# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Tests for the functions/classes in geometry_utils."""
import numpy
import pytest
from moe.optimal_learning.python.geometry_utils import ClosedInterval, generate_grid_points, generate_latin_hypercube_points
from moe.optimal_learning.python.python_version.domain import TensorProductDomain
from moe.tests.optimal_learning.python.optimal_learning_test_case import OptimalLearningTestCase
[docs]class TestLatinHypercubeRandomPointGeneration(OptimalLearningTestCase):
"""Test moe.optimal_learning.python.geometry_utils.generate_latin_hypercube_points.
From wikipedia:
In the context of statistical sampling, a square grid containing sample positions
is a Latin square if (and only if) there is only one sample in each row and each column.
A Latin hypercube is the generalisation of this concept to an arbitrary number of dimensions,
whereby each sample is the only one in each axis-aligned hyperplane containing it.
When sampling a function of N variables, the range of each variable is divided into
M equally probable intervals. M sample points are then placed to satisfy the Latin hypercube requirements;
note that this forces the number of divisions, M, to be equal for each variable.
Also note that this sampling scheme does not require more samples for more dimensions (variables);
this independence is one of the main advantages of this sampling scheme.
Another advantage is that random samples can be taken one at a time,
remembering which samples were taken so far.
@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='class')
[docs] def base_setup(cls):
"""Set up parameters for test cases."""
domain_bounds_to_test = [
ClosedInterval.build_closed_intervals_from_list([[-1.0, 1.0]]),
ClosedInterval.build_closed_intervals_from_list([[-10.0, 10.0]]),
ClosedInterval.build_closed_intervals_from_list([[-500.0, -490.0]]),
ClosedInterval.build_closed_intervals_from_list([[6000.0, 6000.001]]),
ClosedInterval.build_closed_intervals_from_list([[-1.0, 1.0], [-1.0, 1.0]]),
ClosedInterval.build_closed_intervals_from_list([[-1.0, 1.0], [-1.0, 1.0], [-1.0, 1.0]]),
ClosedInterval.build_closed_intervals_from_list([[-7000.0, 10000.0], [-8000.0, -7999.0], [10000.06, 10000.0601]]),
cls.domains_to_test = [TensorProductDomain(domain_bounds) for domain_bounds in domain_bounds_to_test]
cls.num_points_to_test = (1, 2, 5, 10, 20)
[docs] def test_latin_hypercube_within_domain(self):
"""Test that generate_latin_hypercube_points returns points within the domain."""
for domain in self.domains_to_test:
for num_points in self.num_points_to_test:
points = generate_latin_hypercube_points(num_points, domain._domain_bounds)
for point in points:
assert domain.check_point_inside(point) is True
[docs] def test_make_rand_point_within_domain(self):
"""Test that domain.generate_random_point_in_domain returns a point in the domain."""
for domain in self.domains_to_test:
for _ in xrange(10):
point = domain.generate_random_point_in_domain()
assert domain.check_point_inside(point) is True
[docs] def test_latin_hypercube_equally_spaced(self):
"""Test that generate_latin_hypercube_points returns properly spaced points.
Sampling from a latin hypercube results in a set of points that in each dimension are drawn
uniformly from sub-intervals of the domain this tests that every sub-interval in each dimension
contains exactly one point.
for domain in self.domains_to_test:
for num_points in self.num_points_to_test:
domain_bounds = domain._domain_bounds
points = generate_latin_hypercube_points(num_points, domain_bounds)
for dim in xrange(domain.dim):
# This size of each slice
sub_domain_width = domain_bounds[dim].length / float(num_points)
# Sort in dim dimension
points = sorted(points, key=lambda points: points[dim])
for i, point in enumerate(points):
# This point must fall somewhere within the slice
min_val = domain_bounds[dim].min + sub_domain_width * i
max_val = min_val + sub_domain_width
assert min_val <= point[dim] <= max_val
[docs]class TestGridPointGeneration(OptimalLearningTestCase):
"""Test the generation of an evenly spaced, axis-aligned grid on a hypercube."""
[docs] def test_grid_generation(self):
"""Test that ``generate_grid_points`` generates a uniform grid.
Test makes assumptions about the ordering of the output that may be invalidated by
changes to numpy.meshgrid.
domain_bounds = ClosedInterval.build_closed_intervals_from_list([[0.0, 1.0], [-2.0, 3.0], [2.71, 3.14]])
points_per_dimension = [7, 11, 8]
# Test that all points are present
grid = generate_grid_points(points_per_dimension, domain_bounds)
per_axis_grid = [numpy.linspace(bounds.min, bounds.max, points_per_dimension[i])
for i, bounds in enumerate(domain_bounds)]
# Loop ordering assumes the output is ordered a certain way.
for i, y_coord in enumerate(per_axis_grid[1]):
for j, x_coord in enumerate(per_axis_grid[0]):
for k, z_coord in enumerate(per_axis_grid[2]):
truth = numpy.array([x_coord, y_coord, z_coord])
index = i * per_axis_grid[2].size * per_axis_grid[0].size + j * per_axis_grid[2].size + k
test = grid[index, ...]
self.assert_vector_within_relative(test, truth, 0.0)
# Also test that scalar points_per_dimension works
points_per_dimension = [5, 5, 5]
grid_truth = generate_grid_points(points_per_dimension, domain_bounds)
points_per_dimension = 5
grid_test = generate_grid_points(points_per_dimension, domain_bounds)
self.assert_vector_within_relative(grid_test, grid_truth, 0.0)
[docs]class TestClosedInterval(OptimalLearningTestCase):
"""Tests for ClosedInterval's member functions."""
@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='class')
[docs] def base_setup(cls):
"""Set up test cases (described inline)."""
cls.test_cases = [
ClosedInterval(9.378, 9.378), # min == max
ClosedInterval(-2.71, 3.14), # min < max
ClosedInterval(-2.71, -3.14), # min > max
ClosedInterval(0.0, numpy.inf), # infinte range
cls.points_to_check = numpy.empty((len(cls.test_cases), 5))
for i, case in enumerate(cls.test_cases):
cls.points_to_check[i, 0] = (case.min + case.max) * 0.5 # midpoint
cls.points_to_check[i, 1] = case.min # left boundary
cls.points_to_check[i, 2] = case.max # right boundary
cls.points_to_check[i, 3] = case.min - 0.5 # outside on the left
cls.points_to_check[i, 4] = case.max + 0.5 # outside on the right
[docs] def test_length(self):
"""Check that length works."""
truth = [0.0, self.test_cases[1].max - self.test_cases[1].min, self.test_cases[2].max - self.test_cases[2].min, numpy.inf]
for i, case in enumerate(self.test_cases):
assert case.length == truth[i]
[docs] def test_is_inside(self):
"""Check that is_inside works."""
truth = [True, True, True, False, False]
case = 0
for j, value in enumerate(self.points_to_check[case, ...]):
assert self.test_cases[case].is_inside(value) == truth[j]
truth = [True, True, True, False, False]
case = 1
for j, value in enumerate(self.points_to_check[case, ...]):
assert self.test_cases[case].is_inside(value) == truth[j]
truth = [False, False, False, False, False]
case = 2
for j, value in enumerate(self.points_to_check[case, ...]):
assert self.test_cases[case].is_inside(value) == truth[j]
truth = [True, True, True, False, True]
case = 3
for j, value in enumerate(self.points_to_check[case, ...]):
assert self.test_cases[case].is_inside(value) == truth[j]
[docs] def test_is_empty(self):
"""Check that is_empty works."""
truth = [False, False, True, False]
for i, case in enumerate(self.test_cases):
assert case.is_empty() == truth[i]