Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Request/response schemas for ``bandit_epsilon`` endpoints."""
import colander

from moe.bandit.constant import DEFAULT_EPSILON_SUBTYPE, EPSILON_SUBTYPES
from moe.views.schemas import base_schemas
from moe.views.schemas.bandit_pretty_view import BanditHistoricalInfo

[docs]class BanditEpsilonRequest(base_schemas.StrictMappingSchema): """A :mod:`` request colander schema. **Required fields** :ivar historical_info: (:class:`moe.views.schemas.bandit_pretty_view.BanditHistoricalInfo`) object of historical data describing arm performance **Optional fields** :ivar subtype: (*str*) subtype of the epsilon bandit algorithm (default: greedy) :ivar hyperparameter_info: (:class:`~moe.views.schemas.bandit_pretty_view.BanditEpsilonFirstHyperparameterInfo` or :class:`~moe.views.schemas.bandit_pretty_view.BanditEpsilonGreedyHyperparameterInfo`) dict of hyperparameter information **Example Minimal Request** .. sourcecode:: http Content-Type: text/javascript { "historical_info": { "arms_sampled": { "arm1": {"win": 20, "loss": 5, "total": 25}, "arm2": {"win": 20, "loss": 10, "total": 30}, "arm3": {"win": 0, "loss": 0, "total": 0}, }, }, } **Example Full Request** .. sourcecode:: http Content-Type: text/javascript { "subtype": "greedy", "historical_info": { "arms_sampled": { "arm1": {"win": 20, "loss": 5, "total": 25}, "arm2": {"win": 20, "loss": 10, "total": 30}, "arm3": {"win": 0, "loss": 0, "total": 0}, }, }, "hyperparameter_info": { "epsilon": 0.05, }, } """ subtype = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), validator=colander.OneOf(EPSILON_SUBTYPES), missing=DEFAULT_EPSILON_SUBTYPE, ) historical_info = BanditHistoricalInfo() hyperparameter_info = colander.SchemaNode( colander.Mapping(unknown='preserve'), missing={}, )