moe.tests.optimal_learning.python package


moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.comparison_test module

Tests for the functions/classes in

class moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.comparison_test.ComparableTestObject(args, property_offset=0, function_offset=0)[source]

Bases: moe.optimal_learning.python.comparison.EqualityComparisonMixin

Object for testing equality comparisons.


Some function; will not be picked up in the comparison.


Some property; will be picked up in the comparison.

class moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.comparison_test.NotComparableObject[source]

Bases: object

Object with == and != disabled.

class moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.comparison_test.TestEqualityComparisonMixin[source]

Bases: object

Test the mixin features of EqualityComparisonMixin.

classmethod base_setup()[source]

Set up test cases for EqualityComparisonMixin.


Test __eq__ and __ne__ operators.


Verify that hashing will fail.

moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.gaussian_process_test_case module

Base test case for tests that manipulate Gaussian Process data and supporting structures.

class moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.gaussian_process_test_case.GaussianProcessTestCase[source]

Bases: moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.optimal_learning_test_case.OptimalLearningTestCase

Base test case for tests that want to use random data generated from Gaussian Process(es).

Users are required to set the class variable precompute_gaussian_process_data flag and define class variables: gp_test_environment_input and num_sampled_list (see base_setup() docstring).

Using that info, base_setup will create the required test cases (in gp_test_environments) for use in testing.

The idea is that base_setup is run once per test class, so the (expensive) work of building GPs can be shared across numerous individual tests.

classmethod base_setup()[source]

Build a Gaussian Process prior for each problem size in cls.num_sampled_list if precomputation is desired.


  • cls.num_sampled_list: (list of int) problem sizes to consider
  • cls.gp_test_environment_input: (GaussianProcessTestEnvironmentInput) specification of how to build the gaussian process prior


  • cls.gp_test_environments: (list of GaussianProcessTestEnvironment) gaussian process data for each of the specified problem sizes (cls.num_sampled_list)
dim = 3
gp_test_environment_input = <moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.gaussian_process_test_case.GaussianProcessTestEnvironmentInput object at 0x119471f90>
noise_variance_base = 0.0002
num_hyperparameters = 4
num_sampled_list = (1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 16, 20, 42)
num_to_sample_list = (1, 2, 3, 8)
precompute_gaussian_process_data = False
class moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.gaussian_process_test_case.GaussianProcessTestEnvironment[source]

Bases: moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.gaussian_process_test_case.GaussianProcessTestEnvironment

An object for representing a (randomly generated) Gaussian Process.

  • domain – (interfaces.domain_interface.DomainInterface subclass) domain the GP was built on
  • gaussian_process – (interfaces.gaussian_process_interface.GaussianProcessInterface subclass) the constructed GP
class moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.gaussian_process_test_case.GaussianProcessTestEnvironmentInput(dim, num_hyperparameters, num_sampled, noise_variance_base=0.0, hyperparameter_interval=ClosedInterval(min=0.2, max=1.3), lower_bound_interval=ClosedInterval(min=-2.0, max=0.5), upper_bound_interval=ClosedInterval(min=2.0, max=3.5), covariance_class=<class 'moe.optimal_learning.python.python_version.covariance.SquareExponential'>, spatial_domain_class=<class 'moe.optimal_learning.python.python_version.domain.TensorProductDomain'>, hyperparameter_domain_class=<class 'moe.optimal_learning.python.python_version.domain.TensorProductDomain'>, gaussian_process_class=<class 'moe.optimal_learning.python.python_version.gaussian_process.GaussianProcess'>)[source]

Bases: object

A test environment for constructing randomly generated Gaussian Process priors within GaussianProcessTestCase.

This is used only in testing. The intended use-case is that subclasses of GaussianProcessTestCase (below) will define one of these objects, and then GaussianProcessTestCase has some simple logic to precompute the requested GaussianProcess-derived test case(s).


Return the number of points_sampled that test GPs should be built with.

moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.gaussian_process_test_utils module

Utilities for generating domains, hyperparameters of covariance, and gaussian processes; useful primarily for testing.

By default, the functions in this file use the Python optimal_learning library (python_version package). Users can override this behavior with any implementation of the ABCs in the interfaces package.

moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.gaussian_process_test_utils.build_random_gaussian_process(points_sampled, covariance, noise_variance=None, gaussian_process_type=<class 'moe.optimal_learning.python.python_version.gaussian_process.GaussianProcess'>)[source]

Utility to draw points_sampled.shape[0] points from a GaussianProcess prior, add those values to the GP, and return the GP.

This is mainly useful for testing or when “random” data is needed that will produce reasonably well-behaved GPs.

  • points_sampled (array of float64 with shape (num_sampled, dim)) – points at which to draw from the GP
  • covariance (interfaces.covariance_interface.CovarianceInterface subclass composable with gaussian_process_type) – covariance function backing the GP
  • noise_variance (array of float64 with shape (num_sampled)) – the \sigma_n^2 (noise variance) associated w/the new observations, points_sampled_value
  • gaussian_process_type (interfaces.gaussian_process_interface.GaussianProcessInterface subclass) – gaussian process whose historical data is being set

a gaussian process with the generated prior data

Return type:

gaussian_process_type object

moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.gaussian_process_test_utils.fill_random_covariance_hyperparameters(hyperparameter_interval, num_hyperparameters, covariance_type=<class 'moe.optimal_learning.python.python_version.covariance.SquareExponential'>)[source]

Generate random hyperparameters (drawn uniformly from the input interval) and returns a covariance object with those hyperparameters.

This is mainly useful for testing or when “random” data is needed so that we get more varied cases than hyperparameters = 1.0.

  • hyperparameter_interval (ClosedInterval) – range, [min, max], from which to draw the hyperparameters
  • num_hyperparameters (int > 0) – number of hyperparameters
  • covariance_type (interfaces.covariance_interface.CovarianceInterface subclass) – covariance function whose hyperparameters are being set

covariance_type instantiated with the generated hyperparameters

Return type:

covariance_type object

moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.gaussian_process_test_utils.fill_random_domain_bounds(lower_bound_interval, upper_bound_interval, dim)[source]

Generate a random list of dim [min_i, max_i] pairs.

The data is organized such that: min_i \in [lower_bound_interval.min, lower_bound_interval.max] max_i \in [upper_bound_interval.min, upper_bound_interval.max]

This is mainly useful for testing or when “random” data is needed so that we get more varied cases than the unit hypercube.

  • lower_bound_interval (ClosedInterval) – an uniform range, [min, max], from which to draw the domain lower bounds, min_i
  • upper_bound_interval (ClosedInterval) – an uniform range, [min, max], from which to draw the domain upper bounds, max_i
  • dim (int > 0) – the spatial dimension of a point (i.e., number of independent params in experiment)

ClosedInterval objects with their min, max members initialized as described

Return type:

list of ClosedInterval

moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.geometry_utils_test module

Tests for the functions/classes in geometry_utils.

class moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.geometry_utils_test.TestClosedInterval[source]

Bases: moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.optimal_learning_test_case.OptimalLearningTestCase

Tests for ClosedInterval’s member functions.

classmethod base_setup()[source]

Set up test cases (described inline).


Check that is_empty works.


Check that is_inside works.


Check that length works.

class moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.geometry_utils_test.TestGridPointGeneration[source]

Bases: moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.optimal_learning_test_case.OptimalLearningTestCase

Test the generation of an evenly spaced, axis-aligned grid on a hypercube.


Test that generate_grid_points generates a uniform grid.

Test makes assumptions about the ordering of the output that may be invalidated by changes to numpy.meshgrid.

class moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.geometry_utils_test.TestLatinHypercubeRandomPointGeneration[source]

Bases: moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.optimal_learning_test_case.OptimalLearningTestCase

Test moe.optimal_learning.python.geometry_utils.generate_latin_hypercube_points.

From wikipedia:

In the context of statistical sampling, a square grid containing sample positions is a Latin square if (and only if) there is only one sample in each row and each column. A Latin hypercube is the generalisation of this concept to an arbitrary number of dimensions, whereby each sample is the only one in each axis-aligned hyperplane containing it.

When sampling a function of N variables, the range of each variable is divided into M equally probable intervals. M sample points are then placed to satisfy the Latin hypercube requirements; note that this forces the number of divisions, M, to be equal for each variable. Also note that this sampling scheme does not require more samples for more dimensions (variables); this independence is one of the main advantages of this sampling scheme. Another advantage is that random samples can be taken one at a time, remembering which samples were taken so far.

classmethod base_setup()[source]

Set up parameters for test cases.


Test that generate_latin_hypercube_points returns properly spaced points.

Sampling from a latin hypercube results in a set of points that in each dimension are drawn uniformly from sub-intervals of the domain this tests that every sub-interval in each dimension contains exactly one point.


Test that generate_latin_hypercube_points returns points within the domain.


Test that domain.generate_random_point_in_domain returns a point in the domain.

moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.linkers_test module

Tests that linkers contain all possible types defined in constants.

class moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.linkers_test.TestLinkers[source]

Bases: object

Tests that linkers contain all possible types defined in constants.

Test each covariance type is in a linker, and every linker key is a covariance type.

Test each domain type is in a linker, and every linker is a domain type.

Test each likelihood type is in a linker, and every linker key is a likelihood type.

Test each optimizer type is in a linker, and every linker key is a optimizer type.

moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.optimal_learning_test_case module

Base test case class for optimal_learning tests; includes some additional asserts for numerical tests.

TODO(GH-175): Generalize ping testing code used in some derivative tests (e.g., covariance, log likelihood pinging) to be more DRY (model after C++ test cases). We can set up one ping tester and just pass it objective functions.

class moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.optimal_learning_test_case.OptimalLearningTestCase[source]

Bases: object

Base test case for the optimal_learning library.

This includes extra asserts for checking relative differences of floating point scalars/vectors and a routine to check that points are distinct.

static assert_points_distinct(point_list, tol)[source]

Check whether the distance between every pair of points is larger than tolerance.

  • point_list (array of float64 with shape (num_points, dim)) – points to check
  • tol (float64) – the minimum allowed (absolute) distance between points

AssertionError when every point is not more than tolerance distance apart

static assert_scalar_within_absolute(value, truth, tol)[source]

Check whether a scalar value is equal to truth: |value - truth| <= tol.

  • value (float64) – scalar to check
  • truth – exact/desired result
  • tol (float64) – max permissible absolute difference

AssertionError value, truth are not equal to within tolerance

static assert_scalar_within_relative(value, truth, tol)[source]

Check whether a scalar value is relatively equal to truth: |value - truth|/|truth| <= tol.

  • value (float64) – scalar to check
  • truth – exact/desired result
  • tol (float64) – max permissible relative difference

AssertionError value, truth are not relatively equal

static assert_vector_within_relative(value, truth, tol)[source]

Check whether a vector is element-wise relatively equal to truth: |value[i] - truth[i]|/|truth[i]| <= tol.

  • value (array of float64 with shape matching value) – vector to check
  • truth – exact/desired vector result
  • tol (float64) – max permissible relative difference

AssertionError value[i], truth[i] are not relatively equal for every i

Module contents

Testing code for the (Python) optimal_learning library.

Testing is done via the Testify package:

This package includes:

Files in this package


  • moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.python_version: tests for the Python implementation of optimal_learning. These include some manual checks, ping tests, and some high level integration tests. Python testing is currently relatively sparse; we rely heavily on the C++ comparison.
  • moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.cpp_wrappers: tests that check the equivalence of the C++ implementation and the Python implementation of optimal_learning (where applicable). Also runs the C++ unit tests.