moe.tests.bandit.epsilon package


moe.tests.bandit.epsilon.epsilon_first_test module

Test epsilon-first bandit implementation.

Test default values with one, two, and three arms. Test one arm with various epsilon values.

class moe.tests.bandit.epsilon.epsilon_first_test.TestEpsilonFirst[source]

Bases: moe.tests.bandit.epsilon.epsilon_test_case.EpsilonTestCase

Verify that different epsilon values and historical infos return correct results.


alias of EpsilonFirst


Verify that default values do not throw and error. This is purely an integration test.


Check that the one-arm case always returns the given arm as the winning arm and the allocation is 1.0.


Check that the three-arms cases with integer and float payoffs in exploitation phase return the expected arm allocations.


Check that the three-arms cases with two winners in exploitation phase return the expected arm allocations. This tests num_arms > num_winning_arms > 1.


Check that the three-arms cases with integer and float payoffs in exploration phase return the expected arm allocations.


Check that the two-arms case with one epsilon (always explore) always allocate arm1:0.5 and arm2:0.5 when average payoffs are arm1:1.0 and arm2:0.0.


Check that the two-arms case with zero epsilon (always exploit) always allocate arm1:1.0 and arm2:0.0 when average payoffs are arm1:1.0 and arm2:0.0.


Check that the two-unsampled-arms case always allocate each arm equally (the allocation is 0.5 for both arms). This tests num_winning_arms == num_arms > 1.

total_samples_to_test = [1, 10, 100]

moe.tests.bandit.epsilon.epsilon_greedy_test module

Test epsilon-greedy bandit implementation.

Test default values with one, two, and three arms. Test one arm with various epsilon values.

class moe.tests.bandit.epsilon.epsilon_greedy_test.TestEpsilonGreedy[source]

Bases: moe.tests.bandit.epsilon.epsilon_test_case.EpsilonTestCase

Verify that different epsilon values and historical infos return correct results.


alias of EpsilonGreedy


Verify that default values do not throw and error. This is purely an integration test.


Check that the one-arm case always returns the given arm as the winning arm and the allocation is 1.0.


Check that the three-arms cases with integer and float payoffs return the expected arm allocations.


Check that the three-arms cases with two winners return the expected arm allocations. This tests num_arms > num_winning_arms > 1.


Check that the two-arms case with one epsilon always allocate arm1:0.5 and arm2:0.5 when average payoffs are arm1:1.0 and arm2:0.0.


Check that the two-arms case with zero epsilon always allocate arm1:1.0 and arm2:0.0 when average payoffs are arm1:1.0 and arm2:0.0.


Check that the two-unsampled-arms case always allocate each arm equally (the allocation is 0.5 for both arms). This tests num_winning_arms == num_arms > 1.

moe.tests.bandit.epsilon.epsilon_test module

Test epsilon bandit implementation (functions common to epsilon bandit).

Test functions in moe.bandit.epsilon.epsilon_interface.EpsilonInterface

class moe.tests.bandit.epsilon.epsilon_test.TestEpsilon[source]

Bases: moe.tests.bandit.epsilon.epsilon_test_case.EpsilonTestCase

Verify that different sample_arms return correct results.


Test empty sample_arms causes an ValueError.


Check that the three-arms cases with two winners return the expected winning arms. This tests num_arms > num_winning_arms > 1.


Check that the two-unsampled-arms case always returns both arms as winning arms. This tests num_winning_arms == num_arms > 1.


Disable logging (for the duration of this test case).

moe.tests.bandit.epsilon.epsilon_test_case module

Base test case class for bandit epsilon tests; includes different epsilon values to test.

class moe.tests.bandit.epsilon.epsilon_test_case.EpsilonTestCase[source]

Bases: moe.tests.bandit.bandit_test_case.BanditTestCase

Base test case for the bandit library.

Test different epsilon values.

epsilons_to_test = [0.05, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0]

Module contents

Testing code for the (Python) epsilon bandit policies.

Files in this package * moe.tests.bandit.epsilon.epsilon_first_test: tests for moe.bandit.epsilon.epsilon_greedy.EpsilonFirst * moe.tests.bandit.epsilon.epsilon_greedy_test: tests for moe.bandit.epsilon.epsilon_greedy.EpsilonGreedy * moe.tests.bandit.epsilon.epsilon_test: tests for moe.bandit.epsilon.epsilon_greedy.Epsilon * moe.tests.bandit.epsilon.epsilon_test_case: test cases for classes under moe.bandit.epsilon.epsilon.Epsilon