Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Request/response schemas for ``gp_mean``, ``gp_var``, and ``gp_mean_var`` (and ``_diag``) endpoints."""
import colander

from moe.views.schemas import base_schemas

[docs]class GpMeanVarRequest(base_schemas.StrictMappingSchema): """A request colander schema for the views in :mod:``. .. Note:: Requesting ``points_to_evaluate`` that are close to each or close to existing ``points_sampled`` may result in a [numerically] singular GP-variance matrix. See additional notes in :class:`moe.views.schemas.base_schemas.CovarianceInfo`, :class:`moe.views.schemas.base_schemas.GpHistoricalInfo`. **Required fields** :ivar points_to_evaluate: (*list of list of float64*) points in domain to calculate the Gaussian Process (GP) mean and covariance at (:class:`moe.views.schemas.base_schemas.ListOfPointsInDomain`) :ivar gp_historical_info: (:class:`moe.views.schemas.base_schemas.GpHistoricalInfo`) object of historical data **Optional fields** :ivar covariance_info: (:class:`moe.views.schemas.base_schemas.CovarianceInfo`) dict of covariance information **Example Minimal Request** .. sourcecode:: http Content-Type: text/javascript { "points_to_evaluate": [[0.1], [0.5], [0.9]], "gp_historical_info": { "points_sampled": [ {"value_var": 0.01, "value": 0.1, "point": [0.0]}, {"value_var": 0.01, "value": 0.2, "point": [1.0]} ], }, "domain_info": { "dim": 1, }, } **Example Full Request** .. sourcecode:: http Content-Type: text/javascript { "points_to_evaluate": [[0.1], [0.5], [0.9]], "gp_historical_info": { "points_sampled": [ {"value_var": 0.01, "value": 0.1, "point": [0.0]}, {"value_var": 0.01, "value": 0.2, "point": [1.0]} ], }, "domain_info": { "domain_type": "tensor_product" "dim": 1, }, "covariance_info": { "covariance_type": "square_exponential", "hyperparameters": [1.0, 1.0], }, } """ points_to_evaluate = base_schemas.ListOfPointsInDomain() gp_historical_info = base_schemas.GpHistoricalInfo() domain_info = base_schemas.DomainInfo() covariance_info = base_schemas.CovarianceInfo( missing=base_schemas.CovarianceInfo().deserialize({}), )
[docs]class GpEndpointResponse(base_schemas.StrictMappingSchema): """A base schema for the endpoint name. **Output fields** :ivar endpoint: (*str*) the endpoint that was called **Example Response** .. sourcecode:: http { "endpoint":"gp_mean_var", } """ endpoint = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String())
[docs]class GpMeanMixinResponse(base_schemas.StrictMappingSchema): """A mixin response colander schema for the mean of a gaussian process. **Output fields** :ivar mean: (*list of float64*) the means of the GP at ``points_to_evaluate`` (:class:`moe.views.schemas.base_schemas.ListOfFloats`) **Example Response** .. sourcecode:: http { "mean": ["0.0873832198661","0.0130505261903","0.174755506336"], } """ mean = base_schemas.ListOfFloats()
[docs]class GpVarMixinResponse(base_schemas.StrictMappingSchema): """A mixin response colander schema for the [co]variance of a gaussian process. **Output fields** :ivar var: (:class:`moe.views.schemas.base_schemas.MatrixOfFloats`) matrix of covariance of the GP at ``points_to_evaluate`` **Example Response** .. sourcecode:: http { "var": [ ["0.228910114429","0.0969433771923","0.000268292907969"], ["0.0969433771923","0.996177332647","0.0969433771923"], ["0.000268292907969","0.0969433771923","0.228910114429"] ], } """ var = base_schemas.MatrixOfFloats()
[docs]class GpVarDiagMixinResponse(base_schemas.StrictMappingSchema): """A mixin response colander schema for the variance of a gaussian process. **Output fields** :ivar var: (*list of float64*) variances of the GP at ``points_to_evaluate``; i.e., diagonal of the ``var`` response from gp_mean_var (:class:`moe.views.schemas.base_schemas.ListOfFloats`) **Example Response** .. sourcecode:: http { "var": ["0.228910114429","0.996177332647","0.228910114429"], } """ var = base_schemas.ListOfFloats()
[docs]class GpMeanResponse(GpEndpointResponse, GpMeanMixinResponse): """A :class:`` response colander schema. See composing members' docstrings. """ pass
[docs]class GpVarResponse(GpEndpointResponse, GpVarMixinResponse): """A :class:`` response colander schema. See composing members' docstrings. """ pass
[docs]class GpVarDiagResponse(GpEndpointResponse, GpVarDiagMixinResponse): """A :class:`` response colander schema. See composing members' docstrings. """ pass
[docs]class GpMeanVarResponse(GpMeanResponse, GpVarMixinResponse): """A :class:`` response colander schema. See composing members' docstrings. """ pass
[docs]class GpMeanVarDiagResponse(GpMeanResponse, GpVarDiagMixinResponse): """A :class:`` response colander schema. See composing members' docstrings. """ pass