Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Response schemas for ``gp_next_points_constant_liar`` endpoints."""
import colander

from moe.views.schemas.gp_next_points_pretty_view import GpNextPointsRequest

[docs]class GpNextPointsConstantLiarRequest(GpNextPointsRequest): """Extends the standard request :class:`moe.views.schemas.gp_next_points_pretty_view.GpNextPointsRequest` with a lie value, for use with :class:``. See :func:`moe.optimal_learning.python.cpp_wrappers.expected_improvement.constant_liar_expected_improvement_optimization` for more info. .. Warning:: Setting :attr:`lie_value` ``< best_so_far`` (``= min(points_sampled_value)``) will lead to poor results. The resulting ``points_to_sample`` will be tightly clustered. Such results are generally of low value and may cause singular GP-variance matrices too. .. Warning:: Setting :attr:`lie_noise_variance` to 0 may cause singular GP covariance matrices when paired with large ``num_to_sample`` (for the same reason given in :class:`moe.views.schemas.base_schemas.GpHistoricalInfo`). Setting large :attr:`lie_noise_variance` may cause the output ``points_to_sample`` to cluster--if one heuristic estimate is good and has large noise, MOE will want to increase resample that location to increase certainty. See additional notes/warnings in :class:`moe.views.schemas.gp_next_points_pretty_view.GpNextPointsRequest`. **Required fields** :ivar gp_historical_info: (:class:`moe.views.schemas.base_schemas.GpHistoricalInfo`) dict of historical data :ivar domain_info: (:class:`moe.views.schemas.base_schemas.BoundedDomainInfo`) dict of domain information **Optional fields** :ivar num_to_sample: (*int*) number of next points to generate (default: 1) :ivar lie_method: (*str*) name from `CONSTANT_LIAR_METHODS` representing the liar method to use (default: 'constant_liar_min') :ivar lie_value: (*float64*) the 'lie' the Constant Liar heuristic will use (default: None). If `lie_value` is not None the algorithm will use this value instead of one calculated using `lie_method`. :ivar lie_noise_variance: (*float64 >= 0.0*) the noise variance of the 'lie' value (default: 0.0) :ivar covariance_info: (:class:`moe.views.schemas.base_schemas.CovarianceInfo`) dict of covariance information :ivar optimiaztion_info: (:class:`moe.views.schemas.base_schemas.OptimizerInfo`) dict of optimization information **General Timing Results** See the ``Analytic EI`` table in :class:`moe.views.schemas.gp_next_points_pretty_view.GpNextPointsRequest` for rough timing numbers. **Example Request** .. sourcecode:: http Content-Type: text/javascript { "num_to_sample": 1, "lie_value": 0.0, "lie_noise_variance": 1e-12, "gp_historical_info": { "points_sampled": [ {"value_var": 0.01, "value": 0.1, "point": [0.0]}, {"value_var": 0.01, "value": 0.2, "point": [1.0]} ], }, "domain_info": { "dim": 1, "domain_bounds": [ {"min": 0.0, "max": 1.0}, ], }, } """ lie_method = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), missing=DEFAULT_CONSTANT_LIAR_METHOD, validator=colander.OneOf(CONSTANT_LIAR_METHODS), ) lie_value = colander.SchemaNode( colander.Float(), missing=None, ) lie_noise_variance = colander.SchemaNode( colander.Float(), missing=DEFAULT_CONSTANT_LIAR_LIE_NOISE_VARIANCE, validator=colander.Range(min=0.0), )