Source code for moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.gaussian_process_test_case
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Base test case for tests that manipulate Gaussian Process data and supporting structures."""
import pytest
import collections
import numpy
from moe.optimal_learning.python.geometry_utils import ClosedInterval
from moe.optimal_learning.python.python_version.covariance import SquareExponential
from moe.optimal_learning.python.python_version.domain import TensorProductDomain
from moe.optimal_learning.python.python_version.gaussian_process import GaussianProcess
import moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.gaussian_process_test_utils as gp_utils
from moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.optimal_learning_test_case import OptimalLearningTestCase
# See GaussianProcessTestEnvironment (below) for docstring.
_BaseGaussianProcessTestEnvironment = collections.namedtuple('GaussianProcessTestEnvironment', [
[docs]class GaussianProcessTestEnvironment(_BaseGaussianProcessTestEnvironment):
"""An object for representing a (randomly generated) Gaussian Process.
:ivar domain: (*interfaces.domain_interface.DomainInterface subclass*) domain the GP was built on
:ivar gaussian_process: (*interfaces.gaussian_process_interface.GaussianProcessInterface subclass*) the constructed GP
__slots__ = ()
[docs]class GaussianProcessTestEnvironmentInput(object):
"""A test environment for constructing randomly generated Gaussian Process priors within GaussianProcessTestCase.
This is used only in testing. The intended use-case is that subclasses of GaussianProcessTestCase (below) will
define one of these objects, and then GaussianProcessTestCase has some simple logic to precompute the requested
GaussianProcess-derived test case(s).
def __init__(
hyperparameter_interval=ClosedInterval(0.2, 1.3),
lower_bound_interval=ClosedInterval(-2.0, 0.5),
upper_bound_interval=ClosedInterval(2.0, 3.5),
"""Create a test environment: object with enough info to construct a Gaussian Process prior from repeated random draws.
:param dim: number of (expected) spatial dimensions; None to skip check
:type dim: int > 0
:param num_hyperparameters: number of hyperparemeters of the covariance function
:type num_hyperparameters: int > 0
:param num_sampled: number of ``points_sampled`` to generate from the GP prior
:type num_sampled: int > 0
:param noise_variance_base: noise variance to associate with each sampled point
:type noise_variance_base: float64 >= 0.0
:param hyperparameter_interval: interval from which to draw hyperparameters (uniform random)
:type hyperparameter_interval: non-empty ClosedInterval
:param lower_bound_interval: interval from which to draw domain lower bounds (uniform random)
:type lower_bound_interval: non-empty ClosedInterval; cannot overlap with upper_bound_interval
:param upper_bound_interval: interval from which to draw domain upper bounds (uniform random)
:type upper_bound_interval: non-empty ClosedInterval; cannot overlap with lower_bound_interval
:param covariance_class: the type of covariance to use when building the GP
:type covariance_class: type object of covariance_interface.CovarianceInterface (or one of its subclasses)
:param spatial_domain_class: the type of the domain that the GP lives in
:type spatial_domain_class: type object of domain_interface.DomainInterface (or one of its subclasses)
:param hyperparameter_domain_class: the type of the domain that the hyperparameters live in
:type hyperparameter_domain_class: type object of domain_interface.DomainInterface (or one of its subclasses)
:param gaussian_process_class: the type of the Gaussian Process to draw from
:type gaussian_process_class: type object of gaussian_process_interface.GaussianProcessInterface (or one of its subclasses)
self.dim = dim
self.num_hyperparameters = num_hyperparameters
self.noise_variance_base = noise_variance_base
self.num_sampled = num_sampled
self.hyperparameter_interval = hyperparameter_interval
self.lower_bound_interval = lower_bound_interval
self.upper_bound_interval = upper_bound_interval
self.covariance_class = covariance_class
self.spatial_domain_class = spatial_domain_class
self.hyperparameter_domain_class = hyperparameter_domain_class
self.gaussian_process_class = gaussian_process_class
def num_sampled(self):
"""Return the number of ``points_sampled`` that test GPs should be built with."""
return self._num_sampled
[docs] def num_sampled(self, value):
"""Set num_sampled and resize dependent quantities (e.g., noise_variance)."""
self._num_sampled = value
self.noise_variance = numpy.full(self.num_sampled, self.noise_variance_base)
[docs]class GaussianProcessTestCase(OptimalLearningTestCase):
"""Base test case for tests that want to use random data generated from Gaussian Process(es).
Users are required to set the *class variable* ``precompute_gaussian_process_data`` flag and define *class variables*:
``gp_test_environment_input`` and ``num_sampled_list`` (see base_setup() docstring).
Using that info, base_setup will create the required test cases (in ``gp_test_environments``) for use in testing.
The idea is that base_setup is run once per test class, so the (expensive) work of building GPs can be shared across
numerous individual tests.
precompute_gaussian_process_data = False
noise_variance_base = 0.0002
dim = 3
num_hyperparameters = dim + 1
gp_test_environment_input = GaussianProcessTestEnvironmentInput(
hyperparameter_interval=ClosedInterval(0.1, 1.3),
lower_bound_interval=ClosedInterval(-2.0, 0.5),
upper_bound_interval=ClosedInterval(2.0, 3.5),
num_sampled_list = (1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 16, 20, 42)
num_to_sample_list = (1, 2, 3, 8)
@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='class')
[docs] def base_setup(cls):
"""Build a Gaussian Process prior for each problem size in ``cls.num_sampled_list`` if precomputation is desired.
* cls.num_sampled_list: (*list of int*) problem sizes to consider
* cls.gp_test_environment_input: (*GaussianProcessTestEnvironmentInput*) specification of how to build the
gaussian process prior
* cls.gp_test_environments: (*list of GaussianProcessTestEnvironment*) gaussian process data for each of the
specified problem sizes (``cls.num_sampled_list``)
if cls.precompute_gaussian_process_data:
cls.gp_test_environments = []
for num_sampled in cls.num_sampled_list:
cls.gp_test_environment_input.num_sampled = num_sampled
def _build_gaussian_process_test_data(test_environment):
"""Build up a Gaussian Process randomly by repeatedly drawing from and then adding to the prior.
:param test_environment: parameters describing how to construct a GP prior
:type test_environment: GaussianProcessTestEnvironmentInput
:return: gaussian process environments that can be used to run tests
:rtype: GaussianProcessTestEnvironment
covariance = gp_utils.fill_random_covariance_hyperparameters(
domain_bounds = gp_utils.fill_random_domain_bounds(
domain = test_environment.spatial_domain_class(ClosedInterval.build_closed_intervals_from_list(domain_bounds))
points_sampled = domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(test_environment.num_sampled)
gaussian_process = gp_utils.build_random_gaussian_process(
return GaussianProcessTestEnvironment(domain, gaussian_process)