters = base_schemas.MVNDSTParametersSchema( missing=base_schemas.MVNDSTParametersSchema().deserialize({}), )
[docs]class GpNextPointsStatus(base_schemas.StrictMappingSchema): """A status schema for the various subclasses of :class:`moe.views.gp_next_points_pretty_view.GpNextPointsPrettyView`; e.g., :class:``. **Output fields** :ivar expected_improvement: (*float64 >= 0.0*) EI evaluated at ``points_to_sample`` (:class:`moe.views.schemas.base_schemas.ListOfExpectedImprovements`) :ivar optimizer_success: (*dict*) Whether or not the optimizer converged to an optimal set of ``points_to_sample`` """ expected_improvement = colander.SchemaNode( colander.Float(), validator=colander.Range(min=0.0), ) optimizer_success = colander.SchemaNode( colander.Mapping(unknown='preserve'), default={'found_update': False}, )
[docs]class GpNextPointsResponse(base_schemas.StrictMappingSchema): """A response colander schema for the various subclasses of :class:`moe.views.gp_next_points_pretty_view.GpNextPointsPrettyView`; e.g., :class:``. **Output fields** :ivar endpoint: (*str*) the endpoint that was called :ivar points_to_sample: (*list of list of float64*) points in the domain to sample next (:class:`moe.views.schemas.base_schemas.ListOfPointsInDomain`) :ivar status: (:class:`moe.views.schemas.gp_next_points_pretty_view.GpNextPointsStatus`) dict indicating final EI value and optimization status messages (e.g., success) **Example Response** .. sourcecode:: http { "endpoint": "gp_ei", "points_to_sample": [["0.478332304526"]], "status": { "expected_improvement": "0.443478498868", "optimizer_success": { 'gradient_descent_tensor_product_domain_found_update': True, }, }, } """ endpoint = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String()) points_to_sample = base_schemas.ListOfPointsInDomain() status = GpNextPointsStatus()